See also the Love Compatibility Grid for an overview of how zodiac signs, in general, relate to one another. Year Horoscopes. First up, Year Horoscope Previews give a nice overview or preview of the major influences on each zodiac sign over the course of the year, covering general trends, love, career, money, and family. Areas of expansion, innovation, restriction, and change are explored.
Next, Yearly Love Horoscopes for provide a guide to the best days for love, romance, and relationships as well as trends and predictions for the year. Next, Overview Horoscopes summarize the year ahead, along with full-year horoscopes with New and Full Moon forecasts.
Future Romance Tarot Spread
See also Yearly Love Horoscopes. With our Monthly Horoscopes , see what this month has in store for you. The Astrology of This is a handy overview of cosmic events—such as eclipses, planetary retrogrades, lunar phases, outer planet transits, and other phenomena—in the year … Read more about the Astrology of and the Astrology of The effects of these eclipses last 6 months. What does this mean for you? Saturn is in Aquarius from March 21 to July 1, , and later, from December 17th, forward. Jupiter is transiting the eleventh sign of the zodiac, Aquarius , from December 19th, , to May 13th, It continues its transit from July 28th to December 28th, How can we expand our life experience and improve our luck?
Read more about Jupiter in the Signs. Learn all about the signs of the zodiac. Learn the meanings of the planets and points in your natal chart:. Born December 25 - Relationships improve, and bonding runs deep this year.
The period ahead is likely to keep you especially busy and engaged, yet you also find pockets of satisfying time to rest and reflect. Choose your battles wisely this year with reducing stress the goal. Avoid obsessively overworking. You're learning much about yourself and your needs. Love and friendship are big motivators, and your relationships are likely to benefit from particular attention to communication and compassion You are a highly intuitive yet grounded and earthy person.
You hear the unspoken and see the unseen with your very strong powers of perception, yet you tend to prefer to remain quiet much of the time. You do have a knowing look that can intimidate some and appeal to most.

You are fair-minded and essentially a peacemaker, although you have tremendous backbone that you can call upon when needed. You possess a dual element as the main spring of your nature.
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Your personality depends on which of the two roads you have decided to follow. You are a person of high emotion. If you belong to the weak side of it, you are easily influenced by the people with whom you are in contact, but if you belong to the stronger side, your emotional nature can take you to any height. You possess and artistic and imaginative power.
Numerology for Person Born on march 25th
You also have the capability to earn success in that fields which are related to the art. For this you may consider the fields of painting, writing, music, the theatre and even the higher art. You may have fine inspirational faculties. But you could best develop them in quite surrounding where you are not disturbed by the influences of other people.
It is very doubtful if marriage would be favourable unless one was contracted rather late in life, and then with a person sympathetic to your ideals. You are a person who is full of contradictions. You could easily touch your idealism. But you can-not be driven, for on such an occasion you would show the most the obstinate determination even against your own interests.
You are very careful in dealings of the matters which are related to money. You dont dare to touch the business because you dont have the luck for the business.
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If you join with any tread circle, you must think several times before taking any desire decisions. You are a person, who has such worldly combination of qualities. You are a person who is really broadminded. You will have some curious ideas about the religion and you must have your own way of looking at such matters. You are a great ambitious person. But you may be rather inclined to live and independent and unconventional life.
You may have high ideals.
Numerology – Best Dates to Marry
You love to dream the vivid dreams. You may often feel unusual inspiration in whatever your work may be. You are mysterious in nature. You love to investigate the things which are specially related to the subject of science. You may face some difficult situations through-out your life. In spite of that you may achieve your concerned goal. You are more capable of going to extremes in good and evil than people in any other category. If you develop a love for money, you may stick at nothing to acquire it, and this type is often considered as cunning and even crafty.
The persons who are born on the month of June and September may not be your friend because the mentality between you and these persons may not match at all. But the person who are born on the later part of January and early middle part of February may be your most close friend because they may able to match their vibes and views with you very easily. Your school friends may not be with you after your school life. But some of your college friends may be with you after your passing of college. The colleagues are supportive for the businessmen but the persons who are working with the administrative sections may get good and cooperative higher authority.