Taurus characteristics female compatibility

She enjoys the closeness of relationships and thrives on affection and intimacy. The Taurus woman also loves being right and is usually too willful to change her mind about that, so you best practice the art of appeasement when required. She is most compatible with Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, and Pisces.

The nurturing ways of a Taurus woman make her a great giver in any relationship as long as her partner is committed to the union and makes her feel secure and protected.

Understanding TAURUS Woman -- Personality Traits, Love, Career, Fashion and more!

She can give the cold shoulder like no one else. She may seem quiet and subdued at times, but not when it comes to protecting what she claims as hers. Chances are, ten years down the line, those friends from high school who are still your BFF will be Taurean women. The bull takes friendships seriously, and she is constant, loyal, and devoted.

Taurus Woman: Personality Traits, Love & More

In return, all she asks is that you remain as true to the herd as she is to you and all will be well. A Taurus woman is extremely captivating in the bedroom. Her lovers are often surprised by her virtuosity, expecting a steady, plodding physical relationship but finding an intense sexual being instead. She likes her play times to be brightened up with conversations, and sly seductions. Taureans treat sex as a fantasy land, a way of escaping from the more mundane aspects of life, and yet still manage to bring a whole lot of earthiness to the mix. She takes pleasure in the warmth of physical contact, but her more adventurous side might require prompting.

The Taurus woman knows what she likes and will make sure her partner knows exactly what that is! Passionate and always tender, Taurus is seductive and will pamper her lover both in the bedroom and out of it. Sex with the Taurus woman is a deeply sensuous experience. Her appreciation of the simple pleasures in life, combined with legendary stamina, is a real plus. Too often people become restless in their sex life, failing to appreciate the basic pleasures of sex.

Not so with Taurus, who can truly keep a long-term sexual relationship alive, not necessarily with variety but with untiring passion. She is looking for her ideal partner, and wants a steady, romantic, and fulfilling relationship. She finds it hard to get over a failed romance, but as a romantic at heart, soon gets herself back into the game again. Because of her sometimes expensive taste the Taurus woman is prepared to give her all in return for a good salary upon which she can rely, working overtime when necessary and giving her full commitment. She is not usually an innovator or a natural leader, but she is a hard worker.

Dependable and persevering, the Taurus woman excels in whatever task she takes on. With a creative eye and enjoying the stability of a day-to-day routine, she would do well as a florist or antique collector. But this lady loves money, so combining that with her positive characteristics and the Taurus woman is ideally suited for positions in banking, stock brokerage, insurance agencies, accounting, and real estate.

But the list does continue: teacher, herbalist, chef, doctor, architect, musician, caregiver. While a Taurus is capable of following orders and can be wedged back in the corner of an office doing data entry, there will always be a reason for taking this type of job. She can stay in one job for a long time because she knows that only by being patient will the job description evolve and the pay increase steadily. The Taurus woman is generally good at finance, and giving financial advice.

She knows how to work the system and get the best out of it. She is not a wasteful spender, but she does like luxurious living. However, she will not risk her security to fund it. She would much rather do without than put at risk the security of her lifestyle she values so much.

Investments will be sound choices offering the comfort of safe returns over any risk ventures. Go cheap on the lady and you might find your gift in the garbage and replaced with one she bought herself. Taurus Woman is an excellent mother, but she does expect obedience and good behavior from her children.

That being said, she will be their best friend their whole lives through and will teach them her own strength and resilience, and protect them from whatever the outside world chooses to throw at them. Taurus women have many fond memories of their childhood and often carry on many of the traditions of their family.

She is loyal to family members but will go her own way in certain areas if it suits her purpose. She is not easily swayed if her mind is made up. She is sentimental to a degree, but not to the point of becoming controlled by it. After all, she is very practical. The Taurus woman loves nature and the outdoors, but rather than the wild randomness of uncultivated land she likes to be among well-ordered fields, orchards, and vineyards.

She takes a great, fulfilling pride in a beautiful garden, especially a tasteful mix of productive vegetables and fruits with lovely flowers. Taurus rules the throat, and Taurus women tend to have musical and melodious voices. Their throats might also be vulnerable. They should take care not to become too stressed or worried, as this can result in insomnia and depression.

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Far from wallowing in the mud, the Taurus woman is, in reality, a little bit of a label snob. She loves the finest imported fabrics and only buys quality clothes. Tailor-made suits are an investment because she understands that the perfect fit will never go out of style. Practical, classy, and tasteful, Taureans prefer embellished flats to silly stilettos, and impeccably cut pants to miniskirts. They love accessories that highlight their best features, often their graceful necks, and own necklaces and scarves by the dozens. Subtle and smart, this Earth sign favors neutral colors like cream, ivory, and khaki, accented by rich browns or luscious gold.

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Her main gemstone is emerald. Emeralds are especially appropriate worn as necklaces because the body part ruled by Taurus is the neck. Emeralds have traditionally been associated with loyalty, belief in immortality, love, and faith. Her main color is green. Taurus generally looks best in earthy colors, denim, and white. Interestingly too, she usually sniffs out new clothes, and is more aware than most about how certain fabrics absorb smells! She sticks to her favorite clothes and jewelry, and many a Taurus woman will own more than one of each of these favorite pieces.

She loves fresh, uncomplicated, and clean scents, and is the first to notice an unusual or offending smell. The Taurus Woman — Sun sign dates. Those born in early May actually might be more perfectionistic, nervous, and punctual than other Taureans. Ruled by sensuous Venus, the Taurus woman was born to love, and to be loved. Lush and curvaceous, her idea of a workout is walking to the beauty salon.

She is used to turning heads, and knows how to make the most of her Venus-blessed assets. The Taurus woman loves to shop, but not for her the rush and bustle of the sales. She likes to savor the experience, spending time choosing just the perfect pair of shoes, just the right bag, or the perfect blouse to go with the pants she just bought. She is artful at disguising her curves if she needs to, and making herself look as sleek as a Persian cat when those curves become too ample.

The Taurus woman is always watching her diet, but she makes sure she saves some calories for her favorite food, like chocolate. Soft sensuous fabrics make the most of her sumptuous femininity. For casual wear, the Taurus woman likes comfort, and she is not very comfortable in lycra. She likes to touch a garment before she decides to buy it. The Taurus woman has highly developed senses of touch, sight, and smell. She loves a fabric that feels luxurious; colors that make the most of her own coloring; and most of all she loves the smell of new clothes.

Traits of a Taurus Woman | LoveToKnow

She will browse for hours without buying anything, just enjoying the luxury of indulging her senses. The Taurean woman loves cosmetics, skin care, and fragrances, and tends to stick with her favorites. She will always have a signature perfume, whether her taste runs to a light floral or a heavy duty Venus trap fragrance that she employs without shame.

She loves an indulgent beauty routine, always making time to moisturize her whole body. She knows the soft and sensuous touch of her skin is one of her greatest assets.

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She loves old-fashioned jewelry, especially pieces that have a romantic history. Lastly, don't be afraid to stick to your guns whenever you're faced with a hard decision or an opinion you don't agree with. Your stubbornness is there for a reason: it prevents you from being easily persuaded and possibly deceived by others.

When in doubt, simply ask for evidence; you can always change your mind if you truly want to. Just don't do it because someone tells you to! If you have a Taurus in your life or are crushing on one! The first thing to remember is that Taureans love to work hard and love to unwind just as hard. So if you can, bond with a Taurus over a shared work ethic and a love of chillaxing Netflix, anyone? Second, be prepared to answer some tough questions.

If a Taurus is considering letting you into their world, they're going to vet you by grilling you. Remember that not just anyone gets past these Bulls! If you can hold your own, chances are pretty good you just made a new Taurean friend.

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Finally, expect some stubbornness. Taureans are not always going to be willing to change their ways or minds just because you're their friend, partner, boss, etc. This applies to Taurean children as well, who might even go so far as to challenge your authority as a parent. If that's the case, it's a good idea to have a serious sit-down talk with them to explain your point of view and, in turn, listen to theirs.