With Mars in Taurus from the 22nd, new opportunities for love and professional growth will come your way. This is also a great time for those of you battling unemployment, as many opportunities will surface. As of April 6th, you will enjoy an excellent financial and professional period and you will make wise financial decisions with Jupiter, the planet of expansion, moving into Capricorn, the sign of ambition, according to Astroyogi. This is a very special time for marriage or for entering into a relationship with someone special.
This fortuitous luck continues into May with finances, work, and career all doing well. However, you may experience a hiccup in your wellbeing and become drawn to introversion owing to the plodding nature of Venus in Taurus from the 4th. This can be transformative for Scorpio natives as you need the time to reflect before moving forward. As we move into June, your personal life takes on a blissful tone and this is a truly glorious time for romance and love. Your relationships will flourish. Professionally you may find that the fruits of your labor are delayed.
You may feel a little low and lackluster; your self-confidence will need to pick up. Over the next month, things begin to excel professionally and financially.
Horoscopes: What Each Zodiac Sign Has In Store In | StyleCaster
You bring a beautiful blend of excitement and enthusiasm to the month, which keeps you drawing abundance and plenty. There are also a great number of opportunities for those seeking change. This continues well into August with a period of tremendous success and achievement.
Victory is assured in all areas. Financially, things begin to cool off in September so you should make sensible decisions about your spending. In October you may be prone to taking inventive risks, especially in business. In November, Mercury moves into your own sign of Scorpio on the 21st and you begin to work at the speed of light but there will be challenges, though nothing that you cannot overcome. You end the year on a powerful note with your finances, personal life, and career in order, though there may be a few loose ends to tie.
This year will deepen your wisdom, compassion, and understanding of life, and you will experience the joy of self-worth as you reflect on what you have achieved. For Scorpio natives, love is an intense and daring adventure or nothing at all. You seek depth in love and in many ways your partner is a mirror, reflecting back your own nature.
You learn a great deal from your romantic relationships and this area takes on great and transformative significance for you. Your intuition is your greatest asset when it comes to the search for a partner so make sure that you always listen to what your gut wants to tell you. The more you lessen, the greater your understanding will be. February is a great month for falling in love thanks to the consistency of Mars in Taurus present from the 22nd but in March you need to make sure that you watch actions rather than listen to words so that you can get a good feel for who someone really is.

On April 6th Jupiter moves into Capricorn presenting a great time for marriage should it be something you wish to consider. The end of the year sees your content and prosperous but possibly needing to tie up a few loose ends, perhaps little arguments or differences in opinion? Ultimately all has gone well for you in the love department!
Your superpower across all areas of life is your powerful sense of intuition. Younger Scorpios may struggle to listen to it or choose to ignore it or drown it out but with the time you learn to put stock in your gut instincts and the more you listen to them, the stronger they become. You start this year with a keen awareness of what would be good for you career-wise with Venus moving into Sagittarius on the 4th of January. A Scorpio with its eyes on the prize cannot be deterred.
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You bring a lot of balance to work which stops you from bringing too much intensity to the table. As February strikes you become very magnetic and impactful at work — if you want to make an impression now is the time. If this year teaches you anything it should be that you have a raw, primal, almost animal ability to check into your surroundings and to suss out what is best for you.
You should trust this skill-set and put it to work so that you can improve your tidings in the coming year. You have an almost magical understanding of money and how to make it and you may find that money comes to you in very unusual ways or from unexpected places. Your tendency toward extremes can mean that you earn and lose money in an almost see-saw like motion, but with a little balance, you can iron out any kinks in your attitude towards money and make things work for you.
Of course, what you seek is abundance and this is what you shall find this year.
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When you tune into your understanding of people, circumstances, and environments, you are able to generate quite a neat little income for yourself. The start of the year is not the time for investment, with Mercury in Capricorn on January 5th your picker may be a little off, so you should avoid this for now. You need to carry this attitude of caution through into March so that no-one is able to deceive you financially. As we move into April you enjoy a strong financial period with Jupiter moving into Capricorn on the 6th which continues on throughout the year with only a few minor blips to be mindful of.
In September things cool off a little so you will want to take stock of your financial situation for the final part of the year so that you end in a promising position. Try to clear off any debts and get a solid financial plan in place. Remember, when you trust your instincts special things happen. Scorpio Health Horoscope According to the Scorpio Health Horoscope , this year will give you mixed results in terms of health. In this case, predictions based on Scorpio Health And Fitness Horoscope advises you to take care of your eating habits and avoid consuming fried or oily foods as any disease or illness, if contracted, can stay with you for a longer period, according to Astrosage.
Hence, do not ignore the circumstances and consult a doctor as soon as possible. Yearly Health Predictions for Scorpio zodiac natives reveal that the months of January, February, March, April, and May will especially prove to be unfavorable for you. Apart from this time, you will get good results throughout the year. A month full of good luck in health.
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You do not have to worry about the state of your health even if you suffer from chronic illnesses. This month best for your travels. It is full of good luck when you travel for work because you will achieve big business deals. This is a month that will favor your family relations. You will be able to get a stronger relationship with your father and get wholehearted blessings.
Scorpio Monthly Horoscope 2021
This month is not very favorable in some aspects. However, do not let that discourage you from working hard at work and maintaining healthy relationships at home. This month greatly favors your work and career. You will be able to accomplish big goals without struggling with loads of work. Some of your children will be a great source of joy and satisfaction. They will be obedient and perform well in school. This month does not hold much promise for your finances. This is a great time to flirt away with the single Scorpios. Any future partners will be careful to clothe them with the year to come.
In marriage horoscope , Scorpio's will be encouraged to forge good love and marriage ties. Better time for your vows to renew. Some of you are currently establishing some of the strongest contacts or links. The Scorpio family horoscope calculations suggest that for many years this has been a significant and very volatile region.
Uranus is leaving your 4th home especially for those of you who were born from 23 October to 5 November. Things are more "settled," but this year and for many years to come your fourth house is still solid, so house and family are still one of your big long-term interests. Your family life would be very smooth and enjoyable. Scorpio native people are experiencing a wonderful time this year in virtually all aspects of their lives. But they must go slowly, take things slowly, step by step and not hurry over stuff and connections.
Patience is a virtue that you now have to practise. In personal and professional life, the year also promises positive news for the native people. But then watch your mental wellbeing closely. Establish strong relations in marriage and love. Talk out your heart and don't have a partner's lies in order to taste the relationship. Scorpio individuals who are enrolled in a job should make each and every move very cautiously. You may face difficulties in your job and you will get good results only after working hard throughout the year.
If you want to earn a good place by performing well in your job, then for that you have to overcome some of your personal problems along with your day to day tasks. Keeping distance from mental stress, abandoning laziness and working alone will make you successful. The beginning of the year can be challenging. However, the middle of the year will be relatively favorable and you will get better results in your job. If you do not hold back from working hard in the first few months, then understand that the latter half of the year will help you in the job.
In the middle of the year, i.