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- Cancer Love Chart!
- Cancer Love Compatibility!
The peaceful harmony and balance of Libra can really win over any the other signs. But some of your easiest connections will flow with fellow air signs Gemini and Aquarius. You'll never run out of interesting topics to gab about with a chatty Gemini, and intellectual Aquarius will constantly offer you the mental stimulation you need to stay engaged in a relationship.
Fire signs Leo and Sagittarius can also make for exciting partners for you. Libra and Leo share a love for the finer things in life and will be able to keep up for each other's demand for adoration and attention. And if you're chasing a Sagittarius, prepare to have your limits pushed in the best possible way — this sign can help you embrace your inner free-spirit and optimist. Scorpios are known for their love of secrecy, solving problems, and finding truth and justice, and fellow water signs Cancer and Pisces seem to understand their feelings on a deep and unspoken level.
Both signs are fearless in their vulnerability to those they love, and when you're a sign that values devotion as Scorpios are, you want to be with someone else that puts it on a pedestal, too. Love can also come easily with earth signs like Virgo and Capricorn. Virgos are detail-oriented and focused, just like you, so they'll help you refine your plans and encourage you to be more flexible — whereas goal-oriented Capricorns understand your desire for power, and together you can be an unstoppable hardworking duo.
Since Sagittarius can get bored easily you need a partner who can keep things nice and spicy — so sticking with your fellow fire signs is always a safe bet. Aries and Leo both relate to your fiery passionate side and are equally willing to embrace the more exciting parts of life. As two of the most laid-back, anything-goes signs of the astrological chart, air signs Aquarius and Libra are always up for an adventure, Sagittarius-style, making them great matches as well.
Libra will always be optimistic and supportive of your last-minute ideas, while Aquarius will keep you mentally stimulated and philosophically inspired. Capricorns want to get straight to the point, and don't like to waste time — the time of others but especially your own. That said, fellow earth signs Virgo and Taurus make reliable astrological matches.
Cancer Sexual Compatibility: Intuitive and Nurturing in Bed
Both signs are hardworking, practical, and willing to be responsible, which is a must for you. Water signs like Scorpio and Pisces can be good for you, too. Scorpio is equally goal-oriented, so together you'll be able to conquer the highest mountains. And Pisces can bring out your sensitive side, teaching you to focus more energy on your feelings and fantasies.
As an Aquarius, you put your freedom and independence above all else.

The need to have some alone time will never be an issue if you're dealing with a fellow air sign like Gemini or Libra, because they understand your need for space and individuality in ways that other signs may not. But Aquarius can also be compatible with fire signs Aries and Sagittarius. Aries will challenge Aquarius' ideas, stimulating great conversations and inspiring creative new ideas.
Sagittarius, on the other hand, is just as open-minded as you are, which will allow for all kinds of fun adventures together. For Pisces, the being with fellow water signs , which are Scorpios and Cancers, is the best way to ensure a relationship that's harmonious and long-lasting.
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But they can be notorious for starting things and not finishing, whereas Cancers have the opposite habit: never letting go. The key to this pairing is patience. Aries like to move fast, but if they can channel their enthusiasm into slowly revealing to the crab over time that they are loved and taken care of, the chemistry can be explosive. Cancers love being adored, and Aries love showing off their partners and making them feel like rock stars.
The pairing of these two can create almost a celebrity-type presence—shiny and charismatic; but we all know how too many celeb relationships end: messily. Sagittarius is fiery and loud, cracking jokes, jabbering on minute diatribes about how their new religion is not a cult, but a wonderful, peace-loving community where, yeah, you have to sacrifice a toe to join, but so what?! But these two have something major in common: FOOD. Geminis have a lot of good qualities to bring to any romantic partnership: They are funny, enthusiastic, highly intelligent, curious and love to have a good time.
Sure, Cancers like to have fun, but they also need assurances of loyalty, not a Say Anything boombox gesture after a week of not texting back. Cancers are trying to build a future here, people! Leos are bosses. They are also bossy. The only way this match catches fire is with a Leo who can share the spotlight. Which…good luck! Libras love traditional romance, just like Cancers, but their approach is usually coolheaded and intellectual, rather than emotional. If the Libra can reassure the crab on the deepest, most emotional level that they are devoted, then these two will enjoy an Instagram-worthy relationship.
Picture bicycle rides in Montauk, selfies at the Eiffel Tower and double scoops of ice cream. Capricorns are serious about their futures, and they share a bone-dry sense of humor with the introverted crab.
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Capricorns can be kind of cold, but once they are finally done with work for the day, they can be incredibly caring and nurturing. If relationships are work, Capricorns are here to do the work, and that usually makes for a very stable bond.
What Signs Are Compatible With Cancer? | LoveToKnow
One thing these two have in common is they keep their personal business private and present a strong, united front. Together, these over-achievers are the power couple of everyone's dreams. Crabs on crabs understand how important security is to the other, and when it clicks, these two will immediately start construction on a stable future together. This is the couple that throws the fabulous house parties but passes on going out for after-work drinks. It's not that they aren't social, it's just that things are just so much easier if you come to them, no?
Once you're inside the crab shell, they will feed you, pamper you, watch whatever you want on Netflix, etc. Still, Cancers aren't stagnant.
Cancer romantic compatibility with other star signs
They tend to love children and share the work of raising them leaning in at home! Tauruses and Cancers speak the same love language: Money. Sounds tacky, but truly, the bull is known for being superb at managing money, and the Cancer is serious about planning for the future. Emotional and financial security go hand in hand for both signs. But lest you think this would be a mercenary, loveless pairing, remember that Tauruses, like Cancers, love classic hearts-and-flowers romance. This is the match that begs the question: Who will pamper the pamperers?
Virgo loves to serve, and Cancer loves to mother. A long walk in the park full of deep conversation? A long walk in the park mumbling disses at every passerby? Both signs are sensitive and attentive to their loved ones, making for an astrology love match that is likely to stand the test of time quite well. Scorpio : Scorpio can be a prickly love match for many zodiac natives, but this is not the case with Cancer.
Virgo : One of the best things about a Virgo-Cancer pairing is the immense capacity for caring that is there. Both Virgo and Cancer are signs that delight in looking after their loved ones, and their union will be a loving one indeed. They are also great at communicating with each other, despite the fact that Virgo always speaks from a practical standpoint, while Cancer is more emotive.
Libra : Although this pairing does have the capacity for success, it is unlikely, due to the wildy different ways these two individuals function. Cancer is all emotion and feeling, while Libra approaches life on more intellectual terms, causing the two of them to speak completely different languages. Gemini : Although it is possible for Cancer and Gemini to connect well on an emotional level, these two are ultimately far too different to really make for a successful partnership. Cancer is introverted and near hermit-like a lot of the time, while Gemini is insatiably social, preferring to be around other people more often than not.