Moon in 7th House. Rajyoga combinations for Virgo Ascendant Kanya Lagna. Gautam Buddha. Bharma Mantra. Four Planets in Conjunction Astrology. Rahu in 7th House, Effects, and Remedies.
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Rajyoga combinations for Cancer Ascendant Karka Lagna. Intuition Power in Kundali. Neechbhanga Rajyoga Good Bad. What is Lagna, Bhavas House Meaning. Yantras and their meanings.
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Yoga for Musicians. What is Chandika Yoga?
Astrological Yoga to Become Doctor. Depression Explained in Astrology, Astrological remedies for mental illness. Effects of Conjunction of Five Planets. Top 10 Yogas in Astrology Astrology. Top 10 Yogas in Astrology Raja Yoga means royal union. Therefore, list of yogas in vedic astrology According to manasagari, 10th lord from Lagna or from chandra in kendra or a trikona or 2nd house with required strength by itself gives rise to Raja Yoga. Akhanda Samrajya Yoga: This yoga arises only if Jupiter owns either the 5th or the 11th house and the lords of the 2nd, the 9th and the 11th from the Moon are strongly placed in the kendras or if Jupiter, not weak or debilitated, is in the 2nd, the 5th or the 11th and the lords of the 2nd, the 9th and the 11th are in a Kendra from the Moon.
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The book Manasagari states that the person blessed with Raja yoga and who has gained more than thirty-eight Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga This is a Raja Yoga where the effect of debilitated planets is canceled under certain condition. It is the planets that make one rule or be subservient to others. It is the planet makes one rise to the heights of the success , or fall to crest of poverty.
It is the planets that give happiness and miseries. So propitiate planets to gain peace of mind and prosperity because Bramha has commanded these planets to give peace and solace to those who worship them. Search: Go!
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Email Address:. ATM- Astrology telling machine. Chiraan's Astrology. Guest Page!! Tatva sanshaya…. Hitherto Unknown Secrets! Planets and Yogas Yoga means a relationship , Planets have relationship in a horoscope giving rise to good and bad effect. Yogas in a Kundli play an important role in determining the life path of a native. Amongst them, Raj Yoga seems to be the most significant. According to Vedic Astrology, a total of 32 types of Raja Yogas exist that offer status, prestige and honor to a native.
Since there are several Raj Yoga in astrology, below we have listed some of the powerful and special Raj Yogas that mark great impact on the lives of natives.
Basic Interpretation of Horoscope as per Planetary Positions
Sometimes we see a debilitated planet in a chart and it seems that it will deliver bad results but, in some special conditions, the debilitation of that planet gets cancelled and thus Neech Bhang Raj Yoga forms. In this yoga the debilitated planets deliver good results and that too leads to rise in the life of a native. There are many conditions in which neech bhang raj yoga forms. A single condition is mentioned here: If the debilitated planet is in conjunction or aspected by the planet which is exalted in the same sign.
Kendra Trikon Raj Yoga
However, it is worth noting that the native attains success in the fields associated with the planetary lord of the house where the Yoga is formed. For example, if Raj Yoga is formed in a house ruled by the Sun, then the person attains success in politics and government jobs.

Gaj Kesari Raja Yoga is considered to be very influential. This Raja Yoga is formed when Jupiter is posited in the Kendra, i. When the Trine and Kendra houses are related to each other, the possibility of Parashari Raj Yoga forming in a kundli increases. Under its influence, the native becomes wealthy, prosperous, famous, attains high designation and possession of property. This Raja Yoga is formed when the planets Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are positioned in the seventh and eighth house from the natal Moon. Some astrologers believe that if auspicious planets are situated in the sixth, seventh and eighth house from Lagna instead of the Moon, then this Raja Yoga is created.
Such a placement enables a native to develop leadership skills and do well on the front line. This Raja Yoga is formed when Sun and Mercury are posited in the same house in a kundli.