Sharing a home will also be a major issue. Being organized is not something that characterizes people in Gemini. They start projects and they never get them done because they are too distracted. Not to mention that responsibilities in the couple will never get to either of them. If their flirts are answered, it is very possible they will cheat on their partner.
And this, again, can cause much trouble. Because they are both intelligent, they will also be sharp-tongued against each other. And this is another thing that can cause trouble. But intellectuals need to showcase their opinions and ideas no matter what.
Gemini natives want a partner as fun and intelligent as they are. They are very compatible with those who love adventure and freedom.
Gemini Compatibility- Zodiac Signs That Are Best Suited with Geminis
Two Geminis in a marriage will both be far away from home for a long period of time. And they will understand all this feeling of wanting to be away about one another. Jealousy, deception or betrayal are things that will have nothing to do with the relationship between these two. Happiness and celebration will be what characterizes their union. Geminis are dual people. This means they can change their personality very often. However, they can be devoted, especially if they are trusted and given enough space to breathe.
Any attempt to dominate will make them end the relationship immediately.
Gemini With Gemini: Their Love Compatibility
These two will always be fun and spontaneous. Astrology says two Geminis can be relaxed around each other, because they think the same and they will be aware that the other one perfectly understands what they are thinking. Watching two Geminis as a couple is like watching a circus number.
An seismic shift happens when twins meet twins — as mutable zodiac signs they want instant gratification and instantly spot a like soul. In that moment immediate surroundings become boring and uninspiring and they shoot off to go hot air ballooning or take a train to an unknown destination together.

Even when Gemini is the host or star guest they still abandon all and sundry to fan the sparks of passion with another Gemini. They would rather spend money on in the moment experiences rather than planning for the future and are always nipping overseas together or grabbing seats at the latest theatrical extravaganza. Ruled by fleet footed mercury — friends will find it hard to pin them down or keep up with the latest adventure.
As creatives Gemini also may be unwilling to compromise their artist integrity which results in limited funds for new experiences.
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Resentment builds when the twins realize friends have out grown them are now comfortable enough to take chances and be spontaneous. They often start blaming each other for lack of adulthood. You both need a wide range of friends to break up the monotony — if you fail to return calls or RSVP invitations, the sharp acid Gemini tongue turns on each other out of boredom.
Sparks will fly and things suddenly get very hyperactive.
Gemini in a Marriage
These two organize dinner parties, games nights, group week ends away because they like to see how their wide and diverse group of friends reacts to new blood. The romance happens at such a furious speed that things can fizzle out by next week — just hang onto your hats, its going to be a bumpy ride. They orchestrate plenty of robust arguments simply because words are used as weapons and foreplay.
Leo Traits Generous. Gemini Traits Intelligent.
Leo and Gemini In Love
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- Gemini With Gemini: Their Love Compatibility.
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