On the health front, your initiative will do much to bring you back into shape. Your sense of humour and light hearted mood is likely to lighten up the domestic front. You may make plans for an overnight stay someplace with friends. You are likely to get into an advantageous position on the academic front.
March 13 Birthday Personality of otherworldly possibilities
Love Focus: Meeting lover may not be possible today, but exchanging sweet nothings over the phone will be as rewarding! Financial condition is set to improve for those feeling the pinch. Initiative taken on the fitness front is likely to bring good returns on the health front. You may need to travel especially for someone just to keep your promise. Day looks favourable for those pushing for a property deal.
March 13 Birthday Personality
Your performance on the academic front will be most satisfying. Love Focus: On the romantic front, you will feel loved and wanted, as lover turns sensitive towards your feelings. Getting more than the stipulated amount for a job well done is on the cards. Whatever you do on the fitness front, it will come as a boon to you in keeping you fit. You may bring the desired changes on the home front without added expenditure. A short vacation is on the cards for some and will prove most enjoyable. You will manage to rent out property for a nice sum.
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You may serve your interest on the academic front by keeping something important from others. Love Focus: An enjoyable time on the romantic front cannot be ruled out for those in love.
Financially, you will be in a strong position and may even add more to your wealth. Taking up some physical activities or some sport promises to keep you fit as a fettle. Check a family youngster going wayward through practical advice, rather than preaching. You may not be too keen to join your friends for an outing, but they will prevail upon you. Those planning to acquire a new house or shop may have to wait some more. Love Focus: Romance is likely to be taken to the next level by lover and enjoyed to the hilt. Financial perks are likely to be enjoyed by those who have been recently promoted.
You manage to remain in top physical condition simply by being regular in daily workouts. This is a good day to catch up on piled up jobs on the domestic front. Places of tourist attraction may be on the agenda of those travelling on a pilgrimage. You can expect a favourable outcome in a property matter. You may find yourself in two minds regarding pursuing something on the academic front.
Happy birthday! Learn what the year has in store for you now! Be shockingly clever, socially smooth, work hard for your own causes, and make a lot of good things happen! Your own talents put you ahead in the first month. Skill at handling and pursuing money will advance you in the second. Be prudent in what you choose to do and come out ahead every time.

You may bewilder old friends and family in April. Be understanding but undeterred.
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This is because a type of radiation emitted by the Sun, ultraviolet UVR , is believed to cause genetic changes in the developing baby that may have a shaping effect on their life and personality. This could explain why many of us believe that common characteristics and fates are shared by those born at the same time of the year. For example, researchers at the University of Rostock in Germany have analyzed data to see if the month in which you are born affects how long you will live.
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It does. Their research found that your chances of living beyond were up to 16 percent higher than average if you were born in December, but if you were born in June, your chances were 23 per cent lower. Another study carried out by researchers at the University of Chicago and published in the Journal of Anti-Aging Medicine backed this up, finding that those born in December lived longer by about three years. Experts believe that the reason people born in December might live longer could be that they were conceived in March, possibly avoiding the most harmful effects of radiation early on.
They argue that solar radiation peaks at conception affect personality and health later in life and therefore where you are born is perhaps more important that the month you were born. Happy people are more likely to have been born in June, July and August, according to a University of Vienna study. Meanwhile a study at the University of Tokyo found that people born in December, January and February were likely to be more pessimistic than those born at other times of the year. Psychiatrists at the University of Umea, in Sweden, looked at personality differences in 2, people and found that women born between February and April were more likely to be novelty seekers than those born in October and February.
Men born in spring were more likely to be impulsive, while those born in winter were prone to introspection. Winter-born children may end up being bigger and more academically inclined than those born in summer. Psychiatrists and anthropologists from Harvard and Queensland universities tracked the development of 21, boys and girls over seven years, finding seasonal variations in intelligence, weight, height, and head size. Another study from the University of Vienna, however, indicated that female students born in spring and summer achieved better exam marks than those born in fall and winter.
Research from the University Hospital Clinic of Modena, Italy, showed that women born in the fall have the fewest symptoms at menopause and those born in spring have the most. Work at Bristol University has shown that those born in winter have a greater risk of developing heart disease, while another study from the University of Southampton indicated that being born in the winter months may increase the risk of obesity. Read these sections to learn which days in each month will be good overall, good for money, and good for love.
Mark them on your calendar — these will be your best days. Similarly, make a note of the days that will be most stressful for you. It is best to avoid booking important meetings or taking major decisions on these days, as well as on those days when important planets in your horoscope are retrograde moving backwards through the zodiac. The Major Trends section for your sign lists those days when your vitality is strong or weak, or when relationships with your co-workers or loved ones may need a bit more effort on your part.
Introduction to Zodiac Signs and Traits
You will know when to be more tolerant of them and when they are liable to be difficult or irritable. In this edition we have included foot reflexology charts as part of the health section. So many health problems could perhaps be avoided or alleviated if we understood which organs were most vulnerable and what we could do to protect them.
Though there are many natural and drug-free ways to strengthen vulnerable organs, these charts show a valid way to proceed.