If you flatten your Pisces by saying he or she is just being silly, one day your lover may swim away, leaving no forwarding address. You will have lost your special lover for good. Cherish your Pisces, for he or she will love you back in a way you never knew and may never fully understand. Subscription Login.
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I am Aquarius, My Lover is Taurus - Susan Miller Astrology Zone
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Age of Aquarius. Table of Eclipse Dates from to Daily Horoscopes. Get Susan Miller's Mobile App. Apple Android. Daily Astrology Zone Online. Want to give her gems?
I am Taurus, My Lover is Sagittarius
Save up! She adores emeralds. Subscription Login. New Articles from Susan.
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News You Can Use. In lovemaking, the Taurus woman is passionate and deeply tender.
She may not be as sexually experimental as the other signs, but her fidelity and strong sense of ethics will impress you. Her bed will be the pinnacle of comfort, with piles of pillows and a fluffy comforter. There might be fresh flowers in her bedroom, or she might have a glass wall overlooking a lush garden. Your Taurus woman will need to see tangible evidence of your love for her—and that means gifts.
There is no getting around this and you may have to save up to afford her! She is one of the most loving and affectionate of all signs, certainly one of the most sensuous, and quite a catch. But first, this lady will want to know that you have a nest egg.
I am Leo, My Lover is Taurus
Delay popping the question until you can show her your substantial stash of Treasury bills, a solid investment in mutual funds, an impressive stock portfolio and, of course, cash in the bank. I never said your courtship was going to be easy, did I? Assure her of your reliability and your stability—traits she values in a person.
Being flaky is the surest way to turn her off. Always keep in mind that she is ruled by Venus, the planet of decorative arts.
- The Taurus Woman: April 20 – May 20.
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- Seducing Your Lover - Susan Miller Astrology Zone.
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Start by sending her flowers.