Good monetary situation will help you buy what you had always desired. Something that you had desired at work is likely to be granted.
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You are likely to surprise others by your physical fitness in a friendly competition. Some of you are likely to come a step closer to acquiring property. Measures taken on the financial front will only be effective if you ensure they are followed in letter and spirit. You may be instrumental in bagging a lucrative deal on the professional front. You will be able to improve your health as you turn your focus towards yourself.
Mars Retrograde Dates in 2020:
Love Focus: Your mind may stay focussed on romance, so expect an exciting evening with lover! Your wish for a short break from the work routine is likely to get fulfilled, so start packing your bags! Doing up the property owned by you is indicated and will be a step in the right direction. Financial stability can tempt you for some risky investments, but no loss is foreseen.
Your luck turns for the better and make you achieve the unachievable on the professional front! Despite a dip in physical activity, you are likely to enjoy good health.
Here's Your Horoscope For Today: September 15, 2020
Love Focus: Your attempts at making all the right moves are likely to endear you to spouse, so expect something special! Those on the lookout for a suitable property may get one at a bargain price. Something positive is likely to happen on the academic front today. You will feel financially secure as you tap some new avenues of earning. Your enthusiasm is likely to propel you forward on the professional front.
Love Focus: If romance is what you are after, you will certainly not be disappointed today!
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Home front becomes a happy place as spouse takes special care of you. Field that you have chosen on the academic front is likely to inspire you to put in your best. Someone you have lent money to may dilly dally in returning the amount.
Leo May’15 Horoscope | Cafe Astrology .com
You will manage to step up the pace on the work front and meet an important deadline. Chances of inheriting property look bright for some.
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- Leo (astrology).
Your focus on the academic front will help you climb the heights. Good foresight will not let unexpected expenses upset your budget. Excellent progress is foreseen at work, as you put in your bit. There seems a significant improvement in the condition of someone who is unwell. Follow more stories on Facebook and Twitter. Games New Search.
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So, without much ado, learn what the day holds for all the peeps with star sign as Leo. Leo is the fifth astrological sign in the zodiac chart. People born under this star sign are born leaders. They are dominant, dramatic, self-confident and extremely difficult to resist. They usually have a big friend circle owing to their loyal and generous nature. This star sign has the capability of uniting different groups of people and leading them as one. The people, who are born between July 22 and August 23, share this zodiac sign as they all correspond to constellation Leo.
This day will see you dealing with health-related issues.
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Be careful of your diet and watch it carefully. You will work with responsibility and you will become more serious with your work. In your personal life, everything will go smoothly. Times Now.