February 16, Sunday. Mars enters Capricorn and your ruling planet Mercury begins its retrograde in Pisces, finding you reimagining things in your career and revisiting old projects.
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Gemini Dailies Horoscope – February 16 2020
The planet of boundaries and commitment enters Aquarius, bringing 's biggest energy shift—and insight about what the next three years have in store for you. Never ghost a Scorpio. Uranus is the planet of risk and innovation, and its placement in your birth chart tends to define your generation's biggest achievements. Ashley Otero, Randon Rosenbohm. Hey Gemini, get all your horoscopes in the app Stay cosmically aligned with friends and see how you match up with others in work, love, and play. Join android mailing list. Passionate and loving yet independent, you are not always easily understood.
Your life is changeful in part because of a deep inner need to reinvent yourself from time to time. You possess inner vision and can be quite spiritual. Learning to believe in yourself but also to put faith in the universe rather than attempting to over-control your life are keys to your success. When inspired, you are hard-working and determined.
Your birthday occurs around a Third Quarter Moon this year, and you are reaching an important turning point in terms of personal growth. You may be more emotional this year, and should watch for unnecessary conflicts and making hasty decisions as a result.

Otherwise, this is a year of greater understanding and a strong desire to take care of business. This should be a busy, dynamic period in your life. This can be a year in which you are bolder, more assertive, and energetic. You are especially interested in setting goals and challenges for yourself this year, and taking the necessary action to meet them. You may meet or interact with others who encourage or inspire you in some way to have more confidence in yourself.
Your energy levels are generally strong this year, and your sense of timing better than usual. Independent work is favored and competitive activities may also thrive this year.
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Bursts of creativity and energy emerge at seemingly perfect times, and help you to further your goals. Healthy risk-taking is likely this year, as you are more able to spot an opportunity when you see one. It is easier than usual to break free from habits that have previously held you back from going after what you want in life.
You have a pleasing way with words, whether spoken or written or both , and a love for order in the world of ideas and problem-solving. Circumstances may be such that you need to handle money more carefully this year, or this may simply come naturally to you now. You could also renew and deepen a love commitment or social connection this year. A relationship might rise to a higher level of insight and understanding. Widening your mind through unusual or different experiences can be part of the picture. Generosity and compassion increases, and your faith is boosted. You more easily make personal sacrifices for what you believe to be the better good.
This is a good time for motivation levels regarding your work or projects and personal interests. There can be opportunities to pursue absorbing topics and projects of interest. More joy and meaning can be found in your work or obligations. Nevertheless, this is an important year for reorganization and discipline.
The period ahead demands hard work at remodeling and renovating your goals or a particular area of your life.
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You may want or need to start over or rebuild in this area. You can feel driven to achieve and accomplish something. Your projects can be particularly successful. You tend to seek out meaning and a higher purpose to the work you do and to your pastimes, and you can effectively bring imagination and creativity to your efforts. This is a time of dedication.
Gemini: Your daily horoscope - December 25
You might volunteer your services, or willingly support and make sacrifices for loved ones during this period. This is a year of increased confidence and innovation. There can be breakthroughs in these areas. New ideas and approaches or methods help open up your life in key ways, and friendships are fulfilling.
Your work or daily affairs can take on new meaning. Ruled by Uranus. This is a year of work and development.