Just — pow.
But he was hot though! But in all seriousness, the Aries lover is nothing if not feisty. And if you're dating an Aries , get ready for lots of sex.
Mecca, founder of astro-coaching practice My Life Created and a writer, filmmaker and transformation coach, knows her stuff as far as the stars. She has plenty to say about the bedroom practices of spirited Aries , and she's quick to underline their gutsiness in and out of the bedroom. Specifically, never hesitate to make the first move, whether it's asking for a date or telling your partner exactly what you want.
Aries are confident as hell , and they shouldn't apologize for or have any qualms about this sexy quality. Instead, use that confidence to get what you want — namely, rough and exhibitionist sex, a pair of handcuffs, and possibly a Libra , Mecca says. The bedroom is an arena in which anything goes, Mecca says: " Aries is a fire sign, ruled by Mars , which makes them very passionate and bold. Mars is known as the God of War, which means that for Aries, arguing is foreplay. Aries can be, well, a little infantile, says Mecca. This can be a plus or a minus, depending on how their lover likes their sex.
Aries Sexual Compatibility
In other words, Aries may have some self-serving qualities, but they can harness pun intended that aggressive — and insatiable — energy into having lots of intense sex. Slip into the bathroom at the bar or keep the blinds open for some classic Aries sex. And don't forget the dirty talk — and screams and squeals.
Bonus points to the lover who is just as loud. It is as if they are used to it and now they simply function in this way.
Aries and Aries Compatibility
Look again — it may be physical or verbal, active or passive. Is it there? There is no better person than another Aries to understand how untrue this assumption is. Two Aries can share deep emotional understanding as if they speak the same language. Unfortunately, Sun is exalted in Aries and often too warm for their balanced functioning.
If a second Sun would enter our solar system, can you imagine what kind of damage its gravity would do? This said, you can understand that it is easier to be with a person ruled by a planet when you yourself are a star.
Aries Sexual Compatibility: Fiery and Passionate in Bed
It is not as if this emotional relationship is impossible, but it can sometimes be difficult for both parties to remain independent, strong and true to their self. If they would agree on specifics, that is questionable. Because of their primal nature, they like to see themselves as fighters for justice. Values any other sign could also have, but not be that passionate about them. Activities to be shared are easily found in this relationship because of their similar energy type and potential.
When two Aries come together, it is imperative for at least one of them to have mastered the art of staying calm. If this is achieved by one of them, not through passive aggression but through rational thought, their relationship can be truly rewarding. As two warm and passionate people, they can share many adventurous moments that raise their energy levels sky high.
Aries and Taurus
If, however, none of them has this rational, grown-up ability, it is only possible to prolong their relationship based on superficial activities and sex, of course. Since the sign of Aries takes Saturn, the wise ruler of time, patience and responsibility to its detriment, one of these partners will have to learn their lesson and take responsibility for the future of their relationship if they are to last in time.
Aries sign - traits, horoscope, personality, dates, characteristics and astrological sign information. Aries man - information and insights on the Aries man. Aries woman - information and insights on the Aries woman.

Aries horoscope - daily, weekly and monthly Aries horoscopes. Aries compatibility - the compatibility of aries with the other astrological signs in love, sex, relationships and life. Aries history - the history of Aries and the stories behind it. Aries symbol - images and interpretations of the Aries symbol and ruler. Aries daily horoscope.