As for whom they are most likely to divorce, there was no statistically significant result for any sign. The higher-than-average rate of marriage between Scorpio and Pisces is an expected finding. Both can be extremely generous even to the point of self-sacrifice in love, and they often have hidden depths and a history of unusual experiences, which helps to maintain the interest of their partners.
Why do Scorpio men and Gemini women have a below-average marriage rate while Scorpio women less often divorce Gemini men? This is a mystery, as there is little common ground between these two signs, but perhaps the differences keep things exciting in some pairings. Scorpios do enjoy a challenge and Geminis can grow bored if things get too settled, so if these two do get married, they may have above-average sticking power.
The Castille study found that Scorpio women marry Scorpio men most often and Leos least often. As would be expected, Scorpio women gravitate to men of their own sign while Leo, considered one of the worst pairings for Scorpio, takes the last place on the list. These two strong-willed, dominant individuals who usually have little in common are bound to clash unless their ascendants or moons are in more mellow signs.
The best match for Scorpio appears to be s Pisces or another Scorpio, whereas Leo and Aries may be less auspicious matches in some cases. However, Scorpios who find themselves romantically entangled with one of the less compatible signs should not despair.
Scorpio Man Personality Traits, Love Compatibility, and Dating Advice
Plenty of relationships and marriages between supposedly incompatible signs have lasted. For example, out of 6,, marriages encompassing all possible sign combinations in the Castille study, there were 1, more marriages between Scorpio women and Scorpio men than would be expected if sun signs had no effect, whereas between Scorpio women and Leo men, there were fewer marriages than would be expected if pairings were random. However, there still were many marriages between the supposedly least compatible signs.
Astrology is complex, and there is more to take into account than just sun signs. I have found no critiques of the Castille study thus far. For more on Scorpio, see the Scorpio Personality Profile. To see personality and marriage profiles for all the sun signs, visit the main Astrology page.
Our time together is full of fun, and valuable.
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Man dude I feel you in so many levels. Liking a sag man as a Scorpio is just the worst. Id have to agree, Sagittarius tends to be an absolutely awful pairing for a Scorpio.
Scorpio Love Compatibility
And this is coming from a Scorpio with strong Sagittarius influence in my birth chart. The only exceptions being Sagittarians with elements in their birth charts that are well matched with your own. Get your birth charts checked for a good love compatibility before diving in. Or you may deeply regret it. I would say Pisces. Same here.. For me a Scorpio woman , its a Taurus. I love how grounded and level headed they are as I am too but they are a little more than I am hah. They balance out my more emotional side. Just in my experience with multiple Taurus men. My longest relationship was with a Pisces man but my favorite relationship and second longest was with a Taurus man.
I still have some contact with the Pisces because we have a daughter together. One day, many years after we broke up, he consoled me during an argument I was having with our daughter. It was just sweet of him to do that and soothing at the right time so I remembered what drew me to him, in the beginning. So it was fun and interesting while it lasted. And hopes to never date a scorpion again. If we become ignored…unless you have been vulnerable with us…we will take it as a slight because we communicate physically. We will move on because we feel that showing our cards any further will put is in danger.
I Had an amazing intimate and sexual relationship with two Leos and a Gemini…. I gave both the freedom to be who they are and ignored my instincts to smother them. There was a great deal of honesty and vulnerability between us and once Leo or Gemini is comfortable enough to cry and fall apart around you, as a scorpio man, it made me fall so deep in love with them…The relationships did not work because of circumstances in life out of our control…but the love is still there and I am tremendous friends with these women to this day.
If you can move beyond their independent nature and support their need for freedom and expression…and be honest…a Leo or Gemini woman makes an extremely loyal and dedicated partner. You will argue and disagree but your differences will keep it interesting and compliment each other. Next to another Scorpio woman, The best sexual relationship ive ever had was with both the Leos…they are almost as insatiable as I am, However, what separates them from the scorpion women who are several notches above is that, although they are extremely passionate and driven in bed….
They love being admired and they love it when you look at their bodies and they want you to get off on that. One Leo in particular was absolutely stunning…but my admiration of her beauty was not in bed…it was in every day things…sunlight through the window on her face etc…. As long as there is eye contact and skin on skin, we are good….
The Gemini I was with liked to be vague and naughty…she would send hidden signals for me like a bread crumb trail…. A leo…they like half hour sessions with cuddling and TV and food in between. They might want it 5 times per day but they dont want it to go all night…. I dated one scorpio female who I still consider my soulmate who we literally made love until we both passed out…we woke up and started going again…but it wasnt about the sex….
Taurus being an honerable mention because once they love you…they are in it ride or die, just like we are…. Taurus is very passionate in bed.. Sags and Virgos make the best platonic friends…. Some of the best intellectual conversations ive had were with a sag…but we both knew our place with one another and knew that if the other struck a blow it would become a nuclear winter. I always thought a relationship ship later in life with a sag who was maybe 10 or 15 years younger would be a good match. Virgos are really intelligent and open minded and fun….
Everything You Need to Know About Dating a Scorpio Man
Lol i as i scorpio male, i agree that i am super attracted to women who can open up about their emotions and like cry in front of me. Now i wanna try a pisces woman if i can find her. You have any advice for me as a scorp male? I actually had my best relationship with a Sagittarius. We are still in a relationship and have lasted 3 years. They are just prone to cheating.

Exactly, im a M scorpio and got a sag friend that dates 4 girls simultaneously. When i told him it was wrong and he should stay committed, he told me the reason why i said that was cuz i am jealous of him. The relationship was very deep and we were in sync with one another.
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We had an open relationship which meant we could date other people but would still be with one another over weekends at some point. The problem with that arrangement was how deeply we fell Inlove with one another. Both wanted more with one another but our situations prohibits us from being together. The problem now is that 4 years ago we decided to just be friends. He got a girl pregnant and married her. We have the same friend circle so we see eachother so now and again. I wish he would just talk to me so I will feel at peace. His also very shy just as I am so I will never know what his truely feeling.
How do u get rid of the feeling that u are suppose to actually be with that person but your situation made u end up in other paths.
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Please keep in mind we never split over arguements or any Ill feelings towards one another. We just went our seperate ways because we both felt it was the best thing to do to avoid drama. I am a scorpio man.. My marriage is set with a Gemini woman…. Will it prove the biggest mistake of my life? I am married to a Gemini for lat 10 years and now I have realised that I was been used all along.
Its Very easy to be fooled by their sweet talks.