Then this horoscope profile is yours. It takes you on a guided tour of your personality. Your zodiac sign is Pisces. Your astrological symbol is Fish. This symbol represents all those born between February 19 and March It stands for fortitude, consciousness, and ambivalence. The celestial body Neptune plays a central role in your life.
This planet empowers you to be enthusiastic about nature, determined, and empathetic. Your governing element is Water. This element works closely with Earth, Fire, and Air to add value to your daily experiences. It has enabled you to remain fresh and to grow in a number of aspects. March 13 people are on the Pisces-Aries Cusp. This is the Cusp of Rebirth. People born on this cusp are hard working. You love your freedom. This is because two celestial bodies, Neptune and Mars, influence your life. Neptune rules over Pisces, while Mars governs your Aries side. As such, you come across as fantastical, imaginative, and creative.
The Cusp of Rebirth has enabled you to enjoy a good financial position.
This mostly comes from the fact that you are a workaholic. Your astrological chart shows that you have a good health.
March 13 Zodiac is Pisces - Full Horoscope Personality
However, you need to be wary of infections touching on your blood circulation and feet. March 13 zodiac people are adventurous when it comes to matters of the heart. They show a high level of enthusiasm when they are faced with the prospect of a new lover. You are quick to fall in love, as you are fast to fall out of it. This is because you are averse to attachments.
You dislike being committed to one partner for long. Do you know why? It is because you love fun and the thrill of adventure. You are a wanderer whose love is fleeting.
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Your astrological chart shows that you are likely to be love struck at some point in your life. When this happens, you will display a lot of love and affection towards the object of your love. At times, you will show fits of jealousy. We advise that you tone down on this. This decan belongs to people born between March 11 and March The planet Pluto has a lot of influence on this decan. As such, you show such qualities as intuition, enthusiasm, determination, and kindness. People perceive you to be a kind of a softy.
MAY 13 ZODIAC – Ultimate Guide to Birthday Horoscope – ZODIAC
This may not be entirely true. Actually, your intuition has made you into a cocky fellow. You are compassionate. Once you know the needs of a person, you are more than willing to sort them out. You concentrate on the best side of people and ignore their weaker sides. All the same, you are an accepting person. People appreciate your honesty, adaptability, and giving nature. You have an inborn ability to make the right call. Although you tend to be a bit over-confident and cocky, nobody can really fault you for this.
However, your cockiness can lead to disaster when it comes to love matters. Nevertheless, cockiness can be an advantage when it comes to business. For you, experience is not the best teacher. It is the only teacher!
Everything that you are and everything you will become will be earned through experience. Although this may seem problematic and painful at first, it pays off in the end. Your magic color is Dark Blue.

This is the color of inner calm. It exudes strength, confidence, and power. In spite of the fact that this color reflects your personality, remember not to get ahead of yourself.
March 13 Birthday Astrology
Slow but sure does it! March 13 Zodiac Sign Were you born on March 13? Read on to understand who you truly are! Love and Compatibility for March 13 Zodiac March 13 zodiac people are adventurous when it comes to matters of the heart. What are the Traits of a Person Born on March 13? Your Career Horoscope You are a trustworthy person.
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You are good at keeping secrets, and people trust you for this. You can excel in the fields of entrepreneurship, surgery, law, and politics.
Who know's what is in store for you! Check out your birth date meaning.
Final Thought… Your magic color is Dark Blue. Sharing is caring! Share Pin. You will be moved easily by your surroundings. You also easily influenced by your false friends. Due to some cases you may be inclined to addiction to drugs or drinks. You have a soul in you. Your soul is highly possessed with the artistic sense. Due to your artistic quality you possess proper sense of literature, music and even art. You have an exceptional want.
You like to buy the antique pieces or even the rare painting. You may have vision, dreams.