This is one of the best indication of spouse characteristics in Vedic astrology. If Jupiter in 7th house in Navamsa Chart spouse characteristics will be very religious minded and god fearing one. If Mercury is Present in the 7th house- you can expect your partner to be intelligent, jovial, talkative, witty. But this placement can be detrimental for physical happiness from marriage as Mercury is an eunuch planet. When Mercury is placed in the 7th house, spouse can be much younger.
Seeing this placement in Horoscope we can predict beautiful wife by astrology. When Venus is placed in the 7th house of the Horoscope, there is high chance that your wife will be extremely beautiful. This is the best placement for marital happiness.
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With Venus in 7th house, your spouse can be very artistic, sober and soft nature person. It generally indicate a good Life partner.
For Beautiful wife in astrology, Strong Venus is very much needed. If Saturn is Placed in 7th house, the spouse can be very dutiful, responsible, practical, hard working person. Thous Saturn position in 7th house is not considered great in spouse prediction astrology because it creates delay in marriage. But the best part is that it gives a stable relationship.
With Saturn in 7th house you can get much older spouse. The age difference with spouse will be more when Saturn influences the 7th house. These persons may not be very romantic in nature but they can be very faithful or Loyal. Now Lets discus the Type of spouse in astrology when Rahu is Present in the 7th house- the partner can be advanced in mentality. They can be very sharp and intelligent. Rahu can also indicate foreign spouse if other planetary factors are helpful but if it is afflicted it can destroy a married life.
Rahu in 7th house also indicates inter caste marriage. You Should read the detailed effect on Marriage when Rahu is in 7th House. When Ketu is placed in 7th house, the spouse can be very spiritual and religious in nature. So far we have discussed the role of the planets posited in 7th in spouse prediction in Vedic astrology. Now we will discuss the role of the sign which is in 7th House.
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- Life Partner Prediction in Astrology-Nature, Character & Type of Spouse?
You can be interested to know about marriage timing in your chart. You can read our detail article on marriage time prediction. You should also check whether your chart has late marriage yoga or early marriage. Important information about Life Partner in astrology can also be found from the Signs of the 7th house or the 7th Lord. When Your 7th Lord is in a Fiery Sign Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - Your future Spouse can be predicted to be very dynamic, active, straightforward, confident, dominating in nature.
Your Life Partner will be well respected in society. Your Life Partner can be very Proud, Arrogant and they want to dominate everything. When Your 7th Lord is in a Earthy Sign Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - The husband or wife can be very grounded, materialistic, very refined, artistic, stable and trustworthy person. When Your 7th Lord is in a Airy Sign Gemini, Libra, Aquarius , the nature of your future spouse can be very intellectual, versatile,talkative, fun loving, expert in multi tasking. They can have good communication skill. When Your 7th Lord is in a Watery Sign Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces , the spouse can be very emotional, sensitive, tender, sympathetic to others.
If Aries is the sign of 7th house, the spouse can be very courageous, aggressive, dominating nature. If Taurus is the sign of 7th house, the person can be very practical, grounded, materialistic, always seeks for security and also love arts and music. If Gemini is the sign of 7th house, the person can be of very unsteady nature.
Full of energy, intellect and always wants to try something new. If cancer is the sign of 7th house, the person can be very emotional, soft by heart, sympathetic, protective about family.
Spouse Prediction in Astrology by 7th House Spouse Astrology
If Leo is the 7th house, the future spouse can be very Proud. They always think that they are better than the other person.

If Virgo is the 7th house sign, the spouse can be very logical and analytical. It also indicate that the spouse can be a very good businessman. The person can be a perfectionist. If Scorpio is the 7th house sign, the spouse can be secretive, revengeful, very intense, emotional. If Sagittarius is the 7th house sign, the spouse can be learned, religious, to some extent rigid and of righteous nature.
But they are very status driven person. If Capricorn is the sign of 7th house, the spouse can be very hard working, Focus, goal oriented and practical. If Aquarius is the 7th house sign, the spouse can be very religious, spiritual, introvert, workaholic kind of person. If Pisces is the 7th house sign, the spouse can be very soft, sensitive, emotional nature person. Venus is the main Planet for Marriage or any kind of relationship.
In males chart Venus not only signify marriage but it also signify Marriage partner or Wife. But Now a days as the no of Love Marriage has increased to a great extent, the importance of Mars has increased. So the Placement of Mars and Jupiter is important for future husband prediction in astrology. Placement of Venus is important for beautiful wife prediction in vedic astrology. Venus is the Love and Mars is the Energy. The spouse will have an ego and an elevated sense of self.
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They are loud and quarrelsome and due to such personality will be not able to get the love of the native. When Moon is positioned in this House then the spouse will be a sensitive and religious person and will nicely take over household duties. If the 7th house is in the zodiac of Taurus, the spouse will have a weakness for dressing and jewellery and can be transformed into a diva or a gracious man.
The Moon placed in the 7th house means a spouse can be younger or almost the same age.
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If planet Mars lies in marriage house, brings along a husband or wife who is impatient and impulsive. The spouse will not settle down with a routine career and home activity and will always wish for a change. They will have a quarrelsome and can keep negative friends in case Mars is negatively placed. A spouse can have more than one partner when Mars and Saturn are in conjunction in Leo or Cancer in 7th house and will be very rich. If your horoscope shows Mercury in the 7th house, then the spouse will have exceptional communication skills with the added advantage of sweet speech.
Placement of exalted Mercury means the spouse may be a rich, writer and have a luxury lifestyle. When 7th house has Jupiter sitting in it along with the moon placed in a cancer sign then you will acquire a very good looking partner with a great personality. Venus is a planet always associated with luxury and beauty.