Therefore we should look for Ishta Devata in this Varga. If there is a graha in the Jivanmuktamsa, it signifies the Devata. If there are more grahas than one, we choose the strongest.
Palana Devata Ritual
If there is no graha in the Jivanmuktamsa, you can see whether any Grahas are aspecting the 12th. If no Grahas aspect it, you can take the 12th Lord as Ishta Devata. Here are the presiding deities for each planet who will be your Ishta Devata as per your horoscope. The process of worship is simple and is based on the chanting of the Dvadakshari Mantra for the appropriate Devata.
In the given example chart Mercury is the AK. Its is placed in Pisces in Navamsa Chart.
Dharma Devata - Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha) -
As no planet is placed in Aquarius take the lord Shani. So his Ishta Devata would be Shani Dev.
Nature has its own ways. Even if incorrect ishta devta is propitiated by someone, eventually the right Ishta devta and Guru will find the person when the appropriate time comes. Propitiating any Isht Devta would be a sattvik act which would lead to spiritual solace.
Praying with unstinted sincerity, clear conscience and belief, will evoke the right Isht Devta, I feel. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
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Atmakaraka Detailed Analysis-Finding your Ishta Devata from Vedic Astrology.pdf
Home Astrology Fundamentals Combinations for a spiritual person and finding Ishta devta from Horoscope. Ishta Devta: There are several theories regarding finding the Ishta Devta from a horoscope.

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Example 2: I have placed D-1 and D-9 charts side-by-side for easy reference. I am placing degrees of planets as per D-1 below; As we can see here, Mars comes out to be the Atmakaraka AK planet with highest degrees in D Like this: Like Loading Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Email required Address never made public.