Here's the Latest Episode from Cosmic Cousins:
For those individuals who have experienced discrimination because of racism, the Gemini North Node encourages you to speak up, to write and share your point of view. For those individuals who have not, the Gemini North Node asks you to acknowledge this through reading, journaling, discussion, education, and learning. This type of aspect is considered to be full of tension, with the potential for a major breakthrough. All three of these planets are Mutable signs, indicating change and adaptability. Mars is the planet of Divine Action and rules over activism, physical activity, and ambition.
Pisces is the sign of Universal Compassion, peace, and the end of karmic cycles. As a Collective Water sign, Pisces connects us to the emotions of groups of people. We feel this reflected in the peaceful protesting taking place Pisces Mars , while also a deep well of emotion that has been building for centuries is coming to a head.
The information we are receiving around duality Gemini Sun is coming up to a stand off with the action we are ready to take for karmic release and peace.
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A sudden spark of realization, the great fires of change, the deeper desire for a more expansive uniting vision Sagittarius Eclipse forms tension with the deeply emotional and spiritual warrior energy of the Pisces Moon. With the North Node in Gemini, this is the direction we are heading for evolution over the next year and a half. So although we have a Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse, we are reminded to reorient toward Gemini. For some, this may have us focusing on the children in our lives and their education.

For others of us, perhaps we are working on writing and sharing information, while others may be utilizing their multi-tasking skills to organize within their neighborhoods. Looking at the Gemini-Sagittarius axis in your own birth chart will help to offer you clues into how this might manifest for you. This particu If you would like help reflecting on this from an esoteric soul-centered astrological perspective, I would be honored to connect with you through a deep-dive astrological reading. Question for reflection: how might we call upon Sagittarius to help us aim in a conscious direction towards hope for the future?
How might we better use the fuel of Sagittarius to activate the Gemini North Node? How are we swiftly adapting to our ever changing immediate surroundings by connecting to our neighborhood through social engagement?
Diana Gabaldon: Astrological Article and Chart
How might we stay better informed and connected? Gemini reminds us to build bridges between duality. If you have a spiritual practice, how are you directing that toward your neighborhood? How are you utilizing your philosophies to build bridges between duality? To listen to this week's podcast episode, click the link below.
But the information provided within is timeless! If you are looking to deepen your connection to this planet, it is available for purchase. Click here to learn more.
Can you cradle Darkness with Light? The Gemini New Moon is upon us. Today and this weekend offers us a time to recover and restore. We are invited inward into a place of adaptability. As the world around us continues to take new shape, simply notice what emotions this has brought up for you. Gemini energy may have us wanting to socially scatter, yet the New Moon beckons us to use this time to ponder.
Cosmic Cousins
What movement and changes have been brought into your life? What synchronicities and chance happenings have you encountered? Do you feel a certain charge of alignment with those individuals who have come into your life?
Have you met your other Self? What new you is emerging at this time? Gift yourself space to process your ever changing reality through writing, journaling, lyricism, or spoken-word. Gemini connects us to polarities. The contradictions in the world are illuminated over these 30 days.
This New Moon is the time to get really clear on your own Truth within duality. Beyond the buzzing information and misinformation, what are you left with? Be mindful of the podcasts, media, and news sources you are engaging with. Be curiously discerning with who you interact with socially and intellectually. What starts out as an innocent conversation, can spin around into a space of confusion. Remember, Gemini can be a trickster. Gemini asks, "should we go this way? We may say something untruthful to subconsciously create division of the Heart.
Or perhaps we agree to something out of alignment, and as soon as the coast is clear, we run off! Gemini the Twins — the Divine Messengers — often bring us new information. As our Mutable Air sign, the messages can often be surprising, contradicting, and even life changing. In my own life, I have received disheartening news, and there is nothing I can do with this information but to simply be.
I have also met new neighbors Gemini rules over the neighborhood who also traveled up to Mount Shasta from Los Angeles. There are two of them, like twins, and they are younger, inviting me into a place of innocent presence and play. Tonight we are playing a board game, and they are the first people I have hung out with since before the pandemic. I feel heavy. I feel light. Gemini is duality. How can we hold them both?
Go on a walk with your contradictions. Play patty-cake with your Truth. Dance with all of the information and messaging you are receiving both from within and without. Then bring it into harmony. Gemini rules the hands — an extension of our Heart. Bring both sides of yourself together in a prayer position. When you bring together the contradiction of Self, a loving presence and understanding of Truth emerges.
On this Gemini New Moon, anchor in your uncertainty. Reach out and embrace the world from a place of Truth. Open yourself up to being a loving channel of Divine Communication — build bridges between duality.
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I ponder. I process. I write. Gemini New Moon Blessing to you all! Heightened emotion and psychic receptivity. Long kept secrets revealed. If these new discoveries are painful or bring up uncomfortable emotions, trust that whatever arises is meant to be illuminated for the evolution and realignment of you.
In the world around us, this Scorpio Full Moon may have us all feeling a bit more intense or sensitive, as we are highly attuned to unseen forces at play. This makes us quite adept in our ability to peer into the mysteries of it all.