The world is their oyster , and they want to do whatever they can to improve it and help others within it.
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This is where their humanitarian side comes into play; they long to initiate positive change, an essential quality of Uranus, the ruling planet of Aquarius. Mental stimulation is one of the main keys to happiness for Aquarians. Without it, they quickly become bored and uninterested. They also need plenty of alone time to think and recharge. Finally, being an Aquarius usually means being original and a little eccentric. It's not uncommon for Aquarians to embrace their creativity and uniqueness, even if it makes them stand out from others in a slightly odd or unconventional way.
Aquarius Zodiac Sign: Personality Traits and Sign Dates | Allure
It's hard to define the Aquarius personality because of how much this sign can vary. For the most part, though, Aquarians share certain key traits, some of which are good and some of which are not so good. The symbol of Aquarius. Aquarians are future-oriented people, often described as visionaries. They're also very intelligent and proudly original.
Aquarius Love and Sex
Perhaps the most prominent Aquarius trait is their ambitious vision, both for their future and the future of society. Aquarians are extremely progressive and seek to enact positive change in the world, often through generous humanitarian efforts, such as helping with the fight against climate change or figuring out ways to solve the world hunger crisis. Though they can be a bit dogmatic in their beliefs sometimes, they really will do whatever it takes to see that the world becomes a better place. Their compassion and strong sense of justice is what guides their actions and views.
They also cherish freedom and aim to extend it to everyone. Aquarius is a highly intelligent, cerebral sign that has a tendency to get lost in thought while analyzing something or trying to identify potential solutions to problems. They see possibility in everything and love to dissect it for as long as they can; this, in turn, makes them especially tolerant of other viewpoints.
Indeed, Aquarians are by and large big-picture thinkers and some of the best problem solvers. Sometimes they can get a bit distracted by their own thoughts, but overall they're great people to turn to if you want an unbiased, well-researched answer to an issue or question.
Those born under the Aquarius sign are typically some of the most unique and original people you'll ever meet—and they're proud to be, too! Aquarians are famously innovative and aren't afraid to think outside the box when it comes to creative projects, business solutions, and so on.
In fact, they pride themselves on being able to identify revolutionary ideas and approaches for making things—including society—better. This originality extends to Aquarians' creative minds as well: many are devoutly artistic and love expressing themselves through pursuits such as painting and writing. In their personal lives, Aquarians are often described as a little or very eccentric, but it's a label many, if not most, are willing to embrace.
After all, ordinary is boring!
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Aquarians can come across as cold and insensitive due to their more pragmatic and less emotional way of looking at things. Their tendency to overanalyze detaches them from the world and those around them , causing others to feel uncomfortable with the Aquarian's rigid thought process. For Aquarius, appearing impersonal or aloof can pose a large problem if the situation is serious or heavily emotions-bound.
You don't want to accidentally distance important people from you! Aquarius might be one of the more intelligent signs, but this proclivity for deep thinking can lead to condescension in some cases. Aquarians are often convinced that what they think must be right and that therefore everyone else is wrong.
Usually, an Aquarius is completely unaware that they're talking down to someone because they truly believe their opinion is "fact. Naturally, this trait can be a big source of frustration for people who are trying to propose solutions or exchange ideas with an Aquarius, as it makes them feel intellectually inferior and like less of an equal. Though being a visionary is one of the best Aquarius characteristics, it's also one of their downfalls. When Aquarians become too idealistic, they often find themselves believing that nothing less than perfect will do—and this can lead to dissatisfaction, frustration, and even depression when they fail to reach this lofty, at times impossible standard.
In many cases, this idealism causes Aquarians to be self-righteous and even a little delusional when it comes to what they can practically do. The Aquarius sign is all about change, usually change for the better—but occasionally this quality can manifest as unpredictability. Aquarians might generally come across emotionless, but this is because they tend to release their emotions read: anger in quick, sudden bursts that seemingly come out of nowhere.
This bad temper is a problem for many Aquarians, especially those who face a lot of pressure in their lives, including from themselves. Aquarius doesn't like to be emotionally vulnerable, so when something really riles them up, it's typically a result of several different things compiled over time.
Aquarians might seem insensitive at times, but they're actually quite compassionate and sympathetic toward others, mainly the people closest to them. Here, we look at how Aquarius fares in love, family and friendship, and business. In a romantic relationship, Aquarius is all about intellectual stimulation.
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You need to be able to engage in complex, interesting conversations with an Aquarius in order to get them romantically interested in you. While for some the way to the heart is through the stomach, for Aquarius it's through the brain! Aquarians long for relationships that value not only a mental connection, but also honesty and independence. As the Aquarius sign can be a bit of a loner, they will give their partner the same sense of independence , always treating them as their equal and respecting their boundaries. When it comes to love, Aquarians are generally committed for life and willing to make sacrifices for the sake of their relationship.
One thing to look out for is Aquarius's unrelenting anger should they be betrayed. Cross them, and the relationship will likely end right then and there! Don't expect forgiveness from an Aquarius. Aquarians are extremely devoted to family and friends and cherish, above all, honesty, intellect, and creativity in those dear to them. They are often willing to risk everything for the sake of their family. In terms of friendship, Aquarians are usually quite popular, with lots of friends and acquaintances, due to their collaborative way of viewing the world. Sometimes their slightly condescending, self-righteous attitude can make people uncomfortable, but for the most part, Aquarians are fun, quirky, and easy to get along with.
Because Aquarians dislike being emotionally vulnerable, it can be challenging for them to make close friends. It takes time for Aquarius to feel truly connected to somebody on an emotional and intellectual level. However, once you've successfully befriended an Aquarius, they'll be one of your most reliable pals. When it comes to work, Aquarians are all about showcasing their imaginative abilities and unique skills, typically in a conscious effort to make the world a better place. They love exercising their talents and intellect and thrive in environments wherein they can propose ideas, help others, and be relentlessly creative.
They do well in group projects but want clear recognition for their contributions. Due to their humanitarian quality, Aquarians thrive in jobs that allow them to see their positive effect on the world around them.

Moreover, their passion for knowledge makes them ideal candidates for careers in discovery-oriented fields , such as astronomy and tech jobs. Aquarius constellation. Not all Aquarius traits will apply to you, so you'll need to figure out which ones do. Once you've done that, you can start thinking about how to best utilize your strengths and begin improving your weaknesses.
For example, if you consider yourself a visionary but aren't sure how you'd like to effect positive change in the world, you could try volunteering at a local charity or organization. Small steps like this should help you start to see what kinds of activities you enjoy and which give you the most satisfaction when it comes to feeling as though you're an advocate for something.
You could also draft a list of the causes you're most passionate about and then use this as a jumping-off point to explore potential ways you could support these causes.
Aquarius Zodiac Sign
Or maybe you feel that you're artistic and original but have been dealing with a bout of writer's block recently. They are very independent and do not like being tied down. With very firm views and opinions, aquarians can quickly change to obstinacy and stubbornness when riled up. Regardless of this, they are supportive and faithful when in the right relationship. When in a committed relationship, they value their "me" time, and require above average amounts of privacy.
Read more about this on the Aquarius love page. This truly amazing match could not be more harmonious. They naturally understand one another. Things that would bewilder, baffle and rattle others, they are in complete understanding. These two will have a pleasant life together. Yes, happily every after! Look for a shock when expecting peace and harmony in this union. With the unpredictable Aquaria, life may be too challenging for the all too easy going Taurus. Taurians conservative habits will before long get under the skin of the high strung, dynamic Aquarius. Both signs love comfort and east, but their wide divergence of views lends a problem as to how to obtain them.
And as to the Aquarians unwillingness to share secrets, this will not be taken kindly to by the Taurian. Both should shop around a bit more before taking this leap. Aquarius are known to be the spirits.