Upon entering Sagittarius, the Sun trines Chiron and Salacia, forming a bond between the spiritual attributes of Sagittarius and the healing and sexual maturity elements of the Chiron-Salacia conjunction. The two inform and support one another, and verge on irrelevant or easy to misconstrue without one another. The Congress chart features a number of deep conjunctions that are currently developing. Conjunctions represent the beginnings and endings of cycles, and other significant aspects.
We know that in the background of all of this is the Saturn-Pluto conjunction a three-time-per-century event. This takes place in less than eight weeks, and will coincide with the impeachment trial before the United States Senate. This is a fitting aspect, as the U.
It is now close enough to be in full effect. Currently, Jupiter is aligned with the Galactic Core. On Sunday, Venus makes a conjunction with Jupiter. It would be a challenge to think of a more optimistic aspect. This blends the tangible, worldly, physically and emotionally grounded nature of Venus with the knowledge and truth nature of Jupiter. Behind them is the Galactic Core, what I consider the spiritual homing signal of our local cosmic home-base.
The core is the center of our spiral island, the Milky Way. At the center is a supermassive black hole. As one approaches the core, the scene is chaotic; stars are orbiting rapidly, colliding with one another, and the heat and radiation are intense. Conditions at the core lead one to appreciate the relatively placid cosmic weather we experience where we are, 25, light years away.
For example, the most recent Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Sagittarius was in There were two in that year, the earlier one at about 7 degrees and the later at about 20 degrees. There was a triple conjunction of Mercury, Jupiter and Venus in , also away from the core at about 11 degrees. So a major Jupiter event on the Galactic Core is itself a generational event. This was one of the discoveries that was being publicized by my late colleague Jonathan Cainer in the early s, and which new discovery specialist Phil Sedgwick has taught about frequently.
Ixion describes something troubling in the human psyche — the impulse to murder, and the squandering of second chances. Ixion was a human and mortal, a king who was in Greek lore the first human to commit murder. One could hardly come up with a worse idea. Hera creates a decoy — an image of herself in the clouds, which Ixion manages to rape, and becomes father to the race of centaurs besides Chiron and probably Pholus, who are of a different lineage.
To me, Ixion represents the concept of amorality.
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This theme has been a troubling factor, at least to my sensibilities, for all the years that Ixion has been moving through Sagittarius and entering the core. Guilt over this drove Ixion mad and the princes of the neighboring kingdoms refused him catharsis to cleanse his guilt because they were so offended by his violation of their strict code of guest-host relations. So he lived as an outlaw and was shunned. However the king of the gods, Zeus, took pity on him and brought him to Olympus and introduced him to the other gods.
Zeus got wind of it and substituted a cloud in the shape of his wife, with whom Ixion mated and through this act fathered the Centaurs, who are half-horse and half-human. For this he was expelled and bound to a burning wheel and sent spinning across the heavens for all eternity.
At the unconscious level the myth suggests the action of this dwarf planet will involve broken promises and retribution leading to an outcast, outlaw status. And there is the danger that second chances will be wasted through the arousal of base passions. And at the spiritually evolved level he offers us the opportunity to define our own rules and live life on our own terms, while respecting the implicit agreements in our relationships and transmuting our base emotions. Ixion is currently about to retrograde back into Sagittarius after a couple of months stationary at 0 degrees Capricorn.

These two months saw the collapse of the share market and big changes in social order brought about by the Corona virus. These events are more the playing out of the recent Saturn Pluto Ceres conjunction, but Ixion has certainly lent a lawless wilfulness to our experience of the structural challenges we face at this time. It is a very hard thing to teach because there are no rules, making it essentially a lawless art form.
But it was only when I started looking at my Ixion transits that I realised the full significance of it all. I had been working on my first novel about a clown called Moontan for some years and I have Venus in Scorpio in the 11th House, square Pluto in Leo in the 8th. Fortunately Short-Run-Printing had just come in, meaning you could print just a thousand books and still make a profit selling them at market rates. These were the days after the monopoly of the big publishers being the only ones who could afford to print in large enough numbers to make money and before Print-on-Demand like we have today.
So as Ixion transited conjunct my Venus, quintile my Mars, and trine my Jupiter and Uranus, and the Sun transited square my natal Ixion, I submitted the files to self publish the book. How many people do you know who are Addicted to their Victim Stories? What Victim Stories are You Addicted to?
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They might make good material for you to practice on, Separating Emotion from Thinking, and using Sensation as a Guide to keep you Feeling and not Thinking. You want to Feel it, not Think it. The grammatical Objects we love to add to Feelings are thinking , not Feeling. When an Emotion is Karmic , its roots are not in the Current Lifetime, so dwelling on some Current-Lifetime Chagrin will never touch it.
And a Karmic Emotion will be cemented in by a zillion iterations, so if you have a Story about it from a different Lifetime, dwelling on that Story is just more Karmic masturbation. Just more Thinking when you need Feeling. No Judgment. It Is What It Is. We can Follow it, if we still have Attention to spare, or we can Change the Subject , wait a while, and see that happens. The fact that our Forbidden Genius is Verboten is almost certainly Karmic. Then Change the Subject , and tune in tomorrow to see if anything Feels different.
Then rinse and repeat. Thanks a million, Kristin! Goddess knows we can use that! I discovered how to use this color without having to post-process the whole post , and see what happens if we consider it an Almost-Complete-Configuration. The Challenge is basically then, How are we going to Love Ourselves Unconditionally when we know that our Culture and most of our Species is on a Suicidal trajectory and people just Glaze Over when we point out that the Sky is Falling?
They have their own Free Will, whether they Recognize it or not. They who Fart in Church sit in their own Pew. We can have Empathy and Compassion for them, but do we really want to Follow them to their Self-Genocide. The notion that our Planet is Only Physical , and therefore unable to Manifest Differently to each Observer, is a 3D Trance that we need to be willing to shed.
Yes we can. Wind is Uranian, the Higher Manifestation of Mentality. So then, How are we going to Love Ourselves Unconditionally when we know that our Culture and most of our Species is on a Suicidal trajectory and people just Glaze Over when we point out that the Sky is Falling?
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Why not make it Easy on ourself? Well, turns out there is a planet there, an asteroid. This is more Indirect than I prefer to go, but it verifies that the process works. Curiosity is the primary keyword assigned to the five-Sign Angle Quincunx , in both Ego astrology and Growth astrology. But in Growth astrology we want you to replace the Question Mark that follows Curiosity in Ego astrology, with a period.
They are products of Thought and its need to reduce everything to Duality. Is your Life absolutely Perfect the way it is?
The Blessing of Ixion - Pluto's lawless brother
For instance,. Here, by the way, is the chart for the Saturn Station — a Flying Squirrel with one ear missing…. The dwarf planets, especially those out beyond Pluto, represent essential fragments of the Universal Unconscious, and by extension essential fragments of our Cultural and Personal Unconscious. The Personal Unconscious comprises everything that the Ego disowns.
Those lines are our first Barrier to Expressing our Genius.
The next couple of Barriers are the lines we have to keep ourself under Control. Some of those were installed by our Programmers, some are Karmic , some follow from our Values, and some from our Personality or our Experiences. Was it just not done in our Family of Origin? Were we Punished for it?
Did we ever have occasion to do it? Did we do it then? Was it Spontaneous, or did we have to Overcome our own Resistance?
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What happened? Were we Embarrassed? Was our Message Received? Did we Get what we were Shouting For? The Moon is about our Instincts, and Emotionality. If we Discount our Intuitions, the Likelihood increases. How do we Differentiate Instinct from Emotionality? Wishful thinking, or a glimpse of the Future? And of course the Coronavirus has everyone riled up. I can easily picture the Antichrist Abusing another reporter for quoting what he said before he had to pretend that whatever happened was all his idea.
Or other unsettling news about the Pandemic.