When it comes to flirting, you even have Gemini beat. They're typically charming, well-dressed, and very eloquent. When it comes to relationships, Libras will go the extra mile for someone they care about.
Libra compatibility
According to D'Angio, the sign of Libra rules the Seventh House of Partnership, which is the most important house to look at if having a romantic commitment is a goal. So Libras are "simply cut" for commitment, D'Angio says.

They can definitely handle casual relationships, but will only stick around for those they actually see themselves having a future with. But three zodiac signs are drawn to your sign most. Opposites always attract in astrology, which is why Aries tops the list for signs most attracted to Libra.
Intellectual Equals
Luckily, when you're finally ready to settle down, there are three zodiac signs most likely to be Libra's soulmate. If you're not weighing the pros and cons of committing, you're debating whether the person you're into is long-term relationship material. And fortunately, astrology is here to help make finding "the one" much more manageable. As astrologer Cassady Cayne tells Bustle, a Libra's ideal partner is friendly and appreciates beauty and harmony.
You're a natural flirt who enjoys light and pleasant interactions and exchanges. Anyone too emotional, like a water sign, or too serious, like an earth sign, will likely drag you down and kill your mood. You tend to people-please, so you like to mask your true feelings in relationships. But you're less likely to hide who you are and how you feel when you're with a zodiac sign you're more compatible with.
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