Your efficiency will boost your reputation at work. A change of job is likely at the beginning of , or during April-May. In summer, arguments at work may arise. Opponents may cause trouble. Things will improve from September, and there might be a transfer by October. The year ends on a positive note.
Recognition for hard work and creativity may be expected. Businessmen may embark on several work-related trips, especially in the latter part of Financial investments should be made with prudence. Peace and happiness in the family may go for a toss.
Aquarius Career Horoscope 2020
But this can be avoided if you move away from home and stay in a rented house. Money may have to be spent on performing certain duties at home. This could cause some stress. Siblings may have problems and expect you to support them. The health of your parents, too, may cause some stress. The married may face some problems with their spouse.
If there are misunderstandings, have an open discussion as there may be a fall-out between April and May.

To get some privacy and rekindle your romance, plan a short trip somewhere. Your spouse and children will do you proud. Children will need your support. If they are employed, they may want your advice regarding a change of job.
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- Aquarius Monthly Horoscope 2021.
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- Aquarius Horoscope Predictions | Aquarius Horoscope!
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Your spouse will be of help in relieving your immense work pressure. If you need to go away on a work project for some months, your family will support you. Average to good results are possible for students if they put in hard work. In April, there may be success in exams. This will cheer you up, but those appearing for competitive exams this year may not get good results. The beginning of will be better for students, and September, too, will bring good news.
Those pursuing technical subjects will see some slow progress. Maintain distance from the betting market during this time, as there are chances of you incurring losses. Some economic resources may also get procured in paying medical bills for a certain family member.
If you wish to invest in the share market, then do not forget to seek the guidance of an expert professional. Domestic life is expected to remain surrounded with ups and downs. The good news is, you may get to earn some profits from your family members. Elder brother is likely to lay hands on a good job offer. Students may have to face hurdles in their studies due to economic difficulties. The time is not quite favourable for natives who are in love as well as for those who are married.
Thus, maintain a good rapport with your partner. You may also suffer from dental problems during this time, which is why it is advised to avoid spicy food items.
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From the point of view of your career, it can be said that the natives of Aquarius will make the most of their professional life during this time. You will enjoy working and productivity will get generated in you. For the marketing strategies of your company, your communication skills will be of great help. You can also hatch an effective plan in this regard. Boss and senior officials will be pleased with your idea. Your position in the office will increase, which will open doors of progress. A new job offer may also knock at your door, because of which you will remain excited.
However, you are advised to acknowledge the situations carefully before switching jobs. Do not undertake any decision in haste. If you are contemplating to lay the foundations of any Startup, then the necessary funding will be provided to you. With the help of your business partner, you may also crack a new deal which will generate a great number of profits. However, there is no necessity of panicking as the problem will be resolved very soon.
Siblings will provide you with economic assistance during this period. If you are planning to shift to a new house, then some amount of economic resources will get spent. Thus, take care of your budget and include the necessary expenditures which will take place while shifting.
It will not be beneficial for you to invest in the share market at this time. You may invest money in mutual funds with the help of a market expert.
Aquarius Horoscope 2020
A new vehicle may also be purchased during the time of this month by Aquarius natives. According to the monthly horoscope, December will generate mixed results with regards to your income. Your health will be good at the beginning of the month. But as the days go by, so will your health problems.
This month, you may have physical problems in the bowel, lower back and left arm. Take care while exercising in the gym. Because you are likely to get hurt during this time. Fortune Star: 3.
Find free daily predictions for Aquarius zodiac sign
In matters related to love and romance, natives of Aquarius will remain at the receiving end of ordinary results. You may hatch a plan to take a long-distance trip with your love partner. At the workplace, some people may catch your attention. But, do not involve yourself in such matters and quickly get into a relationship with him or her as it may have dire repercussions.
First of all, get to know the person in a full-fledged manner only then make your next move.
The Sign of Aquarius in Vedic Astrology
As far as married natives are concerned, they might take an official trip with their respective life partners. However, they are advised to remain careful in such a trip. Arrogance taking house in your relationship will not prove to be good. The lord of Aquarius is Saturn. Capricorn is the female expression of Saturn, and Aquarius is the male expression. There are no planets exalted in Aquarius, and the Sun is in his debilitation here. What the training periods are and the pleasurable and carefree times of the year.
Your birthday is a more important time to form resolutions, goals, and affirmations. If you get only one astrology reading a year, this is the one to get. Masculine signs are considered to be cruel because they are interested in getting things done more than being and enjoying. Therefore, they are harder and pushier. Cruel Aquarius is self- involved and has no room for anything else but to find validation for itself. What it is saying is that the individuation process requires one to be self-focused. Difficult planetary combinations in Aquarius can indicate a person who gets involved in self-destructive activities that naturally cause problems for other people in their lives.
The air element is intellectually centered, the ability of the mind to arrive at understanding intelligence and curiosity. The air signs are intellectually centered. Intellect is the faculty of the mind by which one can arrive at knowledge. The intellectual faculty of the air signs are not entirely logical, and thus, intellects always find a reason to disagree. Aquarius can understand itself and uses its intellect to come to peace with itself and with others. In horary astrology , if one is looking for a lost object, the air element indicates that the object represented by a planet in the sign of Aquarius is up on something like a shelf high up off the ground.