The 21 st sees it meet Jupiter in your 5 th for the first time in hundreds of years. Love and lighter living move on in now. Parenting, step parenting, children and young people may feature. As could a new relationship which puts you in touch with one, some or all of these themes. Welcome in playfulness and joy as your new houseguests, Libra.
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That privilege is reserved for Capricorns. It will however, meet Saturn in your 5 th on December Which is when we can say the Now Age of Aquarius is cosmically underway. Ready to be noticed?
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For some red-carpet action? To be the centre of attention again? VIP moments and pure luck when it comes to love and other ambitions are likely to flow from who you know, Libra. Spread your wings and circulate as much as you can now. What the world needs now could just be your style of loving and spreading creativity and joy. Neptune and Ceres in Pisces. And mutable eclipse weather too with a total solar eclipse in Sagittarius on the 14 th.
The day when Mercury will oppose the North Node in Gemini. This is a karmic eclipse for many and will take us back to — or even further in year cycles. So, what emerges or what you hear under this eclipse is going to change. Especially when you have an eclipse in your 3 rd house of news, communication, the internet and everything you hear, say or put out there. Eclipses conceal or cover-up. When we have a total eclipse the cover-up is just that. We are totally in the dark about something. Check your chart first for any factors at 23 degrees. And especially those in any of the mutable signs — Gemini, Virgo, Sag and Pisces as well as your own sign.
If you are unsure then one of our knowledgeable astrologers can help you. If you have chart factors at 23 degrees of ANY sign, then this eclipse will impact you in a personal way on some level. Even if this involves events at a distance. Your 3 rd rules studying, your neighbours and immediate surroundings, your siblings if you have them, writing, speaking, publishing, the internet, business and commerce.
Your commute and how you get around. And short journeys in terms of distance or duration. So, one good way to think about this eclipse is Mercury retro on steroids. Because something is hidden you may be told the truth — just not the whole truth. So, pay close attention if you feel someone is holding something back. And just as you would on a Mercury retro — try not to sign important papers or make a major purchase under this eclipse.
Especially around the following: cars, domestic appliances, computers, phones or any kind of electronic device, make a holiday booking or buy a horse. And back up all important discussions you have in writing. And keep a copy safe. News from overseas could either affect you profoundly or else impact on your job or business. Ruler Venus is on the move into your 3 rd the day after the eclipse occurs. With the planets in your 3 rd opposing the North Node in your 9 th , you could be draw back to somewhere you have been in the past — even if only virtually or via news from that place.
Past, present and potential partners could also feature. A link to the past could even be what this eclipse cycle may be hiding. Is revival or revisiting part of your destiny? On December 17, Saturn finally leaves your 4 th house of home, homeland, roots, family and security. Not to return for another 29 years! For many of us, the restrictions we have been labouring under began at the end of when Saturn first entered here.
And peaked in when we had the life-changing conjunction between Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and Ceres in Capricorn in January. Some of you may have down-sized during this cycle. Perhaps not out of choice. Property issues, your mortgage, leasing, renting, buying, selling, tenants, landlords, roommates — all may have been part of feeling squeezed, restricted and confined. But not all of them. However, so many of us are now emerging from this cycle with a new perspective on what really matters. So now, take this forward into and the Now Age of Aquarius.
Weekly Horoscope - Libra Weekly Horoscope 10 - 16 August, 2020
Two days after Saturn arrives in your 5 th , Jupiter follows. Now, check your chart again for any aspects at zero degrees of any sign but especially any in your 5 th house of Aquarius. This includes your ascendant or rising sign, descendant, IC or midheaven as well as your North Node. Again, if you need more insight, one of our astrologers can help you. The 21 st also brings us one of the most powerful solstice events of the decade.
This day sees the Sun light up your 4 th house and you will feel the difference in the energy now Pluto remains the only slow moving planet in here. Even if you have no children of your own, young people may feature in some way now. When it comes to having or experiencing what you want, friends and connections are your conduit for getting it.
Expect to be attending some glittering or joyful events during the cycle — despite any lingering restrictions. Especially established ones. Or is it you who is the star now?

If fame is your goal, you could just achieve it. Saturn can reward like no other planet and combined with Jupiter, those rewards could get even bigger. Whatever you desire — take a step towards it or to set events in motion. Above all, be serious about having it.
This is no time for half-hearted efforts. When it comes to any goal — really, really WANT it. Or let it go. The same goes for that lover. Either they reflect or ignite your passion — or not.
Weekly Horoscopes
You could be dealing with larger groups of people that before. Perhaps via your job or even that Instagram feed. Begin with your own image and then let this flow into everything you say, do or put out there. You may look and feel younger as a result.
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All without having to result to Botox! Life will feel full of future promise again as we approach The 30 th brings a full Moon in your 10 th.