Others like what you have to say on the 28 th. Children could cost you money on the 13 th.
Monthly Horoscope for January 2021
An idea on how to increase your income is yours on the 23 rd. Aquarius: Speaking impulsively could get you into trouble on the 12 th. Expect the unexpected on the 26 th. Pisces: Friends are especially nice to you on the 1 st. You have some ideas about how to make your friends happy on the 8 th.
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- Scorpio Monthly Horoscope.
Read your blog, you have explained the things easier in comparison to another astrology blogs. Keep posting informative things. Skip to main content. By Celeste Longacre. December 23, Related Articles Astrology. Tags horoscope january What do you want to read next? Monthly Horoscope for October Monthly Horoscope for August Monthly Horoscope for May The Month of January Monthly Horoscope for January Monthly Horoscope for June Monthly Horoscope for December Monthly Horoscope for July Monthly Horoscope for November Monthly Horoscope for September Monthly Horoscope for February Mercury Retrograde Dates for Sign up for our email newsletter by entering your email address.
A happy conjunction between Lucky Jupiter and rule-making Saturn on Monday sets the stage for success. On Wednesday, passionate Mars creates a square with power-hungry Pluto. The goal is to be compassionate and calm as these planets clash against each other. This engaging transit makes us want to discuss topics that stimulate our minds, and help us grow. The placement comes at a good time: The holidays offer an opportunity to play games and sharpen your mind, an excellent use of this transit.
AriesMarch 21 to April 19People are drawn to your natural charisma, Aries. You may have your attention pulled towards home matters on Monday, when your domestic-minded Moon waxes into her first quarter in Aries.
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- Scorpio Monthly Horoscope.
Resist the urge to jump into any task headfirst — instead, work with the Moon to get your house in order. Use this transit to evaluate how you can build upon your skills to help you reach your next career goal. TaurusApril 20 to May 20Are you quenching your thirst for knowledge, Taurus? You could be exposed to some ingenious new ideas that help you stay close to home beginning Monday, when your domestic-ruling Sun highlights your 9th house of exploration, adventure, and belief.
Allow yourself to be flexible and open to the innovative concepts you're hearing through Wednesday, when inner growth-governing Mars creates a square with passionate Pluto. It could be difficult to see eye to eye during this transit, creating flared tempers as these planets clash. Keep your creative mind alert on Friday, when materialistic Mercury makes a trine with career-minded Uranus. Use this transit to think outside the box and come up with exciting directions for your passion projects.
Your whole persona shifts starting on Sunday, when ruling Mercury makes his way into disciplined Capricorn.
Having a straight-forward attitude will serve you well as the Sun traverses your 8th house of transformation, mystery, and dramatic change beginning on Monday. This transit offers you the unique opportunity to delve deeper into your hidden self and nurture your unconscious mind. You may notice that people have their backs up and are ready to challenge you during this transit — take the path of least resistance.
CancerJune 21 to July 22Consider how you rely on others, Cancer. Your material-ruling Sun enters your 7th house of partnerships, contracts, and business on Monday, encouraging you to nurture your relationships. Reach out to people who have helped you along your way, and see how you can help out. But you'll want to balance your outreach with self-care, as wellness-minded Jupiter also forms a conjunction with affection-governing Saturn on Monday.
Mars Retrograde Dates in 2020:
Invest time in self-love as these planets connect — what can you do to improve your current healing practices? Try to keep work matters separate from your personal life on Wednesday, when career-minded Mars creates a square with entertainment-ruling Pluto. LeoJuly 23 to August 22How can you better conserve your resources, Leo? Your concerns regarding cash come to the forefront of your mind starting on Sunday, as money-minded Mercury enters into frugal Capricorn.
Your new mindset helps to line you up for success as the ruling Sun brightens your 6th house of health, order, and service on Monday. Use this transit to create a new schedule that helps you to begin on the right foot. On Friday, as financial-minded Mercury makes a trine with passion-ruling Uranus, making you feel blessed and ready to share your wealth with others.

Kind of a perfect mood to be in on this holiday weekend. This electric transit encourages you to share knowledge and discuss new ideas with friends and loved ones.
People are attracted to your magnetic personality, so enjoy the spotlight during this festive transit. VirgoAugust 23 to September 22Are you ready to loosen up, Virgo? The Sun illuminates your 5th house of creativity, pleasure, and romance on Monday, helping you get in touch with your inner artist and lover. Use this lively transit to imagine fun new ways to spend your time together as you ring in the new year.
Scorpio Horoscope: Fall Madly In Love | StyleCaster
Domestic-ruling Jupiter forms a conjunction with pleasure-seeking Saturn on Monday too, encouraging you to elevate your interior aesthetic. Your keen brain is continuously whirring on Friday, as status-minded Mercury makes a trine with routine-ruling Uranus. To settle your mind so you can relax over the holiday weekend, write down any ideas that cross your thoughts — you could use them to help move your professional agenda along.
LibraSeptember 23 to October 22In the mood to nest, Libra? You may feel incredibly cozy starting on Monday, while the Sun brightens your 4th house of family, instincts, and foundations.
Areas of Contraction and Lessons in Simplicity:
Reach out to loved ones and share old memories, recipes, and ideas as you navigate this sweet transit. Your mind may be buzzing with ideas for work on Monday as well, as your career-ruling Moon waxes into her first quarter in ambitious Aries. Harness this energy by organizing your thoughts during this energetic transit. Communication-governing Jupiter forms a conjunction with domestic-minded Saturn on Monday too. ScorpioOctober 23 to November 21Open up, Scorpio. Work to get out of any ruts that you may be stuck in, and challenge yourself to expand your thinking during this intellectual and social transit.