2021 leo horoscope march 23

But dial down the pressure and intensity—especially on Sunday, December 13, when a dramatic Mercury crashes into avoidant Neptune in elusive Pisces, which could bring a surge of jealousy, possessiveness or histrionics. Your own over-the-top expectations of others and yourself could lead to disappointment that puts you in a foul, Grinch-like mood. Adjust your standards accordingly and allow yourself to feel all your feelings, including disappointment, without acting out.

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Game on, Leo! The rest of the year becomes a whirlwind starting this Monday, December 14, as a total solar eclipse sweeps into Sagittarius and your fifth house of fame, passion and self-expression. Seize the spotlight when it comes unexpectedly for many and let your talents shine.

Leo Career Prospects For 2021

Ready to bring some relationship mojo back into your life? For the past year, three planets Jupiter, Saturn AND Pluto have all been traveling through Capricorn and your stoic, sensible sixth house. Practical matters took precedence over playtime. And while you may be healthy, organized and on top of your to-do lists like never before, Leos are ultimately about their people…and you need to be around your Big Cat crew again!

Leo Horoscope 2021: Get Ready To Roar Loudly

The celestial Santa Claus has heard your plea, Leo. On Thursday, December 17, structured Saturn ends a three-year term in Capricorn and moves into Aquarius, where it will remain until March 6, And in a rare convergence, this Saturday, December 19, expansive Jupiter also exits Capricorn and blazes into Aquarius until December 28, Both planets will spend the next year-plus in your seventh house of committed relationships.

Exciting opportunities could arise, from a serious new relationship or marriage proposal to a lucrative work contract. Jupiter will ramp up the dynamic-duo energy, but cautious Saturn will nip at its heels, reminding you to perform due diligence before getting swept up in the novelty. Mark your calendar for Monday, December 21, when Jupiter and Saturn unite at the closest point in their orbits since Get ready for a relationship breakthrough, Leo, and to be launched into new levels of interpersonal growth.

Great Conjunctions only come along every 20 years—so anything that happens near this date will resound for quite some time. The week opens with the Great Conjunction, and the spirit of merriment abounds. On Monday, December 21—right as Jupiter and Saturn make their historic union in your fifth house of fun and expression—the Sun starts its monthlong march through Capricorn and your task-oriented, healthy sixth house. Balance your indulgences with a post-feast power walk. Get ample sleep and lots of hydration.

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Look back to events near August 13 and October 9, the other two Mars-Pluto squares, for clues of what might surface now. Should you let loose or tighten your grip? As Mars locks into conflict with volatile Pluto in your controlling sixth house, your inner micromanager rears its head.

One part of you wants to barrel into something risky while another side becomes neurotic and anxious, slamming on the brakes. Pace yourself, Leo—and check any diva demands or button-pushing urges at the door. A beautiful moment of healing can occur if you allow yourself to surrender and accept divine guidance. Sometimes the universe has an even better plan that the one you made, no matter how well-crafted yours may be.

Spend time thinking about what YOU palpably desire, for yourself and your loved ones, in the coming year. Dress up if you want, light sparklers, make a gourmet spread. Lusty and energizing Mars is in Aries, its last leg of an extended six-month visit to Aries and your expansive, adventurous ninth house spanning from June 27 to January 6. You may be feeling nomadic for another month, not yet ready to commit yourself to one particular person or direction. Family time might not look the same as prior years, but with Venus in Scorpio and your domestic zone until December 15, look for ways to connect with loved ones or make your home feel.

For you, ends on a playful and passionate note, starting in the second half of the month. On December 14, a total solar eclipse in Sagittarius beams into your fifth house of love, revving up the romance. An attraction could spark out of the blue and for some Leos, this could even bring baby news since the fifth house rules fertility.

#LEO Horoscope 2021- Yearly #Astrology

The next day, alluring Venus moves into Sagittarius and activates this flirty, frisky zone of your chart until January 9. Enjoy a safe but sensual foray into ! Hearts and souls unite as these two enchanting planets align in deeply emotional zones. Drop your guard and be vulnerable. Couples might talk about starting a family, moving in together or making a shared investment perhaps in something shiny….

Spread the virtual cheer by organizing a virtual holiday party. For your own self-promotion not a dirty word! Got fans and followers?

Record an exuberant motivational message with your trademark Leo positivity, which is needed more than ever. Pay special attention to the total solar eclipse on December 14, which could bring fame and a spotlight moment. Look for a major shift back toward beauty and balance—and keep a sharp eye out for new partnerships and contracts flowing in. If you picked up fresh skills in or over the last three years, since Saturn has been in Capricorn since late , get ready to put them to work supporting the dynamic duos and supportive partners you deserve! How you present yourself is subject to change during this period, though extreme or rash decisions are ill-advised.

You may need to detach from a certain communication style. You could even find yourself starting a new chapter in the near future, one that demands you adopt a new perspective. The first of these lunar eclipses arrives in tandem with the full moon in your house of wellness, work, and routine on May A sudden bout of inspiration and motivation will bubble up within you, particularly when it comes to tackling any goals you may have around self-improvement and self-care.

The second full moon and lunar eclipse pairing will occur on November 19, bringing to light issues concerning your larger network. Are you plugged into the goings-on within your outer circles? Are you taking up an active role in helping your friends, acquaintance, and community?

This year will see you getting a little closer to striking such a balance, as your relationship with others and yourself will be leveled beneath the celestial microscope. The Mercury retrograde from January 30 to February 20 will assail your partnerships sector, complicating what should be straightforward conversations and making difficult subjects feel nearly impossible to broach.

Your way through this challenging period is patience, Leo. The spotlight will swing squarely back onto you in the springtime. This, of course, is easier said than done, especially if you come to realize that long-standing relationships or habits are interfering with your happiness. The full moon will arrive in your sign on February 27 — the only time it will do so this year. Consider this your opportunity to get ahead of the curveball s is likely to lob your way, Virgo. All the better, you will have the space and energy to correct that balance before you get any farther into the year.

New Years will feel like another lifetime by the time this full moon rolls around, but the same inclination toward resolutions and self-improvement will fill the air. First, Mercury will kick off its second retrograde of the year there on May Second, while Mercury enjoys this backspin, this sector will be graced by the new moon and accompanying solar eclipse on June Where Mercury will spam your office inbox and drop important meeting invites at the last minute, the new moon and solar eclipse will spur further activity around the office, accelerating plans that were already in place and teasing at new developments to come.

Rely on your practical, poised nature when navigating this period Mercury will direct its course on June But, with preparation and patience, you can survive these periods and, in the process, make slightly less maddening than the previous year. Mercury will be retrograde from January 30 to February 20, muddling your sense of direction along the way. As with any retrograde, resistance is futile — for the next three weeks, you may feel a little scattered, even aimless, when trying to make your hopes and dreams a reality.

You may just need to take a new, unconventional approach to your goals during this period. And, not to worry, the new moon on March 13 will unfold in your house of wellness and routines, helping you return to your regular schedule with a renewed sense of what you need to feel truly well. Your sign will be next to host Mercury retrograde , from September 27 to October And these will have much more immediate effects on your life and understanding of comfort.

From January 30 to February 20, the first Mercury retrograde of the year will drum up confusion and unrest within your home, demanding that you take a second look at issues and projects you may have thought were already settled. Professorial Saturn will try a different tact with its teachings when it begins its annual retrograde on May During this period, try to think in the long- and short-term: What do you want home to look like in five years?

What can you do in the coming months to get closer to that vision? Refresh your chore chart, nurture your nest egg, and spend time with your closest friends.

Leo 2021 Horoscope – Love, Money, Health, Career

Your sign will host a full moon and lunar eclipse on May 26, bringing your place in the world to the forefront of your mind. You may realize how much time you spend waiting in the wings or, conversely, standing at center stage.

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What needs to change in order for you to be treated the way you believe you deserve? Namely, December 4 will see the new moon and a partial solar eclipse arrive in your sign. An evolution of the self is coming for you, Sag, just in time to end the year with a new sense of who you are and who you hope to be.

This year will ask you to take a hard look at your finances in the short and long-term, Cap. The first Mercury retrograde of the year will occur on January 30 and inspire a newly conservative approach to money. When in doubt, get advice from those you trust, who can offer some perspective on your priorities. Your ruling planet, stern Saturn, will be retrograde from May 23 to October 10, reinforcing and expanding upon the message you received from Mercury back in January. As you may recall, the ringed planet has been hanging out in your money house for some time now, urging measured decision-making and clear-headed thinking around material worth.

This will be a period of revision, more than a period of loss or gain, necessarily. As challenging as it may be to retread the questionable money decisions you made in the last year or so, it is undeniably an opportunity to learn and do better in the future. During this period, you may feel pushed to please those around you at the cost of your individualism.