The great year astrology

It was with mixed feelings of anxiety, fear, excitement, anticipation, humour and disbelief people at large faced the year There seems to be no interest left in the subject any longer. The significance of what Mayans told has totally been lost. According to Mayans there is a cycle of 26, years and according to oriental astronomy the cycle is 24, years.

Our sun either has a binary star or orbiting around another central sun. This eBook is a journey to the ancient history of earth, the wisdom, knowledge and technologies of our forefathers and to a difficult future. Much of the information will be a challenge to preconditioned modern minds that are disconnected from the Nature and Universe. One day we will realize that we are one family, and we belong to a race called Humans, living and travelling on a cosmic mother ship the Earth. Oriental astronomy as well as many modern day researchers have recognized a Binary companion star of our Sun.

The Sun and the companion star orbit around each other in about 24, years. All these ages have its own impact on humanity as they come and go in cycles. Our contemporary astronomical knowledge does not recognize this.

Thanks for the nice research work. Unfortunately, we have lost a lot of valuable books and historical facts at the hand of illiterate barbarians, else proving many of these theories would have been easier. The great library of Nalanda University was so vast that it is reported to have housed more than 9 million manuscripts.

That was completely burnt along with all the immensely valuable books. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.

Learn how your comment data is processed. The Milky Way. Photo from NGC. This article cuts a wide swath across the A colleague recently questioned my assignment of the current Age to Aquarius , when both the sidereal and tropical Vernal point is in Pisces. Where the blue circle in the diagram right , represents the path of the pole in the northern hemisphere over a complete cycle. Lastly, we assign events and ideas to different ages which may bring us important insights or lead us astray.

For example, the Age of Aries is associated with the wars and the beginnings of monotheism and not a great deal more We might want to include Solar Cults, for example, but these were strongly represented in the Age of Taurus and the Age of Piscis. The fleeting monotheism in Egypt was soon stamped out.

Judaism is touted as full-blown monotheism. Yet the Bible is replete with goddesses.

Astrological age

If we put this n context, Judaism was a small tribal entity and monotheism outside of that world was non-existent. If we take a global view, then monotheism will not appear to be dominant in the Age of Aries. Every sign will have a specific meaning for us. When all these elements are considered, we can say that the themes of the Ages have more in common that is commonly believed..

The qualities he mentions are compatible with Aquarius, not essential. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading The Sumerian Version. If you are going by the associations with metal, then Pisces is tin Jupiter. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Please log in using one of these methods to post your comment:. Email required Address never made public.

Precession of the Equinoxes a 26, year cycle - Conscious Calendars

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