They had great questions for me, I think you're really going to love it! It will be on my website, AstrologyZone. Yesterday, December 14 we had a total eclipse of the Sun. If you never read my essay on How to Deal with Eclipses, this would be the right time to do so.
I think you will find it helpful. Let me know! Take a moment to read my Note from me to you where I show you how to join my FREE Newsletter--I will be sending you a report shortly on the Grand Mutation of December 21, an event that takes place every hundreds of centuries.
Today, December 14, brings a new moon total eclipse of the Sun in Sagittarius. Something ends "eclipsed out" and something else begins. This will be a happy eclipse for most. See details of what I wrote for you in my monthly reportly for your sign on: www. This is a very big day for me. I have such happy memories of those pioneering days, and now have so much to look forward to in the future.
Wow, Happy Birthday www. If you read my December report on www. Do you have my free app "Daily Horoscope Astrology Zone"? It is the new version of my app released this summer--sleek, so beautiful and easy to navigate! Subscribe to receive extended daily horoscopes and unlock all of my essays within the app! My new calendar is ready to go on press very soon.
This year I am again working with your favorite artist, Izak. We use thick archival paper and rich inks. The theme this year is women are beautiful around the world — — white, Black, brown, Asian, Latina and women from India. I wrote every word and tell you the important aspects of the month on the day and what it means. This calendar is for both layman and professional astrologers.
This collectible calendar has a limited edition and will appear only on my site, astrologyzone. It has 13 months including January This week is a major turning point for you, one that includes not only a scene-stealing solar eclipse, but also the departure of TWO planets—expansive Jupiter and structured Saturn—from Capricorn.
Capricorn Horoscope for December 2020
For the past year, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto have all been traveling through your sign Saturn since December and Pluto since , a rare convergence that set off a massive reinvention tour. Against the backdrop of a pandemic, was full-on for you in ways that no other zodiac sign can really comprehend. If your life feels unrecognizable since your last birthday, this is why. With this intense trio in your first house of self, new initiatives and assertiveness, your determination has been unparalleled.
Nothing could stop you from getting what you wanted badass. The action already starts on Monday, December 14, when a total solar eclipse sweeps through Sagittarius and your twelfth house of healing, closure and release. Having a new moon—and a supercharged one—in your realm of endings is a paradox, and par for the course.
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But in the cycle of life, endings can also mark beginnings. What do you need to let go of in order to make a fresh start? This eclipse will put that forth in stark relief. Have you been struggling with an addictive or self-sabotaging pattern, perhaps as a way of coping with the stress of ? This eclipse helps you deal with the underlying feelings and drivers. On Thursday, December 17, structured Saturn ends a three-year term in Capricorn, and moves into Aquarius, where it will remain until March 6, And in a rare convergence this Saturday, December 19, expansive Jupiter also exits Capricorn and moves into Aquarius until December 28, Sobering Saturn is your ruling planet, and he only visits your sign every 29 years this last happened from to Now Jupiter and Saturn move into Aquarius and your second house of work, money and security.
Is it time to monetize some of the big moves you made this year? Structured Saturn will help you create a plan to make these lofty ideas a success for the long haul. These two powerhouse planets only travel through the same zodiac sign simultaneously every 20 years. Last year they were in close quarters in Capricorn. But on Monday, December 21, Jupiter and Saturn unite at the closest point in their orbits since This event, called the G reat Conjunction , melds their celestial superpowers together in your zone of work and money.
Keep your devices powered on because an offer too good to pass up could be headed your way!
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You could draw the attention of a heavy-hitting advocate. This Monday, December 21, brings the Great Conjunction in your work and money house, which could motivate you to start hustling. Start exploring your options, but if possible, wait another few weeks before you fully commit to any single path.
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Hotheaded Mars is in your emotional fourth house of home and family, and with the canceled holidays upon us, you could be feeling extra pressure around your clan. As Mars squares Pluto in Capricorn and your first house of self, it will be hard to bite your tongue, but equally difficult to deliver your truth with diplomacy instead of excessive anger or emotion. Look back to August 13 and October 9, the two prior Mars-Pluto squares.

You may also be getting a lesson in how to be compassionate when certain people need to air THEIR feelings around you, especially if you feel like they pull the sympathy card a little too often. Instead of seeing them as weak or whiny, try to get into their world and hear what things are like for them instead of bringing judgment. A partnership could turn official, or you might have a heartfelt day of connection and understanding with one of the most important people in your life.
Stay home and set up a sensual, ambient vibe—dimmed lights, candles, great music. The mystical vibes are also afoot, so set intentions with a ritual, asking the universe for a healthy and happy New Year, making vision boards or doing something to channel the energy that you want—and to bid farewell to the surreal and scary vibes of Moving on!
Mars is taking the final month of its extended six-month tour through Aries and your emotional, tender fourth house. For couples, plans to move in together, start a family or deepen your bonds could accelerate before the year ends.
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But Venus is trotting through libidinous Scorpio and your platonic sector until December 15, tugging you this way and that. In this simpatico relationship to Mars, the amorous planet can make you extra sentimental over the holidays. Being separated from loved ones only drives up the nostalgia. This could play out in a number of ways—with you either getting more deeply connected or mourning and accepting a loss. Enjoy a little emo cocoon time before you become the official head-turner of early !
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Romance without borders! Keep an open heart and mind and have fun experimenting. Time will tell. December brings some time to finally relax after a huge year that kept you going nonstop, pandemic or not. In , three planets Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto all traveled through Capricorn, a rare summit! An ending could be a simultaneous beginning at the total solar new moon eclipse in Sagittarius on December This eclipse could close one door and abruptly open a new one. Both planets are moving into revolutionary Aquarius, igniting your second house of work, money and values.