Aquarius astrology match

But Libra wants to express themselves, while Aquarius tends to keep their emotions hidden. If they can focus on their passions, this couple has a high likelihood of success.

Wanna Date an Aquarius? Mmkay, Here’s Everything You Need to Know About That

Both optimists, Aquarius and Sagittarius share a common denominator in their personalities: independence. With a relationship based on adventure and laughter, and making the world a better place in their own way, it is a recipe for long-lasting love. Every zodiac sign has their own needs in a marriage, and for Aquarius, they want a partner who is accepting, selfless, rational, and loyal. Aquarius is known as a humanitarian, meaning they seek social justice all around them; everything they do is for the greater good. A forward-thinking zodiac sign, they are unique and go against the status quo, but are still considered quite friendly and welcoming.

Not only that, Aquarians are also sensitive, eccentric, dedicated , and protective.

Aquarius and Fire Sign Love Matches

Some say that two of the same zodiac signs in a relationship will not have good love compatibility; however, the relationship between two Aquarius is not doomed to fail. Yes, there are issues that not even two people sharing the same sign can avoid, and while two Aquarians dating each other can cause friction, each knows what to expect from the other. Aquarius is always looking for something specific in relationships, whether that is acceptance or freedom, or just someone they can be weird with.

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Good or bad, Aquarius knows how to handle it all , no matter who they are dating. Finding common ground in the bedroom is easy for Aquarius and Aquarius. They can fulfill the strange fantasies or needs without worrying about backlash, and are free from taboos.

A casual sexual relationship may be the best situation for two Aquarians, as this zodiac sign has a strong need for freedom and independence, which may cause worry when in a relationship. There also tends to be a lack of true vulnerability and intimacy during sex, where detachment overrides excitement.

Leo finds Aquarius mesmerizing, and their individuality and quirkiness intriguing.

Aquarius Love Compatibility: Aquarius Sign Compatibility Guide!

Plus, there's a lot of sexual chemistry. They are two creative and confident individuals who can inspire one another in every way. The problem here is sustainability. As a couple, they'll need to work together to understand their different needs. Aquarius and Sagittarius is a very creative coupling. Both are funny, plus they share a uniquely odd sense of humor, are amused by life, are very amusing to one another.

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In fact, this pair will laugh at things that seem obscure to everyone else. They both love change and surprises and are ready to jump in bed or pick up and go at the drop of a hat. They are a highly compatible, love on the go, and fun couple. Sagittarius is the best fire sign love match for Aquarius.

Aquarius Compatibility Guide - Dating an Aquarius Advice, Tips

The only problem may be settling down and sorting out mundane responsibilities. Aquarius is considered to be compatible with other air signs. While it's true, they have an easy relationship as zodiac signs, it's always important to remember that zodiac signs are not people. When two air signs get together, they have an intellectual understanding of one another, but the relationship will be more cerebral than passionate or emotional and the two can become complacent and fall in a rut.

In truth, they make better friends or friends with benefits, because they tend to fall "in like" with one another rather than "in love.

Aquarius and Gemini both love to socialize and have similar skill-sets are similar when it comes to communication, Both need excitement and change, but has difficulty expressing emotions. Gemini may flit from one project to another, but Aquarius will tag along in hope of discovering something new and exciting. This can be an ideal relationship since Aquarius has an attitude of "live and let live.

The Most Compatible Zodiac Signs, According to an Astrologer

Plus neither will need to worry about jealousy. Gemini adores Aquarius's originality, creative spark, and brilliant mind that never stops whirling. Like Aquarius, Gemini has a thirst for knowledge that often appears to be unquenchable, which Aquarius appreciates. According to Terrones, the many sides to Gemini will satisfy Aquarius in a way the other signs can't. Aquarius and Sagittarius make a great match because they're both committed to freedom and growth.

Like Aquarius, Sagittarius is independent. They might not be the most emotional pair, but they're both philosophers at heart and their intellectual connection is unrivaled. When these two get together, they'll finally be with a partner who truly appreciates their uniqueness.

Not every zodiac sign is a perfect match with its same kind, but an Aquarius-Aquarius pairing can work. According to Terrones, the essential Aquarian trait that makes this possible is their uniqueness.