If you have a lot to do, then a list can help you make sense of it all, and you'll have a much more productive day. A chance encounter might turn into a lively and interesting conversation that may get you excited about something.
2021 horoscope for Capricorn: your love-life
You could discover something that changes your life, and this may happen when you head off into the unknown. Taking an impromptu trip or learning something new, might find you making new discoveries that transform your outlook in wonderful ways.
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The Sun's move into your sign for a stay of four weeks, can see energy levels increase and enhance your motivation. This is your chance to make a start on those goals that are dear to your heart.
Capricorn January 2021 Horoscope
An edgy angle could see a family issue resurfacing, but a compassionate approach to this might help resolve it nicely. Delightful connections may make this holiday week complete. Spiritual activities are emphasized, so joining a yoga or meditation group could greatly appeal. The Eclipse on the 14th, can be a call to start a practice that helps you maintain greater peace of mind.
Finances become more of a priority from week three as Saturn and Jupiter enter your money zone, bringing out your resourceful side. As the Sun enters your sign from the 21st, you'll be in your element and able to navigate the holiday week with ease. Capricorn is a caring provider and staunch protector of those they love.
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If there's a Cap in your life, your material needs will be well taken care of. Capricorn can be so hardworking and driven to succeed that they neglect their loved ones. They also can be too rigid, and tend to frown even when they're happy. Try to be more flexible and appreciate what you have. Don't forget to value your friends, family, and personal relationships as much as you do your career success.
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There's so much more to you than your Sun sign! Dive deeper into your personal Astrology NOW! Up, up, up goes that Goat!
Capricorn is represented by the Mountain Goat. The Mountain Goat is an incredibly driven creature that will climb to impossible heights with ease and enthusiasm. Just like Capricorn, the Mountain Goat sets its destination and, through self-will and determination, will perpetually search for solid footing until it reaches the top.
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Seriously, Saturn! The planet Saturn rules over the zodiac sign Capricorn with a serious hand. This planet brings out the traditional side of Capricorn, enhancing its practical nature to ensure the Goat takes calculated steps toward success. As the 10th sign of the zodiac, Capricorn rules over the 10th House of Career.
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The 10th house has a powerful position at the top of the zodiac and is a representation of our career goals, ambitions, relationship to authority, and public status. The Mountain Goat will stop at nothing to get to the top! The element of Earth keeps the zodiac sign Capricorn committed, disciplined, and hard-working.

This sign often takes on the responsibility of being the glue that keeps its family, friends, and loved ones together.