Taurus man in love and Taurus woman in love make very trustworthy, dutiful and reliable partners.
If you have ever fallen in love with Taurus, you know how easy it is to confide in them of your truest feelings, to give them a part of your beating heart. The Taurus love partner want a peaceful and fulfilling domestic life like clockwork. They do not run after thrill, adventure and excitement that much. They are practical and sensible, never spontaneous.
5 zodiac signs that are most compatible with Scorpio in terms of love and relationships
This Taurus love horoscope is based on the Moon Sign, the sign where the Moon was placed at the time of your birth. If you do not know your Moon Sign, click here to find it out for free! Taurus man and Taurus woman can be very stubborn individuals, who resist change. If you force them to change their ways, they would throw real anger at you which can be very hard to manage. Once they have found true love in you, they would want to settle down and create a peaceful domestic life with you.
Taurus (April 21 - May 20)
However, their fixity to routine often makes them slightly boring and dull partners. What to expect when you are in Love with Taurus Rushing into something out of impulse or passion and then getting away with it later are not typical traits of Taurus, never so in love. They like to take one solid step at a time and relish it. If they like you, they would want to spend quality, couple time with you at luxurious places. Since their decision is rock solid, they make sure it is in their and your best interest. If they like you, you would know that with the small things they do even at very early stages.
Before they give in, Taurus makes sure you are a trustworthy and dependable individual who values consistency in relationships. Once they are sure that you are a partner material, there is no confusion regarding commitment and marriage at all. Scorpio and Taurus, within the zodiac realm, are pole opposites, which lead them to be fascinated and frustrated by each other!
Scorpions fancy their Taurean partner's stability, reliability and complete trustworthiness. Needless to say, they make highly passionate and emotional partners with extremely strong sexual chemistry. Scorpions and Cancerians are both highly emotional, possessive, intuitive and emotional by nature.
Hence, theirs is mostly a whirlwind romance where both the partners value commitment. This pair is considered to be one of the best in the zodiac system! The personalities of Virgo and Scorpio are very diverse. While Virgo can be reserved and timid, Scorpions with their strong personalities could be intimidating to them.

Scorpions want to hold the reigns of the relationship in their hands and with Virgo, that can easily be achieved. With Capricorn and Scorpio, the values and ambitions are on par. They are both hard-working, driven and value security. While Capricorn is known to be emotionally less available as opposed to what a Scorpion might demand, they manage to let their feelings be known because of the ease in communication.
Taurus | Astrology India
Scorpio and Pisces are known to be a perfect match among the zodiac signs. This pairing can actually make others super jealous for they connect on a very deep and satisfying level. While both are extremely possessive in nature, this can be used to strengthen the relationship. Times Now. Follow us on :.