Nothing is more refreshing than spending time on activities you love. Your relationships are subject to some crabby reactions right now. More freedom is needed in a close alliance. It might be imperative to give your best friend, business associate, or romantic partner the breathing space they crave.
Capricorn: Your daily horoscope - December 25
Alternatively, you could be the one asking for a wider berth. After spending time on your own, you and your companion will come together in a spirit of mutual appreciation.
You'll soon see that absence really does make the heart grow fonder. Personal agitation could lead to problems at work today, because you feel like your talents are unappreciated. You want more creative liberties. You are a hard worker and you expect acknowledgement for the time and energy you contribute. Investigate the possibility of being a free agent, which will allow you to pick and choose your assignments.
Operating as your own boss could end up being far more rewarding than your current situation. August September Take advantage of this moment, because right now you have the courage to take a risk. Higher education or a spiritual quest could also call your name. Learning is a means to become more self-assured. Needy types might feel threatened by your decision to follow your bliss.
The commanding Capricorn Moon joins rambunctious Mars in your 4th House of Domesticity today, instigating drama on the home front. You long to avoid relatives and housemates who are extra sensitive and have short fuses. Retiring to a quiet corner is preferable to rehashing old arguments about housework that never get resolved. You might find that big changes are necessary to create more room for yourself.
Use revolutionary urges that bubble up now to fortify your personal space. Protecting yourself from the outer world helps protect your inner world. Your words are sharp and dripping with sarcasm today. Use caution while traveling, though, because you or a fellow commuter could let road rage get the best of you, leading to risky or impulsive behavior on the road. Meanwhile, the Moon forms an encouraging trine to wildcard Uranus, urging you to try something new in your relationships.
This could be exactly what's needed to turn a day full of lemons into lemonade. Last-minute purchases call your name today and price tags are unlikely to deter you. You might want to stay away from your favorite stores and sites if you really want to keep your coffers intact. Astrology reveals the effect of planets on Capricorn today.

You are feeling very adventurous and are determined to make your own way today. You are going to conquer all obstacles in your path by sheer determination and the force of your will. So, you can schedule all your difficult activities today and you will find success in them coming quickly and without hassle.
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You may experience marked mood swings today. You may feel exuberant at one moment and depressed the next. These moods can actually be better related to what you are eating and your physical activities rather than what is happening in your life. You can consult a professional about your diet. This advice will prove immensely helpful in altering your lifestyle and a reduction in this moodiness.
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Because of coming under the governance of Saturn, Capricorn folks tend to be quite disciplined. If they undertake any task, they make sure only to rest after accomplishing it successfully. Follow Us On. Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly. Sex Gender Male Female. Date of Birth. Time of Birth. Place of Birth.
Today's Capricorn Horoscope - Friday, December 25, 2020
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