Have you been looking for a good astrology course that fits in with your schedule and gives you the information you need? Our online course has been specifically designed by a professional teacher and astrologer to help you unlock the secrets of your birth chart. There are so many new words — and sometimes contradictory ideas — that its feels hard to bring it all together.
We know how challenging this can be, so we designed a clear, step-by-step approach to help you absorb the information, one piece at a time. You can find out all there is to know about your own birth chart, as well as the charts of those you love. Learn in your own time and your own pace. Even if you are just at the beginning, we give you the tools needed to become an expert. Open the door to greater understanding or even a new career using astrology as a tool to navigate life. Our astrology course is online and ready to go.

This means you can start learning anywhere, anytime. Each level is divided into nine classes, with easy-to-follow lessons delivered step by step.
Each video class also includes extra reading to further your understanding, class forums, quizzes and useful links. View 3 Astronomy courses. View 2 Astronomy courses. Monash University Australia. View 7 Astronomy courses. View 4 Astronomy courses. Plan your studies abroad now..
Where would you like to study in Australia? Let us know for better results. Refine by. Country: Australia Australian Capital Territory inc. Canberra New South Wales inc. Sydney Queensland inc. Brisbane South Australia inc. Adelaide Tasmania inc. To enroll or for more information contact Barbara. Jennifer Freed, Ph. Yaffee, REV barbara sbastrology. The Institute is offering classes for the true beginner extending to training and mentorship for the advanced astrological practitioner as well as for those who just want to learn astrology for fun.
The astrological philosophy of the school emphasizes the archetypal Jungian , mythic and transformational approaches to astrological education. Classes are structured to be very interactive, as students discover more about themselves and others through this method.
You can learn much more about the philosophy, curriculum, classes, and teaching methods by going to the web site below and checking us out.
Local Astrology Classes
Maurice Fernandez is offering his complete course for amateur and professional astrologers in beautiful Boulder Co. This course is one of the most insightful and comprehensive available. His perspective is inspired by the evolutionary paradigms originally developed by Jeffrey Wolf Green. Upon fulfilling all course requirements, participants will receive a Certificate of Astrological Counseling Competence. The program includes about hours of study and practice, and will be composed of seven week-long segments over the course of a year.
Classes begin on June 15, in Boulder CO. For complete course information and registration please visit the website below. Each month a new area of life experience presents its opportunities for greater self-expression, accomplishment and understanding. When we consciously work with these energies we tap into our personal flow of life force energies. This class provides you with your natal chart, personal written notes, handouts on Lunar Astrology, manifestation rituals and ideas. It is offered at two locations monthly:.
Isis Bookstore at E.
Want to Study Astrology?
Lookout Mountain Rd. Golden, Co Pre-registration is required Astrology: The Interpretational System dates to be decided This is the next step in astrological interpretation techniques. Students are expected to understand sign, planetary, house and aspect symbolism. We will take our understanding of the aspects and planets to a deeper and more sacred level. Time measurements of Transits, Secondary Progressions and Solar Arcs will be explored, as will ruler-ship networks and use of the graphic ephemeris.
Handouts provided. Synastry: The Astrology of Relationship dates to be decided This class is designed for the more advanced student. We will work with bi-wheels as well as composite charts. We will not only consider the traditional compatibility factors but also view the charts from a Karmic perspective using the sidereal and tropical zodiacs.
Why choose Sydney Astrology School?
Students need to be familiar with aspect meanings, planetary rulerships, sign and house symbolism, as well as comfortable reading bi and tri-wheel charts. Workbook and handouts provided. She brings 30 years of full-time practice interpreting charts and forecasting events for clients to her classes. Visit her website for more information at her website.
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Classes and programs on how to identify the actual Soul pattern, destined Identity and evolutionary intent of an individual, couple or project. The Soulsign work is a holographic approach to astrology: students are encouraged to cultivate their body awareness, intuitive ability and breathing throughout their learning. Of the large number of classes offered, the following two are periodically offered in the Boulder area:.
Based on the book of the same name. Through Astrology Miami and Powerful Light, Roman Oleh Yaworsky offers a ten week class for beginners, as well as workshops and classes for advanced students. He can be reached at or through email at roman powerfullight. We cover the foundation of astrology from the beginning. Bob Mulligan is a professional astrologer with 40 years experience and teaching astrology since For more information or to register call or email Bobmulliga aol. My classes are Wednesday and Sundays Topics are mixed. Beginners to intermediate. I have a 6 week class starting in January.
Basic Astrology.
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Call for enroll or for more information. Aquarian Dreams Store Saturdays and weekday evenings. Various astrological topics. Check the website for schedules. Be ready to have fun. Levan teaches astrology classes in Chicago and specializes in medical astrology. Email her for her current class schedule. Next Level 1 classes start on June We will begin the Level 1 classes for batch 2 on June Detailed course structure and level-wise course break-up can be found at the classes blog.
She offers private classes through the Unity Church in Oak Park IL for students and an advanced astrology course for students interested in taking professional certification testing. Please contact Christine for the curriculum and registration. Every month, Dianne Lawson gives talks, classes and workshops in northeast Kansas at differing locations, including The Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library, Topeka Parks and Recreation community centers, Marion Lane Candles, businesses, groups, organizations and churches.
For information contact her at or www. Join Humanistic Astrology Meetup. Our group meets in-person and also via Skype Group Call. The Path of Transformational Development Astrologer Elizabeth Rozan offers private, personalized, one-on-one instruction in Astrology from the Hermetic perspective. This can be done in-person or at a distance.
Course of study covers direct application to holistic healing, strategies for co-creating with cosmic resources, and planning alignment with natural rhythms.
Learn Astrology - The Best Online Astrology Courses and Astrology School
Astrologer, spiritual teacher and author of nine published books. She has lectured international on astrology and the esoteric sciences for decades and teaches classes in the Madison Hts area of Michigan and other locations. Check her website for her current schedule or call at Scott Wolfgram gives classes, lectures and workshops both locally in Minneapolis and St.
Astrology is your connection to everything in life. This is what Astrology can do for you. Start your journey today! Discussion of the relationship process the ground up! E-mail Lorraine Valente at FuchsiaStars. Review of the Planets, Signs and Houses and basic natal interpretation. Please provide your date, time and place of birth so I can assist you in learning about your own birth chart during class! Arielle is currently offering local classes in the Santa Fe area.