Aquarius aquarius cusp compatibility

These humans will instead enjoy peace and loneliness, but spend time in physical activities, which they consider useless; they are simply more willing to acquire knowledge and assets. These people like to have, to gain, and to be recognized by many in the sense that they made a difference in the world, not in some glamorous way.

Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp Dates

They love any activity where they can show their strength, endurance and perseverance, as well as in other jobs that require patience and concentration. Many happenings in their lives will be the cause of this, and they make things even worse when they criticize things and events around them.

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Also, there is something in which a large number of people believe, that is, in some situations; these people show themselves as big pessimists, they do not expect anything good, but luckily the moments when they are thinking so very rare. They are materialists and maybe more than many other characters — those who are born on the cusp between Capricorn and Aquarius sign love money and spend it very carefully — sometimes they are too cheap.

They are organized and with them, everything has its place, these people hate the mess, and will criticize all those who create it any sense of that word, literal and metaphorical. They are very basic even before they make a decision or conclusion, the first deal with all the facts at their disposal. In the end, these people can be overly critical to others. The fact is that they expect others to live according to their regulations, and even further, they have a very high conception of themselves, and therefore, they often view others from the heights.

Interest in a material can take them to the extreme, and this is the place where they morally collapse.

The Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp

They can also be greedy, and sometimes they think they know best what is good for others, and they are talking about this advice giving very seriously. Some representatives of this combination act as bosses in an attempt to correct and organize others. In the end, we must say that these people can be terribly stubborn, even when it sees it totally wrong. If you know someone who is born in the cusp between Capricorn and Aquarius, then you are surely wondering how they, so cold and reserved, actually, make love and romantic relationships with people at all.

The answer and the fact is that they do this very hard; it is a long process that does not always have a pleasing result. And when they do, they remain faithful forever — this is a fact of life and something that should be taken into some serious consideration when we are discussing their love life.

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If you expect the statements of love, you will not hear from them, they are just not those lovers, but what they will do is that they will show their love with deeds. If you expect some emotion, emotional overflow and the like, stop dreaming immediately — these human beings are damn complicated to have that. To say it simply, this combination does not make them emotional and romantic.

  1. Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp and Its Complexities Explained | LoveToKnow.
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  6. The Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp.
  7. As far as their sensual pleasures go, these people are durable in every field of life, and with them, sex can last for a long time. They are practical, and they are more for some classics and comfort than for experimenting — but this does not mean, by any mean, that these people are annoying, especially if the lover is the right one.

    The Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp

    Remember, they simply do not talk about love and affection, even if they recognize that they have it inside. Ok, so we know what are like people who are born on the border between Capricorn and Aquarius sign in love, but who is the one perfect lover that could understand and accept their complexity and occasional coldness? This innate desire is often coupled with a sense of isolation Though they are goal-oriented, those who embody the Aquarius - Pisces cusp are major procrastinators.

    Aquarius Pisces Cusp Woman

    Sometimes this procrastination is built-in, given the innate disorganization that disrupts any organic flow that might have carried them to the finish line. But who has time for organizing things when your mind is filled with so many great ideas? There is so much creative energy to this cusp, so much compassion and emotion, that the chores that make daily life run smoothly can easily fall to the wayside.

    Capricorn ♑ / Aquarius ♒ Cusp

    If you are dually ruled by both Uranus and Neptune , know this: You are loved. Some astrologers consider the first three days the Sun is in a new sign as being on the cusp, but if you understand the astrological Decans , you'll know why being born when the Sun is at the beginning of Aquarius is very different.

    What Being on the Cusp of Aquarius and Pisces Means for Your Personality

    The Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp is said to be the cusp of mystery and imagination. This is where the practical, conservative, and hardworking Capricorn nature meets with the intellectual, forward-thinking, and idealistic nature of Aquarius. It's where practical application meets intellect and vision. Metaphorically, you can think of this as a successful businessman sitting next to and conversing with a scientist at a dinner party and being seeded with new futuristic ideas. The influence of the ruler of Capricorn, Saturn , gives the Capricorn-Aquarius personality a feeling of duty and responsibility, but Uranus, the Ruler of Aquarius , adds innovation and unpredictability.

    Those born on the Capricorn-Aquarius cusp can appear sensible and reasonable Saturn one moment and erratic and uncontrolled the next Uranus.

    This cusp often creates Capricorns who are uncharacteristically wild, witty, and talkative. These are Capricorns who are prone to light bulb moments, are seldom at a loss for words, and seem to generate excitement wherever they go. Those born on this cusp can be conservative or radical, but whatever their leanings, their viewpoints tend to be controversial, stimulating, and often delivered dramatically.

    Capricorn-Aquarius creates a "think it - do it" personality that feels responsible for the poor and downtrodden. They are individuals who will contribute money, time, and energy to helping the less fortunate. But at the same time, they have little sympathy for freeloaders who refuse to pull their own weight.