February 2 eclipse horoscope

On December 14, the December new moon will darken the skies for the last new moon moment of the year — but that doesn't mean it won't bring us a bright outlook on the future. This powerful lunation is also a solar eclipse, which means all zodiac signs can look forward to unexpected shake-ups that will realign our paths for years to come. Some of us, however, might find the year's last lunation to be even more fate-altering — especially if you're one of the zodiac signs the December new moon eclipse will affect most.

Solar eclipses in astrology are known to have the power of up to three regular new moons, so the changes that happen now will come on hard and fast. This one is taking place in the realm of adventurous Sagittarius, a mutable fire sign. Sagittarius' open-minded and adventure-seeking energy can help us to face any potential new moon challenges with a positive outlook. This vibe will be especially helpful for the mutable zodiac signs , who are going to be feeling the eclipse's changes on a more personal level.

If you're one of the zodiac signs most affected by the December new moon eclipse , prepare yourself for the shifts to come.

Solar Eclipse Monday December 14th 2020 - True Sidereal Astrology

On the surface, this lunation spells drama for your love life, Gemini. This is a solar eclipse of freedom and choice, with exciting new ideas and technologies to give you a happier, healthier and more enjoyable life. My forecast foresees innovative approaches and wild cards.

New Moon February – Solar Eclipse – Astrology King

Since this is the last time that Uranus will be in Aries while aspecting a New Moon he moves into Taurus in May , wrapping up overtones are likely in the news that breaks. Something could make sense now in a way you would have never foreseen. The interplay between Mercury and Uranus, two planets of mental perception, give this eclipse the properties of a camera, says Andrew Ifandis, Cosmos of Astrology :. The eclipse itself is the opening and closing of the shutter.

Andrew Ifandis, Cosmos of Astrology.

February full moon 2020: A (sort of) 'super' Snow Moon rises with Mercury

Limitless potential. Limitless excitement. Tons of room for growth. If this is a new relationship or new relationship chapter it will start off with a rush. Or, the massive promise may not pan out.

This formation asks us to be inclusive and comprehensive in our analysis — to hold the spiritual, psychological and emotional bottom line, to acknowledge our real motives and needs, and to allow our passionate hunger for experiences to lead the way. To turn our obsessions into power, our fear into strength, our chains into freedom.

Christina, Zodiac Poetry. As for specifics, Elsa Elsa foresees:. Romanticizing is in the air as well. Or delusion. This is especially the case with sexual relationships because you may feel so attracted to someone, you become blind to their faults. Jamie Partridge, Astrology King. When in doubt between going against the grain and going with the flow, why not choose both? But that's ok, because you're not supposed to have it all worked out at this point.

If you miss the path, you can always find it again. Not all astrologers use every method, but brought together, these other considerations add fascinating perspectives. The planets are always moving across the background of stars; each star has its own tale to tell. Fixed star maven Marina Macario notes that the swan is associated with Jupiter.

Jupiter took the form of a swan to seduce Leda, Queen of Sparta. I wrote in my own forecast :. It means this eclipse phase is ideal for getting engaged and married. There will be debate about modern, unusual and controversial family structures such as same-sex parenting and other nontraditional relationships. The sky has even more to say on the topic of committed relationship.

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  5. knowledgeable, insightful reader;
  6. Eclipse Season July 12222 and What it Means for You.
  7. Solar and Lunar Eclipses in Astrology.

Both Venus and Saturn are inconjunct Ceres, goddess of grain, motherhood and natural cycles. Themes are relationships with Venus being involved and Saturn for stability or commitment. It is pointing towards a traditional connection with Ceres. Marina Macario, Darkstar Astrology.

Eclipses – 2000-2024

Expect the MeToo movement to continue to pick up momentum. Although this aspect might have its most obvious impact on people who have the Sun, Moon or other planets at 6, 7 or 8 degrees Leo, it may hold significance for all of us. Ceres, you might remember, was conjunct the Moon during the Jan. The Finger of God may point to an issue from then that is getting stimulated again — and rebooted — now.

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In many ways, this Pisces energy will not really allow you to move forward unless you have considered the inner stirrings of your heart and intuition. Perhaps it is also time to think about what you want to work on and give your attention to for the year ahead. The energy of this New Moon Solar Eclipse is also going to lead all of us into the starting of the astrological year, which happens on the Equinox, March 20th, Whatever new energy is waiting for us in the new astrological year is going to slowly start to be presented to us after the Pisces New Moon Eclipse. This New Moon Eclipse is going to open a doorway and light up a pathway that is going to lead us to where we need to be for This is an extremely powerful time and one of the most significant turning points of the year.

In the coming weeks, allow the old to be stripped and melted away and start looking ahead into the new. It has been a long cycle of endings for many of us, but this is now coming to an end and the energy to create the new is now here. The February New Moon Solar Eclipse is going to be sending all of us waves of positive energy that is highly motivating, eye-opening and directed. February 26th is a day to look forward to and a time to truly celebrate and honor yourself for all that you have been through.

Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious.

Astrology News

She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. These cookies do not store any personal information.