March 5 birthday horoscope cafe astrology

You seek a little more from your love life and you are likely to receive it. Some of you could fall in love this year, or existing relationships are enhanced. Adventure-seeking is a theme. Pluto is transiting sextile your Sun this year, and your attitude towards life is changing. What used to satisfy you may not continue to do so, particularly if your goals have been superficial or a poor reflection of your inner desires.

You are no longer willing to make compromises in the important areas of your life, particularly with regards to career and your life path. This is a year in which to get your life back on track, as you have the willpower to do so. Others are bound to recognize your leadership skills and talents, or, at the very least, your potential.

You benefit from being more decisive than usual, and your ability to concentrate and focus help you to achieve what you set out to do.

A new project or goal begun this year has a good chance of being successful and long-lasting. It may be that you experience sudden changes or breakups with a friend or lover. However, the chance of a sudden new friendship is just as likely.

Astrology for Beginners: How to Read a Birth Chart 🌝

At the root of this is a stronger taste for the unusual. What is familiar is less exciting to you than what is new and different. If a relationship seems to threaten your sense of freedom, you may have an easy time separating from it. Some fireworks in both your social and financial lives are to be expected. There is good humor, enthusiasm, and spontaneity in your approach to life this year, and your sense of humor is well-developed.

This is a good year for teaching, explaining, and informing. You are better able to see patterns, designs, and the bigger picture.

March 5th Birthday Horoscope 12222-2020

You can bring much artistry, creativity, and imagination to your social life and to your projects this year, in addition to the structure and discipline. When it comes to your love and social life, you are especially magnetic and your relationships are dynamic. You are more competitive and creative, and relationship opportunities are strong. An enterprising spirit this year can really take you places. Sudden opportunities for advancement in different areas of your life appear, particularly related to love, relationships, social life, and finances.

At the heart of this is your ability to recognize and capitalize upon opportunities and potentials. Fortunate events occur as a direct result of your willingness to entertain the unusual and to think outside of the box. This is a potentially strong year for group activities, educational pursuits, writing, publishing, speaking, and humanitarian efforts. You have much personal magnetism this year, attracting people and projects to you.

Leo Daily Horoscope

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  8. Sasstrology Sasstrology offers much more than just daily readings. They put those readings into wider thematic contexts, especially in terms of love and relationships in general. In other words, they use astrology to help make sense of the more complicated aspects of life. Reddit Astrology This astrology forum brings together some , astrology enthusiasts. Popular Astrology Sites. Weekend Love Forecast — Merry Christmas! Dis aster - disconnects and the planets affects? Looking for a Vedic reader 8th house placements Pisces risings or people with Neptune in the 1st, in what way s is your sense of self fluid?

    You easily feel stifled and bored by routine, so that is essential that you choose a life path that allows you the freedom to grow and learn. You may move forward prematurely, failing to complete projects you start, until you discover that your talents lie in inspirational, motivational, and other such fields. You are enthusiastic, versatile, and very humorous.

    You are clearer and more decisive. In fact, this can be a year in which you are bolder, more assertive, and energetic in many ways.

    Astrology Cafe - Daily Astrology

    You are especially interested in setting goals and challenges for yourself at this time, as well as taking the necessary action to meet them. You may meet or interact with others who encourage or inspire you in some way to have more confidence in yourself. Your energy levels are generally strong this year, and your sense of timing better than usual. Independent work is favored and competitive activities may also thrive this year, although you may need to tone things down at times and learn more patience.

    Your passions and enthusiasm run high, and the trick is to channel this extra energy constructively. You also benefit from a supportive transit from Saturn to your Sun, and this can help stabilize key areas of your life. You are practical in your choices for the most part , keeping your feet on the ground and paying attention to, and honoring, tradition as well as tried-and-true methods. You have the power of practicality, realism, and caution on your side during this period. Work you have done in the past begins to pay off — not necessarily in dramatic ways, but in small, measurable ways.

    You may be recognized or rewarded in some way for the efforts you put forth. Because you project a more responsible and credible image, people in authority are more inclined to appreciate you and recognize your work. This is a year in which you put your life in order in some significant manner. Improved concentration, a more realistic outlook, and a practical awareness of the limits of time all help you to make steady progress, particularly in your career. Your concern for your future this year is stronger than usual, and you may find that projects you start, or investments you make, this year will benefit you for years to come.

    This is an excellent year in which to advance projects revolving around communications — writing, speaking, selling, and so forth. Your reputation may be enhanced through word of mouth. Making new contacts through learning and mental pursuits figures strongly as well. You enjoy stronger faith and a feeling that your dreams are realizable. The period ahead is good for tying up loose ends or bringing a major project to completion. This is a powerful time for connecting with others and sharing common goals and pleasures.