I am having female surgery on feb. Hi, I am a Cancer born July 7th. I am scheduled on Jan 15 to have hip replacement surgery and am worried if this is the right date astrologically. I feel that everything is so far away from me and maybe I should wait for the planets to be closer to my Cancer Sun.
Someone please advise. Thank you. I know you do not give medical advice. I am looking for the best time for open heart surgery for I am a Leo if that matters.
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What is the best time for me to suggest surgery? I appreciate your help. Although I am not an astrologer myself, many of our readers look at the time when the Moon is in the sign associated with the part of the body where one is having surgery. One wants to be several signs away from that sign. For example, for dental work, you want to avoid times when the Moon is in Aries, which is associated with the head see the Man of Signs illustration on this page , and also probably Taurus, which is sometimes associated with the lower teeth.
Also, you want to avoid the time of the full Moon and a few days surrounding it, as it is said that one might bleed a little more freely at those times while healing. If you need to schedule in the few days remaining in November, then the best times might be at the very end, on November 27, 28 both Leo and 29 and 30 both Virgo of I am an aries. Thinking of the week of February 11th Any suggestions? It is also said that one should avoid the time of the full Moon, and a few days around then, because during that time, one might bleed a little more freely while healing.
The Moon is full on February 19, Although I am not an astrologer myself, based on criteria that our readers often use, if you need to have surgery that week, then perhaps Feb 15 might be best, as it is 2 signs away from Taurus. I need back surgery and am trying to hold off until a couple of days after Christmas.
The signs are good for the beginning of Dec but I do not know how they are for the end. A friend read them to me but at the time I was focused on the beginning of Dec. I have to schedule it today or tomorrow at the latest. I need to schedule surgery anterior cervical decompression with Fusion. I am an aries April What is the best time to do this.
I know aries rules the head. Would the best time be in March since pisces rules the feet and it is very far from the head neck area where I need to have c3-c7 removed. I have been putting this off, but, I realize I need to have the surgery. I am completely and utterly lost. I just need some guidance when would be the exact best dates to remove and fuse.
Your Daily Horoscope for Saturday, March 7
I have tried to figure this out on my own for the past two years. Well, I actually decided not to do it. But, I realize I need to have this extremely barbaric , frightening surgery done. Atleast if I have a far enough date to really look to, I'm sure I could prepare mentally and physically. I wish you good luck and send you positive vibes! I am also an Aries April 6th.
I had the same surgery I had crappy workers comp drs. You most likely have much better drs than I did!
Hello, Your 2021 Horoscope Is Here
I hope this surgery helps you!! Listen to your heart and your intuition—if it feels right, go ahead and make your 'ship your top priority. Nothing can come between you and your boo. You can experience sudden changes or shifts in a significant working relationship thanks to rebellious Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius shaking up your career all year long.
With Jupiter moving into its best position in Pisces mid-year, trust that these changes are setting you up for something better, especially for your wallet. Rise and shine, Virgo!
Aries Love Forecasts in 2021
The North Node in Gemini illuminates your career sector all year, motivating you to share your professional dreams with those who can help make them happen. This transit encourages you to be specific, fearless, and transparent about your goals. Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius empower you to claim your power as you develop healthier strategies for your physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental wellbeing. The South Node in Sagittarius all year wants to help you heal from childhood experiences by seeing your family and home in a different vision.
So much of what you feel is based on what you choose to see—expand your perception for healing results. Feeling jealous, Virgo? These feelings could come to a head when Jupiter, in tender Pisces, galvanizes your house of romantic partnerships on May 13 and December But don't worry: You can work things out between July December 28, when the expansive planet backstrokes into inspirational Aquarius. Mark your cal and use that time to heal your love life. Change is good, and this year, it can lead you towards your true calling.
Pay close attention in June, when your career path can veer off in a different direction during a transformative Solar Eclipse in Gemini. Bon voyage, Libra! No, really. The North Node in Gemini all year is opening up borders throughout the year—even if those borders are mental rather than physical. Spend the next 12 months exploring, discovering, learning, and sharing your wisdom, while keeping safety measures in mind, of course.
Jupiter and Saturn in your Aquarius-ruled confidence zone help you separate your worth from your circumstances and find greater self-esteem. The South Node will move through your cognition and communication zone all year, helping you tell the difference between compassionate straight talk and people-pleasing fluff. If anyone can speak the truth kindly and respectfully, it's you, Libra—so do it!
Aries Love Horoscope - Aries Love & Relationships Yearly Predictions
But is looking so much brighter and it's not because of your phone screen. The cosmos is granting you a dose of genius this year! With Jupiter influencing your creativity and work all year, you'll be filled with fantastic ideas—and Saturn in Aquarius is giving you the practical focus you need to take those thoughts and actually make them a reality. You also can become a thought leader in your industry or teach others your expertise—think TED Talk.
Use your words, Scorpio! The North Node in chatty Gemini transits your intimacy, sexuality, and truth-sharing zone all year. You're notoriously guarded, but this transit wants you to balance your need for privacy with brave self-disclosure. As you speak out, Jupiter and Saturn in your Aquarius-ruled family and home zone helps you find the people, places, and feelings that keep your tender heart safe.
In the spring and summer, Jupiter moves through your Pisces-ruled confidence zone, helping you step out and show out. The South Node moves through your Sagittarius-ruled income zone all year, motivating you to find a more optimistic relationship with finances—tricky, I know, especially now, but this transit is here to help!

Get ready to take a ride on the rollercoaster of love! Your self-worth is closely tied to your money, and this year, the Universe is pushing you to own the magic you bring to the workplace.
You could land a gig paying you more, or decide to strike out on your own. Either way, this year is changing how you earn your coin. And thanks to Uranus challenging the norm in who you want to work with all year long, new collab opportunities can change the way you do biz entirely.