Numerology number 9 february date of birth

They can say with confidence "I've been through it once and I know how it is.

February 9th natives are survivors, retain their hope and struggle with life's challenges even after going through unfortunate experiences. It is not surprising that understanding and intuition are very popular in their social circle. Some of the people born on February 9th seem sometimes felled by the experiences they went through, but they will struggle to maintain a positive attitude and vitality. Such interesting and thoughtful people are engaged in a constant struggle between the dark and light side of their personality. They are aggressive fighters, explosive or unpredictable.

When they are in a particularly good mood they spread light around them. However, if they are upset, others must get lost as fast as possible. The will power of those born on February 9th demonstrated in various special occasions that it can be truly remarkable, but unfortunately, purpose may be lacking constantly. Many of these people are prone to self-pity and therefore they should avoid alcohol and other depressing factors.

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To have your birthday on the eight of February it indicates that somebody is going to seek to influence you in love matters. Remember to trust your own opinion. This year will bring prosperity and it also calls for you to be extra vigilant in your hobbies or extracurricular pursuits. Be careful on how you speak to other people, especially those people in your family. You are known to be ruled by day number nine, if you are born on the 9th of the month.

If your day falls on number nine, your ruling planet is Mars. Mars makes you a rebel, a fighter and a soldier. You shall be great as a technician, doctor, lawyer or chemist. You shall never be afraid of a life full of dangers, as you can walk on a blood stained road even among snakes, but with the strength of your intelligence you can beat anything. You are a born fighter.

Friends of Person born on february 9th :

You have extraordinary courage and resilience. You have great persistence and are full of courage. You are not afraid of a life full of struggles against poverty, cruelty, oppression and authority. You have the courage to fight against the order and create the new one.

The Tea on Clairvoyance

You are good in civil engineering or learning about geography. You have great love for your country, society and fellow citizens. You are never afraid to fight for justice and freedom of your society and your country. As a nine, you are a hard core fighter. Other around you also benefit from this power of yours. Your fight is not only for your cause, but you are never afraid of fighting for a common cause. You are ready to go to any limits when fighting against oppression.

You normally do not believe in cool headed fights. When you fight there may be blood all around, as you are a fierce fighter who stops only when your enemy is totally obliterated.

February 9 Zodiac is Aquarius - Full Horoscope Personality

The career of armed forces is best suited for your temperament. You may also join the police or paramilitary forces. You have a love for fire arms, bombs and machine guns. You are a person who likes to obey rules and expects the same from your subordinates. You have a sharp intellect and remain very cool in crisis. When dealing with your enemies you plan very meticulously after weighing all pros and cons.

You are very good in making secret plans against your enemies. If you are a politician, you will develop into a clever one.

BORN ON THE 9th OF FEBRUARY? Learn your future -

You act as a very good ambassador. Try to guard against betraying your emotions and falling into quarrels. If that happens, you will lose your precious energy in useless fights. Numerology for nine makes you an expert chemist. You can be a good inventor. Your lucky days are the 5th, 14th, 23rd, 9th, 18th, 27th, 6th, 15th, and 24th. Your unlucky number is a two and your unlucky days are on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, and the 29th. Your lucky gem is coral. Other lucky gems are blood stone, red colored opal, and red tinged garnet. You, being born in the month of February, will have the possibility to achieve good fortune and fame in your lifetime and you will do this in very original ways.

You are strong and endowed with excellent intuition, cleverness, resourcefulness, will power and a very refined common sense. You will however have to learn to listen to others equally, and allow them to put their head on your shoulders when they need it. Personal relationships will be important to you as you develop close alliances that will be cultivated throughout the years. You are quite sensitive and can be hurt easily by tactless words said in haste. If you were born during March, the number 3 will figure prominently in your life.

You are considered lucky because quite often you will find yourself exactly at the right place at the right time to take advantage of a once in a lifetime opportunity. You are able to manage your money well and therefore have a significantly higher standard of living than others who are on similar budgets.

As a general rule, you possess a sunny disposition which attracts friends and acquaintances, thus forming an active social life. You can, however, suffer bouts of depression which may require professional help to ensure that these dark moods do not progress into something more serious.

If you were born during April, the number 4 will have a strong influence in your early years as you work to develop self control as a mechanism to achieve what you desire. You possess personal magnetism which will draw people to you, so you therefore should not find yourself alone as you have a large circle of friends and acquaintances to keep your diary full.

Numerological Personality Traits of People Born on February 9th

While you are a born leader who can take charge of any situation, there will be occasions when you need to ask yourself whether you are taking control for the greater good of all or your own personal interests. When distressed, you may have a tendency to direct anger at yourself rather than risk offending others, which could cause you to become depressed, overindulge or develop psychosomatic illnesses.

If you were born in May, the number 5 will play a significant role in your life. You tend to be very communicative and even if not prone to talkativeness, you will nonetheless express this trait by extensive reading or writing. You have a high respect for authority which makes you a generally dependable person. You believe in the sanctity of marriage and therefore prefer to have any serious relationship formalised with a ceremony to cement the bond. You prefer to spend your free time in the pursuit of pleasure and enjoy socialising with friends and family.

If you were born in June, the number 6 is significant as you can be pleasant and attract a variety of people to you. Although you yearn for that soulmate connection that poets have described throughout the ages in poetry and prose, true unity often seems to elude you because quite often another person will be involved to complicate any liaison. While you may not personally have reservations about letting your attentions wander, you can become jealous of anyone who you perceive to be competition, Additionally, while you can be the soul of discretion, you are not above spreading rumours if you feel that it will further your career or make life difficult for your adversaries.

If you were born in July, the number 7 will be significant to the building of your character. You are genuinely sincere and this trait attracts people to you because they feel listened to. Because you possess a will of iron, you are able to use your drive to achieve goals. Home is paramount, and you will go to great lengths to ensure the family unit remains intact. While you are generally considerate of others, you can react with more than a bit of catiness when you feel under the weather.

If you were born in August, you will strongly identify with the number 8. You are a responsible individual who can be counted on to carry projects through to completion and for this reason, you can be relied upon to organise get together and outings. You are a loving person and tend to crave satisfying friendships, romance, children and animals to share your life.