February 5 Zodiac Birthday Signs — Your birthday reveals you to be an objective, intuitive, strong individual with an original personality. You are clever, with flashes of inspiration; your constant curiosity about life and people is coupled with the need for change and variety. This usually helps you to develop your unique ideas. It would be wise, however, not to let restlessness or a tendency to vacillate emotionally spoil your remarkable potential.
With the subinfluence of your decanate ruler, Gemini, you have quick mental responses and an ability to make split-second decisions. Receptive to new ideas, you are often progressive and ahead of your time. With a desire to continually learn, you also have good communication skills or a gift for writing. Although objective in your views, you may have to avoid being so detached that others can perceive you as cold.
Nevertheless, as a humanitarian with an independent view, you are also aware of the advantages of working cooperatively with others and can make a good team member when you believe in a project.
Your Astrological Chart Cusp
With an advanced view of life, you value knowledge and freedom and are often concerned with social reform. Your autonomous thinking can sometimes make you confrontational, but if you direct your argumentative inclinations into developing debating skills, you can really excel. Although you may be inclined toward religion and spirituality, you are more likely to have your own belief system.
With a touch of the mad genius, you may also have to be wary of being impatient, stubborn, or temperamental. Physical activity can have a healing effect on your nervous system and make you more relaxed and agreeable. In youth, you are quick to learn and react.
February 5 Zodiac
While you are between the ages of fifteen and forty-four, when your progressed Sun moves through Pisces, your emotional sensitivity becomes emphasized and you develop your imagination. This may encourage you to seek idealistic, creative, or spiritual goals. After the age of forty-five, when your progressed Sun moves into Aries, you have a need to be more assertive, active, and directive in your daily affairs, possibly pioneering new ventures.
At the age of seventy-five there is another turning point as your progressed Sun enters Taurus, accenting a need for more stability and security.
February 5 Zodiac Sign, Love Compatibility
By having an astrological chart calculated, you can find the exact position of the planets on your date of birth. This will tell you which of the fixed stars listed in this book are relevant to you. Multitalented, you have a unique perspective on many different areas of life. Although sometimes you may find yourself at odds with people who do not have your level of awareness, you need to be patient.
It may also be necessary to discipline yourself and have faith in your own abilities in order to make the most of your talents and earning potential. An innate understanding of values enables you to advise others through being an excellent commentator on their situation, whether on a psychological or a material level.
The unpredictability of an Aquarius will keep you on your toes, guaranteeing your relationship will never get old. Look for these free spirits at coffee houses, political rallies or working for their favorite causes.

Local or global Follow your nose to a financial club to find one of your best matches, a Virgo. This fellow Earth sign is as thrifty as you are. They're also concerned with health and fitness, so your local gym might be a good place to spot one. Since they tend to be shy, you'll have to make the first move. Your match is your fellow Air sign, Libra. These heady types seek intellectual stimulation at book clubs, political debates and in higher education.
February 5 Zodiac Sign
But they also like having a full social life, so you're just as likely to run across one at a party. Mingle until you find a gabber who can keep up with you. Your harmonious partner is a dreamy Pisces. Since you are both Water signs, you take in the world through your emotions. Look for your Pisces near the seashore, in a new age bookstore or at a meditation retreat. When you both reveal your active imaginations, you'll sense an immediate click.
To find a fun-loving Sagittarius, your fiery match, join a travel club or sign up for a cruise.
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Since you both love getting out and meeting new people, your chances of finding each other are high. Just keep doing what comes naturally and eventually your paths will cross. Your down-to-earth potential partner is a Taurus. These sensuous souls are known for their discriminating taste, so try a gourmet cooking class or winery tour. Farmers markets are also favorite haunts for these foodies who love tasting samples while they peruse the fresh produce.
At your next art gallery opening, keep an eye out for the most engaging conversationalist. That could be your perfect match, a chatty Gemini.
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Sidle up to him or her and make an outrageous comment about the show. If a light-hearted repartee ensues, that's your cue to make your move.