Gemini distrusts emotions and tends to see those who let their emotions and intuitions guide them as irrational, while Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces would experience Gemini as cold, shallow, and abstract. In a romantic soulmate relationship, the lessons for Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces would be to learn to put their feelings and needs into words and become more objectively self-aware. The lesson for Gemini would be to learn to communicate their deeper feelings.
As strange as it seems, Cancer might be Gemini' s most likely candidate for a soulmate relationship. Though an odd couple, Gemini and Cancer have a lot to learn from each other. Mind and emotion meet in this coupling, creating a kaleidoscope of shifting mental and emotional energy that fascinates them both.
Both are moody quick-change artists and when together, the switch from high to low and playful to melancholy can dazzle them both. These two wander in different worlds, in different ways, and for different reasons. Gemini wanders the outer world seeking variety. Cancer wanders in the inner world of human emotions. Geminis find the home sense of place that often eludes them in Cancer, as well as a person who can tolerate and accept their youthful exuberance and adolescent style of behavior, and guide them to do better.
Cancer is intrigued but Gemini and finds their mental agility and witty intelligence and zingy one-liners attractive and uplifting. Gemini is captivated by Cancer's warmth and humor, and by the sensitivity Cancer exudes. Cancer nurtures and encourages the playful child in Gemini, and this satisfies them both. Gemini teaches Cancer to lighten up, lifts them out of the emotional doldrums, and brings joy to their lives. They also learn to move out of their comfort zone, explore new places and activities, and to be more open, straightforward, and friendly than they usually are, while Gemini learns the benefits of heartfelt, gentle, romantic gestures, and respect for family ties.
However, their relationship will not always be comfortable. Soulmate relationships seldom are.
Gemini Compatibility - Best and Worst Matches -
Each has their work cut out for them regarding negotiating the swift currents of their ever-changing dispositions and their fundamentally different approach to life. However, as odd and incompatible as this coupling might seem, each provides a complementary, missing component for the other.
Gemini is the masculine mutable air sign of the zodiac. This means a Gemini is an on the go, curious individual, who knows a little about a lot and can hold a conversation on a variety of topics. Geminis are on a search for variety.
They are forever young, amazingly adaptable and versatile, seldom boring, and are renowned for their friendly, carefree natures. They are usually high-strung, intellectually and sexually curious, friendly, flirty, fickle, witty, and creative. Negatively, they can be intellectually and emotionally shallow, gossipy, prone not to keep their promises and to create a scene or start an argument for their amusement. Meeting a soulmate can be scary for Geminis, who are the lighthearted playboys and playgirls of the zodiac and are generally into friends with benefits affairs.
Crushing on a Gemini? Okay, Here’s What You Need to Know…
No-one will understand the twin nature of a Gemini quite like another Gemini. Sounds pretty fantastic, right? Cancerians are looking for someone to share their life, dreams and feelings with. Both of these signs bring different personality traits to the table, but what all three share is passion, spirit and desire. The most important thing for a Leo when it comes to relationship is fire. They want sparks, they want fireworks and they want enough passion to drive a Shakespeare play. The reason for this is values: an earth sign always wants to be aligned to someone with the same sense of groundedness and focus as themselves.
And when it comes to relationships, only Taurus and Capricorn can give that to a Virgo.
Loved this? Libra 24 Sep to 23 Oct Most compatible with: Leo and Aquarius or another Libra Balance in all things is paramount to Librans when it comes to their relationship, which is why Librans are often drawn to a star sign that is mostly in opposition to themselves Leo or one that is similar. Sagittarius 23 Nov to 21 Dec Most compatible with: Aries and Leo Sagittarians live for adventure and new experiences, especially in their relationship.
Capricorn 22 Dec to 20 Jan Most compatible with: Virgo and Pisces As above, Capricorns are happiest with fellow earth signs Virgo and Taurus, safe in the knowledge that each partner shares the same hopes, dreams and ambitions. Shop the range.
Which Signs Are Compatible With Gemini?
Pre-Order Now. Rated 4. Rated 5. It is hard to get bored in a relationship with an Aries native. This sign is constantly busy and doing something new.
Aries thrives on situations most other signs would prefer to avoid. This makes Aries a lively companion for Gemini. Gemini is also able to manage the combative nature of Aries in a way few other signs can. Gemini is easy-going and rarely gets riled or upset. Natives of this sign are able to go with the flow and enjoy whatever comes their way. Indeed, when Aries tries to start an argument, Gemini will view it as an intellectual challenge.
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Gemini will happily be a verbal sparring partner for Aries, and fights will generally end with a wonderful time in the bedroom. Scorpio is considered the worst match for a Gemini. They have no common basis for understanding each other, and they have a very difficult time communicating with each other. The differences between these signs are not easily reconciled. The only thing that these signs can do is to develop a sense of humor and learn to agree to disagree. An even more difficult problem between these signs is that Gemini has an absolute need for social engagement with a wide variety of people.
This can invoke deep jealousy on the part of Scorpio, especially if it seems like Gemini is flirting with other people. Gemini will not have an intuitive sense of what Scorpio would want to keep confidential, so this is an easy mistake for Gemini to make. For a Scorpio native, this will feel like an even deeper betrayal than if Gemini had cheated on them sexually, and Scorpio has a very hard time forgiving real or perceived betrayals of any kind.
Gemini and Taurus struggle with the day to day aspects of being together. Taurus wants to do the same thing, the same way, all of the time.

Taurus hates change and becomes extremely uncomfortable when change is inevitable. Gemini needs variety and hates doing the same thing the same way more than once. Neither of these signs is combative, and so they will avoid fighting with each other. While this is good in some ways, it can leave both of these signs happy and uncomfortable.
While it is possible a compromise could be reached between these two signs, there is an added complication. This complication is that Gemini does not tend to stick around to work through difficulties. Instead, this sign tends to move on. Another major complication between these signs is that Gemini loves to flirt, and Taurus is notoriously jealous. This could lead to an intense conflict between these normally easy-going signs. There is also a great deal of sexual chemistry between these signs, which will increase the likelihood of a relationship forming.
Yet, there are many pitfalls in a relationship between these two signs. One of the biggest pitfalls is that their reason and intellect rule Gemini natives, and their intuition and emotions rule Pisces natives. Gemini may have trouble giving Pisces the emotional support that this sign needs, and Pisces may have a hard time being satisfied with the level of intimacy that is possible with Gemini.
A less obvious difficulty will come from the similarities between these signs. Neither of these signs is known to be very practical or consistent. Both of these signs do better when they are with someone who can provide balance in these areas, and they will not be able to provide balance for each other. Gemini men are attracted to people who can constantly stimulate and challenge them. They will often find this in fellow air signs Libra and Aquarius, as well as the charismatic fire signs Leo and Aries.