They love to live their lives as per their own ways. They always seek for independence. They love to lead people in anyway. As a leader they will be able to earn popularity and success. They are also risk taker and they can do anything to fulfil their dreams. They are really focused on their goals and dreams. There is a possibility that these kinds of nature turn them self-centred. But they are very genuine at the same time.
Tamil Calendar , Aani Masam Manmatha
On the other side they are very creative. They love to spend their times by creative works like painting, writing poetry, singing and such kind of things. In one word they are career oriented. Sometimes it has been seen that they take sudden decisions and that may harm their surrounding people.
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Boy Name by Alphabet. Girl Name by Alphabet. Before this happened Soura Cancer had already dawned on 15th July So, technically, according to Raman Ayanamsa there were two Amavasyas in the solar month of Mithuna. In short, while there was Adhika Ashada lunar month during the year Manmatha according to Chaitra Paksha Ayanamsa, the Adhikamasa according to Raman Ayanamsa occurred only a month thereafter.
Whichever school of Ayanamsa one may prefer to follow, the fact is that there was an Adhikamasa in the year Manmatha. The differences in the Ayanamsa values followed by different schools can alter the timings of the solar ingresses and thereby, the reckoning of the solar months. It has to be noted that these differing values of Ayanamsa do not affect the Tithis and therefore, the lunar calendar. As both the longitudes of the Sun and the Moon will have only a common difference in tune with the Ayanamsa values, the Tithis and consequently, the timings of the Full or New Moons will not get affected.
The differences in the Ayanamsas bring only a shift in the exact timings of the solar ingresses into Rasis or signs. As the difference in computation is constant the occurrence of Adhikamasa, will be inevitable whatever the Ayanamsa value adopted. It can only shift its occurrence to a different point of time, in advance or subsequent to the reckoning according to a particular Ayanamsa. These dissimilarities are being pointed out only to highlight the perfect computational calendric principles underlying the Adhikamasa which every student of astrology should be aware of.
Generally, no religious festivals are observed in the Adhikamasa which is deemed to be Malamasa or polluted month. Commencement of studies, Upanayana, entering a new house, signing of papers pertaining to the buying of a house, tonsure, marriage, commencement of construction, buying a car or signing any important papers and the like are not advised during Adhikamasa. However, there is no taboo for daily prayers, Japa, charity, reading scriptures, attending Satsangh and performing ceremonies relating to death and birth. Kalavidhana gives an exception to this general rule.
If any planet remains exalted during an Adhikamasa, the blemish for the month abates and all auspicious events can be performed.
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The last time an Adhikamasa took place in , according to the Chaitra Paksha Ayanamsa, Jupiter was in Cancer till 14th July in exaltation. However, Adhika Sravana as per Raman Ayanamsa did not attract this exemption as no planet was exalted during that particular month. Mann ki Baat. Ashram offical facebook page. Srimad Bhagvatham. Maha Shiva Ratri February 24, Sri Subramanian swamy. The Brave heart Army. Ashram Calender. What is Navratri? Navratri or Navratra are therefore known as Chaitra Navratra and Shaardeya Navratra on the basis of their occ […].
The Mahabharatha, is the greatest, longest and one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India, the other being the Ramayana. With more than 74, verses, plus long prose passages, or some 1. Bhagvan Shri Adi Sankara was one of the greatest saints of his time. He was born in a Brahmin family in Kerala.
Aani Month 1955 - Vratham, Upavasam, Festivals
After brahmopadesa, as is usual during those times, Bramhmachari were asked to beg alms for his lunch. One day when little Adi Shankara went to a Brahmin house, the lady of the house was so poor that she did not have anything to give him. She search […]. Though classified as an upa-purana it is the only purana Vedavyasa called "Maha Purana" meaning the great purana.
Sri Devi Mahathmyam is one of the most enduring and popular Hindu scriptures of all times, filled with the stories and the exploits of the Mother Goddess, as she assumes various forms and avatars, from time to time to vanquish evil and restore righteousness and goodness in the world. The seven hundred verses of Devi Mahathmyam form one of the cornerstones of […]. Shri Vishnu Sahastranama. Hindu Baby Names. Vasthu Shastra from Ashram. Brahma sends Narad to Valmiki. They take mountains of food for him and try to awaken him with their shouts, drums and trumpets. At last, Kumbhakaran gets up and has his meal.

He is told about the war and the humiliation Ravan is suffering. Ravan goes t […]. Sukh meets Sugriv and says: "You are a king and Ravan is another. Earn his friendship instead of risking your life for helping a disinherited prince. Angad goes and informs Hanuman who requests Tara to go and allay Lakshman's wrath.
Understanding the Concept of Adhikamasa
Tara is able to take away the edge of Lakshman's anger and Hanuman tells Lakshman that Sugriv has already issued orders for mobilising the warriors. Sugriv apologizes […]. King Janak visits Ayodhya. He shows Ram the letter Sita left him and tells Ram that he is proud to have a daughter like Sita. G […].
Lanka sau kota samudra sii k […]. Ramachander Sri Hanuman Ji assumed this form to kill Mahiravana, a powerful rakshasa black-magician and practitioner of the dark arts during the Ramayana war. Mahiravana had taken Lord Rama and Lakshmana captive, and the only way to kill him was to extinguish f […]. So great is the […]. Kausalya's endearing son! Wake up, dear!