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Love Compatibility. Answers App. Tiger Luck Prediction by Month Luck Prediction by Month Answered by Aly Nov. Dear, you should have more confidence about yourself. The prediction shows that you would have a large chance to meet the soul mate in the first half of Please keep the positive attitude.
Currently I m stressed up with my work. Answered by Mila Oct. The prediction shows that you may make some breakthroughs in the following months. You should keep the positive attitude.
The Astrology Show – COVID-19 Special
Hi my birth is 24 may Well, when meeting difficulties, you need to solve them together. While the zodiacal sign Capricorn begins with a symbol of social-political power An Indian chief claims power from the assembled tribe. I t stresses the enduring character of human achievements ensouled by a great vision. I see this as a time to implement progressive change in our systems under the combined pressure of environmental upheavals such as the California drought, or massive flooding in the midwest.
More broadly, we have to think beyond our own life spans and consider what do we want to endure into the future. The symbol speaks of establishing a group or institution and leaving behind some lasting monument to an ideal. Take some time to study where these transiting phases occur in your chart. Examine each phase of the cycle and envision how the cycle may unfold for you.
Imagine the possibilities.
Attention Programmers and Software Developers
These descriptions of general themes are intended to be suggestive, not exhaustive, and will be modified by aspects the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction makes to our natal planets. House I: Commitment to creating a more individuated, socially relevant identity. New professional demeanor, focus on professional advancement within a social or organizational structure or mission. Striving for greater professionalism in appearance and attitude.
Exhibiting discipline and seriousness of purpose. Stronger intention to achieve success and gain social influence over time. Decisions to assume a more responsible or adult role in the world, including parent or manager. House II: Commitment to a socially conscious approach to right livelihood. Setting financial goals. The necessity or the likelihood of earning more money.
Meeting the material problems of existence effectively. Significant purchases. Commitment to saving for a house, education, or retirement. Understanding societal trends and changes affecting economics and personal finances. House III: Commitment to learning and education with specific focus on social issues, social change.
Acquiring knowledge that will be of practical value in support of social evolution. Reading and becoming better informed about collective-societal issues and political trends. House IV: Commitments and responsibilities to home and family, possible purchase of land or home, or expenditures for home and property improvements. Opening a place of business or creating a center or environment for meetings and gatherings.
Living cooperatively, unconventional domestic arrangements. Introducing new technologies into the home. Greater attention to the garden, the land, and the sense of place.
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House V: Commitment to creative activities or the project of raising children. Seeing children grow in social consciousness. Forming a more serious, disciplined approach to creativity and self-expression. House VI: Commitment to health and self-betterment. Getting better health care or insurance. Job promotion. Seeking, or finding, a better job—preferably one that is more socially relevant. Exploring alternatives in medical treatment, health care, health products, or health insurance. Commitment to gaining or enhancing skills, job training, a health regimen, or spiritual practice.
Responsibility for management of workers, employees. House VII: Commitment to creating vibrant, socially relevant friendships and relationships. Milestone events in relationships such as decision to get married, or formation of alliances and business partnerships. Relationship with ambitious or successful person. Milestones in partner's career choice or advancement. House VIII: Commitment to shared ventures, business, investments, shared financial decisions or purchases.
Potential growth in marital finances. Partner begins to earn more money. Deeper experience of interpersonal fusion, trust, and intimacy. Important milestones concerning debt, taxes, credit, loans, mortgage, estate planning or inheritance, financial legacy. Commitment to socially conscious investment strategies. Agreements about shared assets in marriage or divorce. Financial contribution to organizations promoting progressive change. House IX: Commitment to study, education, and intellectual pursuits.

Study of social theory, new scientific or philosophical truths. Pursuing opportunities for teaching or publication. Professional plans require education. Knowledge of international relations and cooperation. Growth through publishing, advertising, marketing.
Your Horoscope, Astrological Sign, Ascendant, and Natal Chart with Astrotheme
House X: Commitment to advancement and professional success. Important career milestones. Professional opportunity and progress. Increased authority and responsibility in professional life. House XI: Commitment to social change, group or community organizing, membership in groups or intentional communities.