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Be more open-minded to romantic opportunities. Do not be too cautious. Live your life to the full — it is not a rehearsal! You share the February 6 birthday with a number of famous people around the world. Here are some of them:. The February 6 zodiac people are in the 2nd decan of Aquarius. In this decan are all those born between February 1 and February 9. They are under the influence of Mercury. This influence enables you to be resourceful, generous, a good communicator, and humorous.
As such, you carry more of the positive characteristics of Aquarius. You are a freethinker, especially when it comes to ideas.
You do not like being ordered around to accept certain lines of thoughts. Your ideas are unique. You are not only kind and caring but perseverant too! You have a keen sense of responsibility is seen both at work and in the home front.

You are adept at expressing yourself in terms of possibility. You are also impatient with routine duties.
Chinese Zodiac, Water Dog: & Horoscope, Career, Health, Wealth
You like being given your own space to work from. This empowers you to set the timelines on your project. You can work best in an environment that has minimal bureaucracy. This is where your imagination and creativity excels. You are best suited in the fields of technology, engineering, architecture, research, and entrepreneurship. In fact, you can easily rise to top management in these areas! Gray is the magic color of those born on February 6. Many people mistake this color for being drab, but they could never be more wrong.
The color Gray is a symbol of power. It blends in with practically every environment. It is the color of optimism and creativity. Open Access.
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