During this period, it is very important to remember that you need more time for yourself to relax. Because it resides in Aquarius, a sign that governs technology, friendship, and the exchange of ideas, Mercury will have a stronger impact on these aspects. Mercury retrograde, although it puts us in less pleasant situations, finally has a noble, paramount purpose in the evolution of each of us: it forces us to reevaluate our plans for the future, especially the long-term ones.
Aquarius represents the wishes and dreams for the future, but also the group of people — relatives, friends, colleagues, collaborators, etc. Rest gives you peace, and it helps you approach differently any interactions with those around you. This way, you can avoid any tensions that could occur in the communication and negotiation sectors during the following period. You will probably feel a lot of frustration during the Mercury retrograde period.
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You will have less optimistic days, which will dim your mental competency and the desire to act. Always remember that there are solutions. You need to be ambitious so that you can see everything that is happening from different angles and perspectives. Mercury retrograde will make the people born in the Aries sign weight what they give and what they receive in exchange. This brief analysis will determine a change in attitude towards certain people. If until now, they ignored everything related to debts, payments, and loans, they will not be able to do the same from now on.
Taurus needs to pay attention to details when it comes to signing some important contracts, and if they want to make a profit, the people born under this zodiac sign need to play up their negotiation skills. They might witness some truths that will come out, and things will become more exciting. It is time for the Gemini to reorganize their lives, and Mercury retrograde will help them in this regard. A series of childhood problems will come back in the life of Leos during this period. The winter solstice on December 21 is extraordinary this year as it also marks the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, an exact alignment that only happens every 20 years.
Hang the metaphorical mistletoe as these giants unite in your fifth house of love, passion and fame. With the Sun in jovial Sagittarius and your social third house until Monday, December 21, this would normally be prime time to mix and mingle. But with the world under strict orders to avoid holiday travel and gatherings, this festive season is in danger of being a buzzkill—and that so does NOT jibe with your Libra vibe. Hang in there, Libra. Writing is also indicated by both Mercury and the third house. You already hate to disappoint anyone, but you could lapse into people-pleasing overdrive today.
February 19 Birthday Horoscope 2020-2021
Honor your limits and devote part of the day to self-care. After a couple slow weeks in the stars, everything starts taking off. It all begins on Monday, December 14, when the Sagittarius total solar new moon eclipse sweeps through your third house of communication and community. Keep your devices charged, Libra. An out-of-the-blue message may come through with news that changes the courses of events.
It could be a friend, colleague or even a sibling. Whatever transpires will unfold over the next six months. Get proactive! This week, TWO planets—lucky Jupiter and structured Saturn—will both move into Aquarius for a long visit, heating up your fifth house of passion, self-expression and fame. Joy to the world! Both of these planets spent in Capricorn and your fourth house of home and family.
The upside: Your interior and emotional life was greatly enriched and your bonds deepened—especially with female relatives and friends.
This Thursday, December 17, Saturn ends its three-year run through Capricorn and moves into vibrant Aquarius a fellow air sign until March 6, And in a rare convergence, this Saturday, December 19, expansive Jupiter also exits Capricorn and moves into Aquarius until December 28, Get ready to emerge back onto the scene, even if you do so virtually. These two powerhouse planets only travel through the same zodiac sign simultaneously every 20 years. Could the spotlight come looking for you?
Mark your calendar for Monday, December 21, when Jupiter and Saturn unite at the closest point in their orbits since This event, called the Great Conjunction , only happens every 20 years. You could be recognized publicly for your talents around this date.
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A budding romance could turn official, or you could meet someone who makes you feel those butterflies but also has long-term relationship potential. Do your part with some creative visualization. What would YOU like to be celebrated and known for? Which desires do you want the universe to manifest? The Great Conjunction could be your cosmic catalyst. One part of you wants to put on the body-con LBD or stage a glam photo shoot while another side is all about the yoga pants, fuzzy slippers and your bed.
This alignment will bring you optimism, generosity, and good fortune. A second trine on the same day between dreamy Neptune and lovely Venus who is also in your sign on this date, lighting up your sign with romance will sprinkle fairy dust over your life and help to activate your most pleasurable fantasies.
Libra Monthly Horoscope
Love planet Venus and power planet Mars are aligning for a once-every-two-years tryst in your zodiac sign on July 13, Leo — so get ready to feel a climax of magic when it comes to both romance and creativity. This rare and lucky aspect launches you into a new relationship cycle that can bring much-welcome fresh energy to your love life and re-invigorate your creativity when it comes to passion projects. You'll be bursting with inspiratio and romance, making life feel super exciting and ensuring that pleasure and romance are waiting for you around every corner.
Take advantage of this creative boost as you usher in a new cycle. Lucky planet Jupiter will dip into Pisces twice this year, lighting up your house of partnerships and bringing loads of new opportunities in love — which can help you smooth out any issues in relationships and deepen your romantic bonds. This energy will peak on July 12 when your ruling planet Mercury will form a harmonious trine aspect with Jupiter in Pisces, bringing clarity, open-mindedness, and depth to your communication within partnerships.
Having your ruling planet Venus in your sign brings out your artistic sensibilities, romantic feels, and your taste for luxury, Libra — so when Venus forms a magical trine aspect with Jupiter on September 6, those feelings will go into overdrive. The two benefic planets are aligning in your favor today, boosting your pleasure to new heights and bringing you a love-story-esque romance of epic proportions. And with lucky Jupiter in your house of dating and creativity, you'll be capable of succeeding at anything that brings you joy today.
Your ruling planet Pluto is known for its intensity, but when it aligns with your sun sign on November 17 in a positive sextile aspect, you're going to feel like you've fully stepped into your power, Scorpio. This potent alignment during your birthday season helps you mesh your shadow side with your external self, making it possible to turn your pain into rich inspiration that can transform you. An added boost of energy comes from fiery Mars in your sign, which is forming another harmonious sextile with love planet Venus. This flirty aspect will bring an added dose of both passion and pleasure to your endeavors today, making it a perfect day to chase after any and all of your personal goals.
During the spring, your ruling planet Jupiter planet of good luck himself will move into dreamy Pisces, lighting up your emotional life and bringing comfort and good fortune to your living situation.
Libra Horoscope
On May 21, just a week after Jupiter's lucky move in your chart, you'll have a boost of energy to your love life, as the creative sun, romantic Venus, and communication-focused Mercury will cluster together in your house of partnerships. A powerful trine aspect between Venus and Saturn on the same day will give your relationships lasting power, while the moon in your house of public recognition will show off your best qualities to others.
If you want to make a move in love, today's the day to shoot your shot and build something long lasting. While your ruling planet Saturn isn't necessarily known for bringing good luck, it'll be aligning with romantic Venus in a harmonious trine aspect on August This will activate your house of career and public recognition and practically guaranteeing success in everything you touch at work. You're feeling deeply connected to your professional endeavors right now and deriving great value from your contributions, and this fortunate alignment will solidify your standing, boost your creativity, and help you forge a career path for yourself that's built to last.
Today is full of opportunities for recognition, so make some power moves, Capricorn!