Horoscope for pisces march 11 2021

Lusty Mars is spending his last month in Aries and your sensual, security-seeking second house, wrapping up an extended tour from June 27 to January 6. Things could take a turn for the serious when Venus enters Sagittarius and your tenth house of long-term commitments from December 15 to January 9. All that running off-leash can get exhausting to your ultimately emo, compassionate sign. You may need a little time to transition into this newfound yet familiar need for stability. Pro tip: Anyone or anything that pressures you is probably NOT the best choice right now.

Love & Relationships

Romance reigns when sensual Venus links up with dreamy Neptune in your sign. Indulge your fantasies and desires under this tantalizing transit.

♓️Pisces 🍾 Angels, Miracles \u0026 New Connections! ~ 2021 Forecast

You might not want to attend to the practical details of your day, but get those off your plate so you can really relax. On December 14, a total solar eclipse in Sagittarius puts an exclamation point on your diligent efforts. You could find yourself staring at a jaw-dropping career or leadership opportunity—one that arrives when you least expect it. The eclipse could also bring a major changing of the guard at your job, or maybe an announcement of an office closing and going all-remote. At the December 21 rare Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, your receptive and perceptive twelfth house is ablaze—as it will be for all of Quiet the noise in your head with meditation and journaling so you can hear guidance from the universe, which will be stronger than ever.

Got bills? Stressful but motivating Mars has been in your money house for an extended six-month visit since June This revved up the revenue for some Pisces—but may also have brought more expenses or possible Covid-related losses that left you scrambling. Mars will exit on Thursday, January 6 and move into your collaborative, communicative third house. Have you been trying to fit a round peg in a square hole? Giving up could make space for something better. United States. Type keyword s to search. Today's Top Stories.

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Horoscope Pisces March

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Leo Illustrated PopSocket. Virgo Astrology Galaxy PopSocket. Virgo Illustrated PopSocket. Libra Astrology Galaxy PopSocket. Libra Illustrated PopSocket. When it comes to March 11, love life , you are not afraid of falling in love at all; even falling in love is comfortable for you, but you are scared of going into a relationship.

You do not always want to be committed to a relationship. When you get yourself a relationship, you often take such an individual as a cheater and a heart-breaker. Despite your inability to get committed easily, you find yourself always committed to your marriage. You love going to someone that will always comfort you when you have an emotional problem. March 11 facts show that you also need someone that will be able to stand firm in his world and can accept your unconventionality.

You do not want someone that is very volatile in spirit and cannot speak well. Your family is always built on happiness and love. You are usually drawn to people that are born on either of the following day 2nd, 5th, 9th, 11th, 14th, 18th, 20th, 23rd, 27th, and 29th.

Your sexual compatibility is best with a Taurus and Cancer and very incompatible with an Aquarius. Anyone that is born on the 11th day of March would be endowed with the charisma that is needed to complete a career successfully.

You hate a boring business that will not afford you a chance to learn and relearn. You are often running after an exciting job with an opportunity to stretch your mind beyond the limit. Also, you are a lover of art, beauty, and poetry. Your love for art might make you go into artistic works like shoe-making or carpentry. Also, March 11th birthday gem shows that you are prone to becoming a lawyer who will fight for the people without collecting a dime. You have a unique way of marshaling your point and standing on your toes for the success of your business.

Thus, you can become a good negotiator due to your expressiveness and determination. Regarding money, you have a way of saving your money. Also, you can achieve a big thing with your small budget due to your managerial skill.

Pisces Monthly Horoscope

March 11 health issues that are usually common to anyone that is born on this day are anxiety and childhood diseases. You need to have a good family doctor that will treat you for the sickness from childhood. A family doctor would make it easier for you to get treated on time and better. You are very prone to have a skin rash due to your allergies to some food.

Consider regulating your food as a result of your skin rash. One thing that would help March 11 zodiac sign from getting overweight is by improving the speed of your metabolism by exercising yourself. Although holistic treatment is good, traditional medicine should be given some chance too in your life. Other health issues that you are prone to include backache and headache as a result of your workaholic nature.

Consider rest and sleep as things that you must always do. March 11 birthday happens to fall during the Pisces period that is known to be represented by the Fish. It is also the case that you are endowed with independence and freedom as to what you want. Anyone that is born between February 19 and March 20 would be very curious to know things that are unknown. Elementally, you have a special relationship with your element that bestows upon your flexibility. This is a good time to start a new course of study, a long-distance journey, or a new relationship, business, or legal case.

Until February 28 — Neptune in your decan gives a more spiritual outlook on life.