Set your sights on a lofty dream, whether that means relocating somewhere far across the globe, launching your indie business or taking a leap of faith. Any big ideas you had at the November 30 Gemini lunar eclipse could now start to take flight as you discover how they could fit into the larger picture of your next thrilling chapter. Speaking of which…has life felt like a grind in , and not just because of the pandemic? You can chalk that up to the rare convergence of THREE planets—Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto—all moving through Capricorn and your tenth house of career, ambition and responsibility.
At the same time, you could have made big leaps in your professional life, even while navigating WFH challenges.
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Great news, Aries: Lightness returns this week when, in a rare simultaneous move, both Jupiter and Saturn exit Capricorn and move into Aquarius, spending the next year dancing through your eleventh house of teamwork, technology and idealism. This past three-year period of massive maturity taught you quite a lot about your own resilience and capabilities. But it was NOT without its tough lessons, which you may have had to repeat over and over again.
Your slow, diligent climb up the mountain will be rewarded as Saturn exits Capricorn.

That could come in the form of a promotion or a clear new path—or simply the relief of knowing that you no longer have to carry so much of the burden alone! Now, as Saturn moves into Aquarius, it will form an easy-breezy sextile degree angle to your Sun.
Expect to meet well-connected collaborators and hardworking kindred spirits who want to join you on your outsized mission. This time, as Saturn returns for the long haul, his energy is lifted by buoyant and lucky Jupiter, which starts a yearlong visit to Aquarius on Saturday, December Between now and December 28, , prepare to attract and assemble a dream team. Even cooler?
Your December 2020 Horoscope Is Here, And 2021 Can’t Come Soon Enough
From some telescopes, it will appear that these two planets are right on top of each other. As the galactic guardian of expansion Jupiter aligns with the ruler of structure and long-term planning Saturn in Aquarius and your house of hopes and wishes, you could build a dream team that supports your amazing visions but has the experience and work ethic to actually make them into a reality. During Capricorn season, the Sun will heat up your ambitious tenth house for a month, putting you in master strategist mode.
Use the power of visionary Jupiter and structured Saturn to dream up something big! With hotheaded Mars in YOUR sign locking horns with vengeful Pluto in Capricorn, you could clash with an authority figure, client or co-worker. Anyone who tries to pull rank or dominate you will get your back up.
Easy there, Aries!
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- Your Horoscope for Each Zodiac Sign | InStyle.
The year ends with an emotional outpouring as the Cancer full moon on Tuesday, December 29, illuminates your fourth house of home and family. Dress up, have a dance party, make something decadent to eat. Out with the old, in with the new! Mars—the lusty action planet AND your galactic guardian—wraps up his last full month in Aries.
You might be feeling equal parts exhausted and on top of your game. Mars first blasted into your sign on June 27 and will stick around until January 6, giving you one last chance to get really clear on your desires and goals.
Jump to your Sun/Rising sign (yep, read this twice):
The good news? After five months of being in the hot seat and maybe even getting more attention than you bargained for, you may finally have a clearer idea of what you want and the terms that work for you in a relationship. When Mars visits your sign, you can become magnetically attractive but also acquire a fierce sense of independence. Ah, the burdens of being in demand! Meantime, romantic Venus will spend the first half of the month in Scorpio and your intimate eighth house. With sizzling Mars heating up your sign and Venus in this erotic zone, your boudoir may be one busy hub of action.
The combination of courageous Mars and partnership-minded Venus in this deep-diving zone could inspire you to be more vulnerable and talk more openly about the complexity and intensity of your emotions. A more independent vibe arrives in the second half of the month, when Venus moves into Sagittarius from December 15 to January 9.
Pro tip: The more romantic, the better! And when all else fails, you can custom-design a sexy staycation. Sensual Venus and dreamy Neptune unite in two of the most fantasy-fueled zones of your chart, delivering high romance.
Dell horoscope
You can resist everything except temptation under these stars. Did you feel a boost of energy when the Sun moved into optimistic Sagittarius on November 22? Keep an open mind, because this eclipse could present an exciting opportunity out of the blue to take a major leap forward.
Feeling entrepreneurial? Let your indie biz side loose! Motivator Mars is spending its last full month in Aries, and will wrap up an extended six-month stay on January 6. Since late June, your independent spirit has been ablaze, inspiring you to advance your ideas and voice your passions. More headline news arrives between December 17 and Tough Saturn and growth-driven Jupiter finally escape cautious Capricorn and your responsible career house after a long and tiring year.
Then, on December 21, Saturn and Jupiter will unite in a once-everyyears meetup called the Great Conjunction.
Astrology News
This cosmic melding of lucky Jupiter and dependable Saturn promises big, lasting changes in the ways you connect and work—ones with both substance AND staying power. Lights, sounds, and smells have the effect of conjuring up happy memories, and the overall feeling is one of serenity and peace. The sun is square Chiron at p. Before midnight, the sun in Capricorn creates a square to Chiron in Aries, creating anxieties around proving ourselves and measuring up. Yet we forget that although traditions solidify our place in the chain of our lineage, we individually act as unique links, and the function of a link is not only to connect but to bring our own design to the sequence.
The essence of tradition is not to emulate, but to honor our participation, which means leaving space to create new memories, to pass down some of our Self to the generations that come after us. As there is no way to preserve the past, we should not try to preserve its feeling, but to make our own magic from our daily engagement. All the aspects mentioned are calculated in Standard Pacific Time, for greater accuracy please adjust to your own location. Yesterday Today Tomorrow.