While the moment will lend itself to researching and brainstorming to your heart's content, you might also find you're nudged to take slow, methodical steps which is not exactly your M. And on Tuesday, December 22, the intuitive moon in your sign forms a harmonizing trine to romantic Venus in your ninth house of adventure, allowing you to channel your emotions into an eye-opening experience between the sheets. Think: reading up on new massage techniques or researching thrusting toys to gift yourself this holiday season.
Cancer: Your daily horoscope - December 25
If you haven't already started researching ways to take your professional skill set to the next level, you could be inspired to do so while communicator Mercury and the confident sun both move through your ninth house of higher education from Monday, December 21 to Friday, January 8. You'll be feeling thirsty for knowledge-building experiences, which, to be fair, can be hard to come by during a global pandemic.
But getting innovative maybe taking an online course or forming a team effort with colleagues can prove productive. And on Friday, December 25, revolutionary Uranus in your sign forms a positive trine to messenger Mercury, infusing conversations with loved ones and friends with a certain electrifying energy. What you learn from these interactions could serve to fuel your next major professional chapter. It's all about speaking your truth to close friends and romantic partners this month, Gemini. Right on the heels of that partnership-based eclipse you experienced last week , you could be compelled to pursue deeper, more emotionally fulfilling experiences and steamier communication with a current or potential partner thanks to your ruling planet, messenger Mercury, and the confident sun moving through your eighth house of sexual intimacy and emotional bonds from Monday, December 21 to Friday, January 8.
This could also be a beneficial time to research and talk through joint money matters. And on Tuesday, December 22, the emotional moon in your eleventh house of networking forms a sweet trine to relationship-oriented Venus in your seventh house of partnership, spurring you to wear your heart on your sleeve with those you care most deeply about. You deserve to come away from the experience feeling extra comfy and secure about your bonds.
You could feel like you have a fresh blast of mental energy to tackle any one-on-one pursuits — intellectual, professional, romantic, you name it — thanks to the messenger Mercury and the confident sun traveling through your seventh house of partnership from Monday, December 21 to Friday, January 8.
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Whether you've been contemplating starting couples therapy , researching a new business deal alongside a close colleague, or simply hoping to connect more with your BFF over FaceTime, the industrious energy of this period can set you up for success. And on Tuesday, December 22, social Venus in your sixth house of routine forms a harmonizing trine to the intuitive moon, your ruler, in your tenth house of career, making this a fruitful moment to pitch creative ideas to your bosses.
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Being bold about sharing your long-term dreams can leave you feeling empowered. Get ready to be motivated to improve your time management and get into an awesome flow with your work and fitness, thanks to the confident sun, your ruler, moving through your sixth house of wellness and routine from Monday, December 21 to Thursday, January You could be surprised by just how much peace of mind — not to mention the applause-worthy results — you can gain from structure. You'll be fired up to research your options and maybe map out your game plan on a fancy new planner , thanks to communicator Mercury's trip through your sixth house from Sunday, December 20 to Friday, January 8.
And on Tuesday, December 22, romantic Venus in your fifth house of romance forms a harmonizing trine to the emotional moon in your ninth house of adventure, urging you to make a spontaneous move to assert your desires. Exploring — and possibly sharing — your hottest fantasies could lead to manifestation. Whether you're single or attached, the holiday season is bound to bring you a well-deserved dose of romantic magic, Virgo. While messenger Mercury, your ruling planet, makes its way through your fifth house of romance from Sunday, December 20 to Friday, January 8, and the confident sun spends time there from Monday, December 21 to Tuesday, January 19, you could be extra inspired to talk, write, and learn about your physical and emotional desires.
The influence of these aspects will have you exploring the subject in a more lighthearted, curious, spontaneous way than usual. And this playfulness can set the stage for sparks flying with a potential or current S. And on Monday, December 21, when taskmaster Saturn and lucky Jupiter pair up in your sixth house of routine, you might feel like it's time to reevaluate the way you've been tending to your to-dos.
It may be time to explore whether a new organizational system your fave! While messenger Mercury and the confident sun move through your fourth house of home life from Monday, December 21 to Friday, January 8, you'll not only want to prioritize time connecting with loved ones but also find it easier to squeeze into your hectic schedule. Whether you're FaceTiming your folks to bake holiday cookies together virtually or discussing The Bachelorette with your BFFs over Zoom, you could find it's easier to make the most out of staying safer at home now.
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- Today's Cancer Horoscope - Friday, December 25, 2020;
And on Tuesday, December 22, social Venus, your ruling planet, in your third house of communication forms a positive trine to the intuitive moon in your seventh house of partnership, making it easier to join forces with a colleague or friend on a project close to your heart. Giving it your all can benefit the final result and your bond. You can expect to be a busy bee whose calendar is overflowing with social and professional commitments while messenger Mercury and the confident sun move through your third house of communication from Monday, December 21 to Friday, January 8.
Check-ins with old friends and impromptu brainstorms with colleagues can be mentally stimulating and inspire collaborative, innovative, success-bolstering projects. And on Friday, December 25, communicator Mercury forms a harmonizing trine to electrifying Uranus in your seventh house of partnership, and you could suddenly gain a whole new perspective on a love relationship — either the kind you currently have or very much want. Talking about this epiphany, ideally with someone special, is the first step to making it real.
Last week was an extra special, annual opportunity to get clear on your big picture aspirations, Sag. So, now that you're feeling simultaneously inspired and exhausted, you'll get an op to step up your money moves, thanks to communicator Mercury and the confident sun moving through your second house of income from Monday, December 21 to Friday, January 8. Research new ways to invest or touch base with friends about opportunities to boost cash flow, and you'll be well on your way to enjoying hard-earned rewards. Then, on Tuesday, December 22, romantic Venus in your sign forms a harmonizing angle to the emotional moon in your fifth house of romance and self-expression, laying the groundwork for sweet holiday magic with someone special.
It's a chance to let go of plans and preconceived notions in order to see where the moment takes you. While communicator Mercury and the confident sun both move through your sign from Monday, December 21 to Friday, January 8, you'll feel fired up to get after personal goals while presenting your long-term plan to friends, loved ones, and colleagues. It looks as though a raise or promotion is coming your way.
Your mood today is somewhat unsettled, probably resulting from temporary feelings of futility. Oddly enough, it does give you a unique sort of glamour, a bit like the "IT" factor associated with famous celebrities!

Play it up - be mysterious! It'll be a boost to your self-image when strangers suddenly notice you on the street, and it will certainly ease your sense of hopelessness, so make the most of it!
This is a good day to pay attention to your body's signals. If you are feeling fatigued right now, maybe you should go on a brief fast and clear out some toxins. Drink lots of water and take some nutritious herbs. Exercise if you want to sweat out some stress. Or, you might need to restore yourself with some rest and relaxation.
Take care of your mind, body, and spirit. And the cherry on the cake? A sudden change of circumstances will take a whole lot of worries off your mind. Mars is ruthless and will force you to surpass yourself, even if it means exhausting yourself sometimes. Having said that, you feel you are making real progress. Singapore: 16 weeks jail time for nurse for assault of senior at nursing home.
Liv Lo Golding is pregnant. Peking University student Wu Xieyu tells murder trial he killed his mother out of compassion not conflict.
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