The months of January and April, May 16 and September can prove to be very suitable for those who want to pursue higher education.
Yearly Horoscope Astrological Prediction for Sagittarius | Vietnam Times
For those who want to go abroad and complete their further studies, the months of December and September in can be very lucky. This year, you can fulfill your dream of going abroad and studying. You will majorly get good results in studies in , however the months of February and March can incur unfavourable results. Therefore, you need to focus more on studies and work harder.
On occasions, your concentration is likely to break due to any health problems, which can create obstructions in studies. At this time, it is necessary for you to remain alert and study diligently. Sagittarius natives will lead a good life in as per Horoscope for Sagittarius zodiac sign. This year, your home will be inhabited by peace, and family life will be good. In , Saturn will aspect the fourth house of the kundli of Sagittarius natives, will will mark a positive impact on all the members of the family.
This year, considering the archaic ideas, you can think of getting some auspicious work done in your house. There will be an atmosphere of happiness in the house throughout the year. Marriage or childbirth in the family will bring a lot of happiness. Especially from January to April and then from 4th September to November, one of the family members from your maternal side is expected to go on a long journey. This year, your brothers and sisters will also fully support you, and be seen standing beside you throughout the year.
For Sagittarius natives, year seems favourable as per Sagittarius Horoscope when it comes to their marital life. However, despite a good start to the year, your life partner may suffer from minor health problems. Therefore, remain cautious. From the first week of January, love and attraction will prevail in married life throughout the month.
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Apart from this, you can also plan to go on a trip with your partner. Once again in the month of March, you can go on a short trip with your partner. Enjoy this trip as much as you can, because it will prove to be effective in strengthening your relationship. In the month of April, there is a strong possibility of ups and downs in your married life, due to which the months of April and May can prove to be a bit annoying and stressful for you. In these months itself, Mars is going to be posited in the seventh house of your zodiac sign.
As a result, your life partner's temper can become slightly aggressive.
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This year, it is very important for you to take special care of your life partner's health. Your children will lead a good life this year and continue to perform well. However, you need to remain attentive of their company and people they are hanging out with. Overall, you are expected to have a very good year in regards with your children and life partner. Horoscope Compatibility for Marriage. According to Sagittarius Love Horoscope , this year is going to bring mixed results for those in love.
While on the one hand you are going to be very emotional towards your partner in the beginning of the year, you will be very romantic in the month of February on the other. This year, you will get ample opportunities to show your love and affection to your partner. Apart from this, your love life will take a new and positive turn in the months of April, July and September, whereas on the other hand, you may get entangled in fights and arguments with your beloved in the month of March.
Hence, you are needed to remain patient. Try to resolve the things patiently and do not let it take an ugly form. Natives in love will also get an opportunity to marry their loved ones in the last months of the year. From the health point of view, year proves to be better for Sagittarius natives. Sagittarius Health Horoscope predicts that this year, due to the sudden placement of Ketu in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign, some natives are also likely to suffer from fever, boils or minor injuries.
Sagittarius Horoscope 2021 - Sagittarius Astrology Predictions 2021
However, it will not be serious. In addition, some people may also catch cold, cough, or suffer from any lung related problems. Apart from this, your year is going to be much better in terms of health. You just need to stay a little cautious. Try and inhale clean air and drink clean water, as doing so will benefit you in the long run.

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A concerted health or fitness regime is one area that you can benefit. From May though your life does begin to move forward because of earlier restraints. From late September until the end of the year, your optimism returns and life looks much better. Partnerships are where some increase comes to you this year. With Venus moving into a retrograde phase May and June though can involve legal negotiations with the chance to cease a partnership or close off a debt in some way. In May and August, the Sagittarius will enjoy the support of the planets in their love life.
Those who take advantage of it will live happily and peacefully until old age. The single Sagittarius risk to fall in love with someone they barely know. They only have one goal: marriage. Some Sagittarius might get involved in a relationship with a person who is hesitant or afraid. Set up a romantic dinner in a lovely place, and everything will go smoothly. This is an important area this year because of the extended stay of Venus, the planet that governs relating to other people, in your relationship sign of Gemini from April until August.
Relationships, in general, can go through a growth phase and some will receive gifts and even rewards from those they meet. Late June into early August is such a time. The Sagittarius searching for a job could obtain an important contract in May and June of They will finally find a job that corresponds to their profile. Jupiter is in your career sector until late September. The first 4 months is the time to put a new structure into place, and some may even find they are learning a new skill in this time. From May until the end of September is when you make some progress.
Your body parts are the pelvic region and upper leg and for those who play sport be aware that you could overstrain or even damage these areas in March or June if you approach physical activity with your normal gusto.
Some may even need corrective surgery on these body parts. You may also suffer from digestive complaints, and sugar will be what you need to cut back on. In , the people born in the Sagittarius sign should have a diet rich in proteins, eat as much poultry and grilled fish as possible, fresh fruits and vegetable, such as cherries, oranges, lemons, plums, beetroot, tomatoes, eggs, skim milk, yogurt, brown rice, and whole wheat. Just like a unicorn, you are indomitable and free, however, you will make an effort to communicate, rather than exercise your authority.
You will make sure that the people around you respect your choices and leave you the freedom to act as you see fit.
You encounter difficulties organizing your time, not knowing where to start, and where your priorities lie. Professionally, you find your way towards success, and if you are evaluated against another person for the position you were hoping to get for some time, you will win in the second part of the year.