This would bring progress to a stand still. The situation would be further compounded by a near-total lack of opportunities. The climate would also not be congenial for investment or new ventures. There is nothing very favourable for your professional prospects this month, as far as the augury from the stars is concerned. Your ability to get workout of your subordinates would meet with stiff opposition. You might tend to exploit your workers or juniors, which would create seething discontent against you.
You would do well, therefore, to keep this situation under control otherwise work could come to a stand still. There would be a lot of travel, but this also would bear little fruit, because of a basically disorganised approach to your own affairs still any sojourn to the East would bring some gains but this, too, could only be marginal. Nothing particularly favourable, about the augury from the stars this month, in so far as your educational prospects are concerned.
Most of you would lack the drive and motivation necessary for success. This would take away the competitive edge from your efforts. You would have to look inwards to revive your spirits and to move forward in a determined manner. Still, those sitting for competitive examinations should go in for extra coaching, since under the circumstances, this would be very necessary, and could well decide the outcome of your efforts. Technical students would probably have the most difficult time and should therefore, remain patient and persevere.
A month during which the gains from travel may be very difficult to come by since the stars facing you have sketched such a picture for your affairs, The hub of your problems would be the extent of unnecessary travel that you undertake both official and non-official. This would create a great deal of waste and all round difficulties.
Think hard and rift the necessary from the unnecessary and a majority your problems would be solved. Perhaps you are wondering what zodiac signs will hit the jackpot in all domains of life this year. It seems that brings excellent news for at least three signs. The women born in Aries, Gemini, and Sagittarius will be successful in everything they plan to accomplish.
January is very important in terms of dynamism, as Mars reaches this sign and good initiatives towards Aquarius will take place, from where some influential friends will also appear. In February , the 17 th and 18 th of the month are extremely lucky in terms of career. On February 4 th , you will take a test of courage, and towards the middle of the month, there will be a perfect time to solve any sentimental problems.
Aquarius Horoscope – Astrology King
In March , the health issues get solved, and the end of the month turns out to be favorable. The 4 th , 7 th , and 9 th of the month are good days for any love affairs for those born in Taurus, Scorpio, and Pisces. The dates for Mercury Retrograde :. In Aquarius, Mercury gets a strong emotional resonance. Difficulties in expressing feelings will occur, and tears become a daily habit. During this period, many of us will retreat in solitude to avoid emotional wounds.
Also, we tend to keep more secrets, to sweep the dirt under the rug. In Gemini, Mercury retrograde also has an impact on emotions and feelings. Now, we will no longer find refuge in solitude, but the family is directly affected. The relationship with the relatives will suffer, and different problems from the past come to light, which shook your family life, leaving untreated wounds.
In Libra, Mercury retrograde acts at depths that are usually untouched.
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This is the third time Mercury is retrograde in Mercury in Libra also affects the way we behave in bed, which is another domain where misunderstanding may occur within the couples where one is passionate, and the other is rather cold, or when one is open to any experience, and the other has too many taboos. March focuses on both your finances and your romantic relationships.
If you have had a project in mind for work, now is the best time to pitch it. Your ambition shines this month. April has its focus on the family. Saturn in Capricorn, beginning in the middle of this month, will help to add stability to your family life. May keeps the focus on your family. Your love life will also have a boost. Take time to think before you do anything. Act slowly this month.
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June can be confusing, as you may feel stuck and not know what to do with yourself. If you find yourself feeling this way, ask for advice from your loved ones. In other news, this is a great time to work on your hobbies. July shares a focus between your career and your love life. For most of July, Venus will be in Leo, which will make you more passionate and ambitious. August blesses you with energy from several of the planets. You are likely to feel very productive this month. This is also a great time to work on your social life.
September brings you luck in your social life. If you find yourself stressed out this month, you can turn to your family and loved ones to help you find your calm again. October brings the focus on your emotions. You are likely to feel lighthearted. This can help to boost your relationships with your friends and loved ones.
November may make you feel a little slowed down. Take this as a sign to rest and decompress. Your troubles will pass. Rely on your friends if you ever feel too down.
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December ends the year on a high note, with your relationships in the spotlight. You are also likely to feel more creative this month; this makes December a great time to work on your hobbies.
Monthly Horoscope for January 2021
Aquarius Horoscope predicts that you will live in peace and harmony, save for the minor hiccups from time to time. It will be paramount for you to set aside any selfish ambitions and improve life for those around you.
You are a strong gateway for yourself and others in your family this year. Your acts of charity will impact many people. They will give you much fulfillment and peace. Aquarius horoscope foretells that you will be growing on various fronts. These changes should not cause you anxiety as they will be happening according to the higher plans. You will be more confident to take chances and start new ventures.

You will need to get mentorship to channel your energies to initiatives that will help you establish a long-lasting legacy. On the night of 31 December and the morning of 1 January, people in many countries all over the world will celebrate the beginning of a new year. How will they celebrate and how did this tradition begin?
Yearly and Monthly Horoscope Predictions Horoscope for various zodiac signs. The predictions give an outline of events likely to occur in the different areas of life such as career, finance, love relationships, family, health, and education. Share Tweet Email Share. Good things will come to you if you have a healthy social life in Read on for horoscope predictions for Aquarius! Photo: ganeshaspeaks.
Money and Career Horoscope
Aquarius Love Horoscope in Even with your fixed nature, a romance must always carry the promise of something new to keep you interested. Aquarius Career Prospects For Photo: honey. Aquarius Finance Horoscope As a fixed sign, holding onto money comes rather naturally to you. Aquarius Family Predictions Pluto in Capricorn will encourage you to let go of anything that is holding you back. Health Horoscope for Aquarius When it comes to health, Aquarius individuals are known to be more careful with regard to their fitness and routine activities.
Aquarius Monthly Horoscopes in Photo: stylecaster. Summary: Aquarius Horoscope Aquarius Horoscope predicts that you will live in peace and harmony, save for the minor hiccups from time to time. Related stories.