Date of birth helps to find planetary positions for the day. Time of birth and place of birth helps to find Ascendant and other house positions. These two things, planetary positions, and house positions help to erect horoscope and predict about life. Yes, the main benefit of Astrology is not knowing future but making future and solving our problems.
Our horoscope indicates about problems which we may face in our life.
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Indian Astrology has a feature that is called remedial methods. There are so many remedies for every problem we face in our life. Remedies life chanting of planetary mantras, Yagya, donations etc. Detailed Horoscope Telugu Jatakam in Telugu with predictions and remedies. Based on your Moon sign. Free Vedic Janmakundali Horoscope with predictions in Telugu. By using our website you consent to all cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy.
You can change your choices at any time by clicking here. I will try my level best to give you accurate Astrology programs and predictions. Free Vedic Horoscope Predictions for life. Astrologers can check your janma kundali to see status of 7 th house of marriage. If the house is aspected by malefic planets like Saturn and you are undergoing dasha of a negative planet like Ketu, these effects will be increased.
Astrolgers can confirm if it is a passing phase or not. There are many signs for second marriage in your charts.
Free Vedic Horoscope Predictions for life
If your 7 th house of marriage has a planet which is in a dual sign, it can indicate two marriages in life. The position and strength of the planet in the 7 th house, your future dashas in life will indicate what your future life will be like. If during your 2 nd marriage, you are running the dasha of Venus or Jupiter, and they are strong in your horoscope, you can have a good future.
The effects you feel may be very mild to severe depending on position and strength of Mars in your kundali, and also in Navamsa chart. If Mars is good for your horoscope as a yoga karaka overall, or if the aspect of other strong and auspicious planets are falling on Mars, then you will not feel any issues. If it is negative, then you may face adjustment problems and hot-tempered fights between partners. A manglik can marry a non-manglik only after thorough investigation of both horoscopes, and also performing certain remedies suggested to take away the ill- effects.
Usually late marriage is advised, so that the dosha is reduced, and some remedies like marriage to pipal tree is done as per Vedic scriptures. This releases you from ill-effects.
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My partner is creating obstacles in my business, what is the wayout. Date of birth in addition with place and time of birth, when combined give us the Kundli Natal Chart of the person.
Astrology is a science which correlates the events on earth with the movements of the celestial bodies like sun, moon, stars and planets. So the positions of stars , the positions of the celestial bodies helps in understanding the dasha predictions, sade sati details, nakshatra phal, influence of planets and varshphal combinedly given by the Kundli. All these predictions start from your birth date astrology.
The horoscope prediction requires the birth date astrology charts , created using information i. Birth date Astrology predictions are made considering various factors. Here are some predictions that give a holistic picture about an individual's life :. Dasha Prediction: Time-duration or "Dasha periods", as the heavenly bodies convey and how they impact you because of their positions and these time periods, the reaction they have on your life, the direction they are bound to propel you in. Dasha Predictions are based on Birth date astrology.
Sade Sati Details : The sade sati of Shani Saturn Planet or the 'seven and a half year' duration which occurs thrice in a person's lifespan is considered most crucial. The enumerative analysis of the results of this 'sade sati', its neutral and incessant phases, as well as Age-old remedies from the vedas to eliminate the negative effect of this is provided based on the birth details provided and are in a way a part of birth date astrology. Nakshatra Phal: This report acknowledges interesting facts about you, your nature, behaviour, characteristics and personality, the favourable and unfavourable aspects, your strength and weaknesses, and loads of other useful and interesting personal information which helps you make the right decision and choices in your life and lead a more productive and prosperous life.
Influence of Planets: Apprehensions of planetary inclination in your horoscope, the position and influence of various planets, their favourable and unfavourable, good and bad, positive and negative effects on various fields of your life. This section of birth date astrology includes predictions for the future and explains in detail that in which direction the stars shall incite you. How they will affect and influence you and your decisions in life.

Varshphal: The varshphal or the vedic yearly astrology or the annual horoscope is one of the many executions of vedic based on birthdate astrology exercised to understand the occurrence of future events.