The mood of the week, as will become clear over the next few days, is creative rather than routine. Virgo : The prevailing mood should be generally optimistic, but you have to make sure that your expectations match up with reality. Do try to tackle financial issues, amongst which are your own extravagant tendencies. There is nothing wrong with spending more than necessary, just as long as you have the readies in your pocket! Libra : Although the general situation is looking very positive, you must realise that in a number of minor issues the sands of time are running out.
In particular, a run of social or emotional good luck is now almost coming full circle. Scorpio: The fact that constructive alignments are powerful today, directly supports elements of your emotional character. Your deep secrecy and concern with justice, should guide your feelings. Your behaviour should be designed to boost the common good rather than merely your own self-interest.
Horoscope: Daily, Weekly & Yearly Horoscope predictions at Deccan Herald
Sagittarius : This is your week. Cancer June 22 — July This is certainly a dynamic moment — in theory, at least! The planets will give you little choice but to set about improving your lot. LEO July 24 — Aug This should be one of those quiet times when you have the chance to catch up with chores you began some time ago and never finished, and when you have the time to consolidate all that you have achieved in the past year.
However, as the week passes, domestic questions will begin to occupy more and more of your time. You are now moving decisively into a highly creative phase of your life. Hopefully you are spending much of your time preparing for future activities. Skin allergies or infections are a probability.
Weekly Horoscope March 15 to March 21, 2020: Check out predictions for your zodiac sign this week
Finance-wise, there will be stability during the entire week. You will enjoy complete support from your superiors at work if you are a salaried employee.
Students appearing for competitive examinations can expect excellent results. As they will be ubbling with energy and enthusiasm.
Horoscopes by Jamie Partridge
Romance is just around the corner! Planets predict that you are about to find your soul mate. On the other hand, married couples will be bestowed with peace, harmony and romance at home. Remaining physically fit will always be a priority for you.

Stick to a healthy diet and avoid junk food completely. It would be a great idea to invest in Government bonds. A long vacation with your family or staff members is also predicted in the cards. For salaried employees, various growth opportunities will come forth. More importantly, your colleagues at work will help you achieve all the goals that you have set. On the other hand, students' increased efforts, hard work and diligence will pay off. Love and affection for your siblings will cross the roof today.
In marriage life, you could face some difficulties due to ego clashes. A plethora of ups and downs pertaining to your career and business might come up.
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For joint ventures and partnership businesses, the week looks favourable. You will join a fitness club and religiously follow any fitness programs. Your flow of income will increase substantially. This will inspire you to save more money for the future. Wise investments made by you during the past will bear sweet fruits of returns.
Your attraction towards your beloved will be at its peak. You and your loved one will enjoy beautiful chemistry throughout this period. Married couples will be immersed in love with each other. Any ailments of the past that have been troubling you will be cured during this week. Businesses that need to deal with Government or semi-government organisations will flourish during this week. Singles will have a fantastic relationship with their loved ones during this week. You will be able to apply effective cost-cutting measures which will positively reflect upon your financial statement.
Every adjustment will be made by their partner to make them feel more comfortable and relaxed. Your confidence, energy and enthusiasm will be so great that you will be able to complete the most difficult tasks with ease. Your amazing level of fitness will be inspiring for everyone! Your primary focus will be to cut down upon all unnecessary expenses.
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