Cancer season officially begins on Sunday, June If it's possible to do so safely, consider celebrating your birthday by traveling alone, or buy yourself something you've been eyeing for a while, no matter how small. You may not be able to have the party you normally have by this time next year, but you can still let other people celebrate you.
You deserve to be loved and acknowledged. All eclipses may bring drama and shake-ups, so if you want to avoid any of that, lay low during these dates. In particular, you may want to circle the one occurring in Taurus on Friday, November 19 , which falls in your 11th House of Friendship. This may bring the end of a friendship , perhaps one with an ex. While friend breakups are painful, especially for Cancers, know that this will only make room for new lovers and friends that are even more compatible with who you are now. Try to allow yourself to fully blossom this year, unrestrained by the demands of everyone around you; to do so, you'll need to rid your life of any toxic relationships.
Venus, the planet of love , beauty, and abundance goes retrograde on Sunday, December 19 , in hardworking Capricorn, your 7th House of Partnership.
When Venus goes retrograde, romance usually takes a nosedive, and everyone worries about their love life. However, this transit may signify a fresh new romance or a deeper commitment in an existing one. Trust what you learn and then apply it to your life for magical results.
When Venus squares Pluto on Friday, make sure you connect with your friends—they want to support you as much as you love supporting them. More Goodies. United States. Type keyword s to search. Today's Top Stories.

Your Sex Horoscope for the Weekend. Getty Katie Czerwinski. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
Check out your horoscope below
Related Story. This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano. An ancestral house is likely to come in your name through inheritance. Networking for business will lead to new opportunities. There are people who are willing to help you out, but you have to make up your mind first. Those looking for suitable employment can land a dream job.
Homemakers can remain dissatisfied with the quality of renovation work despite spending time and money on it. Expect the family to support your ideas. You are likely to have your cake and eat it too on the financial front. Some of you stand a good chance for campus recruitment by top multinational companies. Nomination for an award or honor is likely to materialize for some.
An apprehension regarding a financial issue will be laid to rest. Visit to friends or relatives will prove enjoyable. A seemingly perfect matrimonial match may need a relook.
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Health of a dear one may require your time and effort. A balanced approach regarding a manpower management problem will help you sort out the matter. Steps that you take on the health front will certainly lead to perfect fitness.
Your Weekly Horoscopes Are Here! January 1st - January 7th
Your foresight and clarity about goals will help you steer the company in the right direction. Propose a fun outing or a romantic getaway to your lover. Being in the company of optimistic people will give you new insights. Some of you may be drawn to seek spiritual guidance. You may need to display your authority at work to get people in line.
Your weekly horoscope revealed for 21 to 27 December
There is strength in numbers, so garner the support of others before raising an issue at work. Work will progress smoothly. Office is likely to become a fun place, as someone you like warms up to your romantic overtures! Becoming a couch potato can have dire repercussions for some on the health front.
A sympathetic ear to spouse will help in venting his or her pent up feelings. Pending projects will be completed with the support from colleagues. Businessmen may be busy travelling while developing their network and contacts. Depressing thoughts vanish as a special friend or relative arrives to lift up your spirits. You can avoid confusion in family matters provided you are willing to listen to everyone.