As part of a lasting relationship, you have to find the right balance between seriousness, fantasy and mystery. Whatever the outcome of your adjustments, you will have the satisfaction of realizing that among your priorities, the building of a harmonious and peaceful relationship is predominant. If you are planning to get married during this time, it is very likely that it will be with a man or a woman of the sign of Gemini or Virgo. Saturn is in dignity of Domicile in the House of Aquarius. The quality of your commercial approach, combined with innovative methods, will allow you to gain the upper hand over your competitors.
Now is not the time to give in to procrastination or defeatism. Now is the time for action and the ability you will demonstrate to project yourself into the future with clairvoyance. Be confident and stay focused on your priorities. You will need to put in a lot of effort to get back to your usual routine.
If you want to treat yourself for example, a good pastry , you will first have to find a satisfactory lifestyle. In order to regain a fighter's morale, avoid rehashing the stories of your childhood, at a time when you were not fully involved in your life. You are above all the fruit of your own choices, encounters and experiences. In order to fully enjoy the present, don't let anyone take control of your life or make you believe that they know better than you what you need to be happy. If you are a student, you would even be tempted by a sabbatical year for a trip around the world, just to discover your deepest aspirations.
Because in general, it is a form of rebellion, nourished by an unfulfilled thirst for freedom, which pushes you to change your habits by all means. It is not sure that it is really wise to throw everything on a whim at this time of the year, especially since the people who would be the most able to advise you are less available. Skip to content Gemini Horoscope Annual forecasts per month.
Taurus Horoscope Annual forecasts per month. Chakra Test — How open each of your 7 chakras is? Neptune enters retrograde zone in Pisces. Uranus enters retrograde zone in Taurus. While this has obvious implications in the world of politics, on a more personal level, captivating Gemini, this is the time to try and let go of behavior that holds you back and limits your full potential. Keep in mind that this doesn't just mean to be louder, as speaking over people or stealing the mic is self-limiting, as well. You will have many chances to be the center of attention or speak on an issue in It's important that you use this power responsibly; make sure that it's you're the right person for the job, and pass the mic if it isn't.
Gemini Horoscope 2021: The Year You Start Loving Yourself
While other signs went into hermit mode during COVID , taking breaks from social media and social distancing, you were busy building your brand. You kept up your socials and worked to maintain professional ties despite the economic fall-out. You've been determined not to let the pandemic take away anything that's under your control. Your hard work pays off again in when lucky Jupiter enters Pisces in your 7th House of Social Status on Thursday, May 13 , where it will stay until Wednesday, July Thank goodness you like the spotlight, because it's going to shine on you.
Gemini Horoscope 2021: Financial Life
The sun enters Gemini, kicking off your season, on Thursday, May Celebrate your birthday —you deserve it — just make sure to follow whatever safety guidelines are necessary. Learning how to get attention responsibly is an important lesson for all Geminis. These retrogrades tend to affect you more than other signs, because chatty Mercury is your ruling planet. Double-check emails, edit IG posts for typos, and try not to wind up in bed with an ex. You will be at the top of everything you do. Luckily, your wit and ability to take a joke will allow you to ease tensions.
Sometimes the unknown will turn you into a nervous wreck, but on the whole, you will get through this year smiling and with bundles of enthusiasm. Figure it out with our rising sign calculator.

Saturn will continue to bring you support when it comes to being organised, handling situations and taking control. After a doubtful period in spring, thanks to Jupiter and Mars, next season will be particularly stimulating and favourable towards your plans. That said, the stress of daily life will sometimes get in the way of having a nice time. Be wary of misunderstandings with other people at the start of February, in June and in October, which are linked to a lack of communication…. However, you will then go on to experience moments of intense love.
Gemini Horoscope - Yearly Predictions for Love and Career | Allure
Once happy in a romantic relationship, you may start considering marriage. But you will eventually rediscover your flow and become even more determined and brave, both mentally and physically.
- Your Sign's 2021 Horoscope Predictions Are Here;
- Gemini Horoscope Preview | Cafe Astrology .com?
- Gemini Horoscope 2021 - Gemini 2021 Astrology Predictions;
- Gemini Horoscope The Year You Start Loving Yourself?
- Gemini Horoscope Annual forecasts per month?
Financially, you will start the year with many expenses. Again, Jupiter, accompanied by Uranus, won't help you keep your head above water. In any case, you are cautious and will be able to manage. Try and spread activities out overall several days because by wanting too much, you might lose everything and end up with health problems. On the whole, with a powerful intellect, impressive mental agility and physical strength, you will be all fired up and raring to go.
Astrologist Susan Taylor's advice for Gemini:. More at peace with yourself, you will agree to take care of both your body and your mind. Said planets will bring you huge success and a reality check. Which months of will be the best and worst for Gemini?
Discover the luckiest month for each zodiac sign. Here's what Susan Taylor announced for Gemini in , leave us a comment below and tell us how your year went. The astrological sign of Gemini is sociable, intelligent and agile, so these natives will not struggle to find solutions. I've worked on this horoscope to help you project yourself serenely in the New Year.
The secret to success for you this year is being organized and never giving in, even when life is at its toughest. I hope it will help you to move forward as well as possible. I wish you a very beautiful year More Gemini horoscopes:. By Susan Taylor. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.